Democrats ignore rule of law with immigrants … Republican response disappointing … Obama’s influence on Clinton decision … and side notes from the IG Report

Here are my observations and opinions on selected items in the news.

DEMOCRATS WANT TO BYPASS RULE OF LAW when it comes to the current situation on our southern border involving the separation of children from their parents, although in a number of cases we don’t know that there are legitimate child-parent relationships represented at the sites.

About that law that the Democrats want to ignore; the one they claim President Trump can get around with a simple change in policy. You need to know that the law was pushed through Congress in 2008 by a majority Democrat House and Democrat Senate and signed by President George W. Bush.

I found it interesting that former First Lady Laura Bush wrote an op-ed in the Washington Post in which she refers to the separation of children as “cruel” and “immoral.” Sadly, she made a comparison to the internment camps we set up during World War II to house U.S. citizens and non-citizens of Japanese descent.

Shamefully, former CIA Director Michael Hayden drew a comparison to Nazi prison camps and a time when Jewish children were separated from their parents, herded unto rail cars and taken away.

And Jeb Bush, too, decided to voice concern. @JebBush he wrote, “Children shouldn’t be used as a negotiating tool … Donald Trump should end this heartless policy (note that he said policy, not law) and Congress should get an immigration deal done that provides asylum reform, border security and (naturally) a path to citizenship for dreamers.”

I hope you noted Jeb’s inference that the Trump administration is using children as a “negotiating tool.” Democrats, with their references to children being “held in cages,” and the ridiculous claim that children were being “ripped from the arms of their parents” are truly the ones using the children as pawns.

President Trump has repeatedly stated that he “hates what’s going on with the children at the border,” but continues to blame Democrats for lack of action because it’s obvious that no legislation can be passed without them.

OBAMA’S INFLUENCE – In my last post I wrote of former President Obama’s promise that “in no uncertain terms that the FBI probe (of Hillary Clinton) will be free from all political interference.”

No document will be found to show that Obama instructed the DOJ or FBI not to indict Clinton. All a president need do is make a comment here and there to make sure subordinates are aware of his desires.

That was obvious during his 2010 State of the Union address, when he voiced disgust with the Supreme Court decision on Citizens United. Soon thereafter, the IRS began targeting conservative groups seeking tax exempt status.

Interestingly, during Tuesday’s House Judicial Committee hearing on the IG Report, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) brought forward examples of words Obama used on CBS’s 60 Minutes, April 10, 2016, regarding the Clinton investigation.

Obama used the word “carelessness” several times in reference to Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server, and that she had not intended to endanger national security.

Then, on July 5, 2016, former FBI Director James Comey used “extremely careless” in describing her use of a private server and her mishandling of classified information.

And, while the statute did not require intent in order for it to be violated, Comey said she didn’t intend to endanger national security.

I can imagine Comey following up with Obama with a “how did I do, Mr. President?”

WITHIN THE IG REPORT was the finding that some 200 DOJ and FBI employees accepted gifts and golf outings while exchanging information with members of the media. Not surprising. You can be certain that our elected legislators accept favors from lobbyists.

ANOHER LITTLE-KNOWN piece of information emanating from the IG Report was Michael Horowitz’s citing of former Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik for demonstrating poor judgement. Kadzik gave Clinton campaign manager John Podesta a “heads up” on the release schedule of Clinton e-mails.

In April 2015, Kadzik also contacted Clinton’s spokesman Brian Fallon with a request to hire his son, who was anxious to go to work for Hillary. He was never offered a position.

FINALLY – I think you will find this interesting in view of the happenings on the border.  Click here.

                   May God bless the United States of America