Haspel facing opposition by Democrat women; she’s a Trump nominee who doesn’t fit the liberal progressive mold

Democrats are once again putting the spotlight on their two-faced positions on individuals who don’t fit their mold.

We saw it with Rep. Maxine Waters’ attack on Kanye West, saying “he should think twice about politics and maybe not have so much to say.” West is black, but doesn’t fit the mold … he’s not black enough.

An arrogant Senator Harris, right, questions Haspel on Wednesday. (epeak.in)

On Wednesday, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who has frequently been the voice of equality for women, lead the Senate Intelligence Committee attack on Gina Haspel, who would become the first woman to head the Central Intelligence Agency. Haspel doesn’t fit the Harris mold of a weak-kneed Democrat career employee.

Harris claims Haspel “is not the best signal to the workforce of that agency, to the American people or to our neighbors around the globe.” Ridiculous.

Clearly, Harris doesn’t have a clue. Haspel’s colleagues at the agency are proud of her nomination, and the fact that she has worked her way up in the agency over several decades. And that, along with her dedication to keeping this country safe, is impressive to Americans.

Regarding “our neighbors around the globe,” Haspel has worked closely with fellow intelligence organizations around the world and paid tribute to them in her testimony Wednesday.

Other Democrat women, including Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) are also wavering on the Haspel confirmation. All while Republican Sen. Susan Collins has indicated she will vote to confirm Haspel.

“Why do our senators need to be reminded that 3,000 Americans died on 9/11, and the water-boarded terrorist perpatrator Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is still alive.”

To Democrats, especially women, Haspel doesn’t represent their mold, their ideology.

I am reminded of Madeleine Albright’s comment, “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women,” while campaigning for Hillary Clinton.  ATTENTION MADELIENE: Reserve a place for Kamala Harris.

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, while criticizing women this week for allowing Donald Trump to be elected, opined, “if we as women are still suspicious of one another, if we still have this crazy, crazy bar that we don’t have for men … if we’re not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president (or CIA Director?), compared to what?”

“I’m concerned about us, as women, and what we think about ourselves and about each other,” the former first lady told a summit of women in Los Angeles.

Feinstein’s challenging of Haspel’s qualifications, while voting to confirm John Brennan to be CIA Director, is a prime example of Michelle Obama’s belief that women “are held to a higher standard than men.”

While the discussion of women who don’t fit the Democrat mold is interesting and real, we all know that Haspel’s confirmation is being blocked because she is a Trump nominee. Doubly shameful.

SIDE NOTE: RINO Sen. John McCain, who most likely won’t be on hand when Haspel’s confirmation comes to the floor for a vote, feels obligated to tell the press of his opposition to her nomination because of her association with terrorist interrogation at the agency. Never mind that McCain voted to confirm Brennan, who was more closely related to those activities while at the agency. Another sad account of McCain’s tainted legacy.

“The CIA is not the PTA,” – Dr. James Mitchell, former CIA enhanced interrogation contractor.