George Will a Never Trumper … support from another blogger … border situation not hurting GOP … Sen. Murray the hypocrite … and Arizona Dems favor McCain more than Republicans

Here are by observations and opinions of selected news of the day.

WHERE THERE’S A WILL I SAY ‘NO’ TO THIS WILL – During the days of remembering the life of columnist and political commentator Charles Krauthammer, someone placed him in the same company as William F. Buckley. I fully agree. But when I heard Sen. Mitch McConnell name George Will in the same breath as Krauthammer, I shuddered. No way.

Long-time subscribers may recall my June 27, 2016 piece, “George Will quits Republican party; not to worry.” It wasn’t Will’s abandonment of the GOP that troubled me, it was his reference to President Trump as a “bloviating ignoramus.”

Will, who is often referred to as an intellectual, has a tendency to write over the heads of most readers. Identified with the Beltway establishment, he simply couldn’t understand the Trump fervor across the country.

During an appearance at a 2016 Federalist Society luncheon, he told attendees to “make sure he (Trump) loses.”

Krauthammer wasn’t a fan of Trump, but he kept his commentary civil and actually came around a bit after he was elected.

SUPPORT FROM ANOTHER BLOGGER – A long-time liberal living in New York, who saw the light, and began writing under the label NEO-NEOCON, caught my eye with her piece, “George Will urges voters to oust the Republicans in November.”

When I began reading it, I knew we were simpatico. “I never read him much … he never appealed to me. I found his writing boring and uninsightful for the most part,” she said.

“George Will now appears to be vying for the leadership of the Never Trump movement, and he’s taking it out on the entire GOP,” NEO-CON wrote after reading his latest column in the Washington Post.

Quoting from Will’s convoluted column, she described it “dripping with highfalutin disdain and crafted with wordsmith care and pride.” Will’s message to the GOP – never cooperate with the vile Trump.

With George Will I’ve finally found someone with whom I could attach the name “popinjay.”

Just a reminder that Obama faced unruly immigration crowds too. (Reuters/Kevin Lamarque)

BORDER SITUATION HASN’T HURT GOPJosh Kraushaar, tweeting @HotlineJosh, commented on a “CBS poll conducted June 21-22, 2018, AFTER peak family separation crisis. Democrat advantage ‘down’ top four points on generic ballot.”

SEN. PATTY MURRAY, the woeful senator from Washington State, who has condemned the privately-run immigration detention centers, is the biggest beneficiary of private prison campaign cash in recent years, according to Jim Brunner of the Seattle Times. One such company operates the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma.

“The political donations to Murray may seem jarring, given her loud condemnations of President Trump over separations of migrant children from parents, as well as her criticisms of federal taxpayer money going to private prisons,” wrote Brunner. Murray was the top recipient of private-prison firm money in 2016

EXCELLENT POINT – Tweeting @andreklavan – “These are not troubled times. These are good times during which the left is angry.”

NO SUSRPRISE HERE – A CBS poll reveals that Democrats (62 percent) in Arizona have a more favorable opinion than Republicans (20 percent) of Sen. John McCain. More than twice as many Democrats (35 percent) than Republicans (16 percent) rate Sen. Jeff Flake favorably. “The Flake” gets an unfavorable rating from more than half of the state’s voters.

                    May God bless the United States of America.