Ohio wins Court approval to purge voter rolls … 15 Dems belatedly advise Trump on North Korea … Attkisson comments on fake news … and McCaskill rooted for poor economy like Maher

Here are my observations and opinions on selected news of the day.

 THE FLIPSIDE’S morning report nailed it again in its coverage of the Supreme Court’s decision on Ohio’s purging infrequent voters from the registration rolls.

The left is concerned that the Court’s ruling will depress voter turnout and allow states to discriminate against the disenfranchised and other voters who typically lean Democrat.

“Voting rights groups said the ruling (will) keep lower-income and disadvantaged residents away from the polls,” wrote the New Republic.

“(It) will unfortunately empower Republican officials across the country to continue making it harder for American citizens to vote,” said NBC News.

And so it goes … the left-leaning media continues insult their minority voters, essentially labeling them too stupid to simply return a postcard.

In the Ohio policy at issue, the state sends voters a post card if they do not engage in voter activity for two years. If they do not return the postcard or vote for four additional years, they are removed from the voter rolls and must re-register to vote.

While stating that no registrant may be removed solely by reason of a failure to vote, states can remove voters who have not responded to a notice and who have not voted in two consecutive federal elections.

“STATISTICS SHOW that some 2.75 million people are listed in two different states at the same time and a total of 24 million names -one out every eight names on registrar’s lists nationwide – have some major inaccuracy,” according to the Washington Times.

I often think of the snowbirds who reside in the North but spend the federal election month (November) in Florida or Arizona. Are they registered to vote in both residences?

DID YOU SEE HIM? I’m referring to Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) who appeared on two Fox News Channel programs sounding like a level-headed, reasonable Democrat as he supported President Trump’s effort to negotiate with Kim Jung Un, and spoke of a letter he and 14 other Democrats sent to the president regarding the summit. A slick approach to show opposition support, I thought.

I was curious who else signed the letter and what was stated in the letter. When I saw the signatures of Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Barbara Lee (D-TX) next to Khanna’s, my curiosity heightened as to the content of the letter.

The letter begins innocently enough. “We are encouraged by your efforts to pursue direct diplomacy with North Korea with the dual goals of resolving the nearly seven-decade-long conflict and achieving the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula,” they wrote. But that’s where the civility ends.

Following were eight single-spaced paragraphs with their recommendations for a successful summit. I won’t list them here.

Oh, and by the way, “Allies and partners are vital in making a durable peace. That is why we are gravely concerned with your violation of the Iran nuclear agreement,” the Democrat experts offered.

And finally … “We once again must remind you that in the unfortunate event of setback or collapse of talks, you do not have the authority under the U.S. Constitution or U.S. law to strike North Korea.

“Accordingly, we stand ready to provide support for potentially historic progress made through diplomacy, but will continue to stand with our ally South Korea in vehemently opposing any threats of illegal and unacceptable action.”

AN ASIDE: The letter signed by 15 Democrat diplomatic brain trusts was dated June 11, 2018, while the president was enroute to Singapore.

Sharyl Attkisson critical of colleagues. (realclearpolitics.com)

IN SHARYL ATTKISSON’S WEBSITE, she writes that the media has fact-checked President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet – and he’s certainly given us plenty to write about. She offers this advice:

“As self-appointed arbiters of truth, we’ve largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple years ago.”

 She followed with her definitive list of “50 Notable Mistakes and Missteps in Major Media Reporting on Donald Trump.” Check them out at her website.

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO), seeking re-election in November, rooted for bad economic news ala Bill Maher in 2011. “Well, the good news is, our (carbon) emissions are way down because of the recession,” she said, “I mean, really, if you want to find a silver lining in the cloud, the number that we were looking for (with cap and trade legislation) … we are well ahead of our goal … because we have had such a real drop in manufacturing output.”

THE LOONIES ON THE LEFT WRITE: “Robert DeNiro for President!” – James Kimes, Prescott Valley, in the Arizona Republic; “Is the era of American exceptionalism dead under Donald Trump?” – Chuck Todd, NBC News