SPECIAL REPORT: Desperate Democrat party brings Obama Out of Retirement

Here are a few astonishing excerpts from the former president’s speech.

Could former president have Trump Derangement Syndrome?

I WAS PLAYING GOLF, thank God, when former President Obama appeared on television at the University of Illinois to accept … wait for it … the school’s ethics in government award and speak on his view of the state of democracy. Could it be that they actually believed it when he said:

“I’m extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have not had the kinds of scandals that have plagued other administrations.” – President Obama, Nov. 20, 2016

I saw a few news clips that evening and it was the same old Obama, droning on and on in his usual monotone with his occasional fabricated stutter. And I read the transcript of his speech.

He referred to himself – I, Me and My – more than 100 times in his 64-minute speech, with “I” being his favorite word, using it 87 times.

There were a number of anti-Trump remarks, but as we have come to know him over eight miserable years, he patted himself on the back on the economy and took credit for paving the way for Trump’s success.

COMPARING THE TRUMP-OBAMA PRESIDENCIES over the first 600 days, Joe Hoft, writing in the Gateway Pundit, summarized that “in every major economic category, President Trump’s economy is moving in the right direction and is mostly record breaking. In comparison, President Obama’s first 600 days were some of the worst months in U.S. economic history. President Trump reversed the Obama economic nightmare.”

WITH HILLARY, WE WERE ‘THE DEPLORABLES,’ but in former President Obama’s speech Friday, he trashed tens of millions of Americans saying, “Over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican party.”

Of course, you will recall his 2008 insult of people who “cling to their guns or religion” insult.

THEN THERE WAS THIS – Former President Obama, in an unusual revelation on how he attempted to bring about unity, he told of the time he spent turning people on each other and encouraging a culture of victimhood and resentment. “I know I spent a lot of time encouraging you to feel oppressed by each other so you would look to the federal government to fix things and turn a blind eye while massively increased the power of the executive branch.”

Read that again. That’s incredible!

They'll never know, Eric. (yuri gripas/afp/getty images)

HE THINKS WE’RE STUPID WITH NO MEMORY – During his Illinois speech, Obama said, “it should not be a partisan issue to say that we do not pressure the attorney general or the FBI to use the criminal justice system as a cudgel to punish political opponents; obviously referring to President Trump’s running disagreement with his DOJ and FBI.

“Or to explicitly call on the attorney general to protect members of our own party from prosecution because an election happens to be coming up. I’m not making that up. That’s not a hypothetical,” Obama added.

Who does he think he’s kidding? I can think of a number of times when Obama “used” his attorney generals (Holder and Lynch) on cases that were real.

Obama’s first AG, Eric Holder, was held in contempt of Congress. Loretta Lynch, his second AG, still under investigation, clearly made decisions to protect the FBI, Obama and Hillary Clinton.

“The Obama administration abides one rule of governance above all else; we’re going to do whatever we want, and we dare someone to stop us.

“Pick any scandal, be it Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS targeting of conservatives, the lies at the heart of ObamaCare, the dropping of the Black Panther voter intimidation case, the seizing of AP reporter files,” writer Arnold Ahlert recalled in 2014, “the administration has completely avoided anything resembling genuine accountability … everything has been someone else’s fault.”

This is not cozying up with Russians in Obama’s mind. (Foxnews,com)

REMEMBER WHEN Obama leaned over to ask Dmitry Medvedev on an open microphone to tell Putin that he needed some space and that he would have more flexibility after the November elections?

Obama would not consider that as having a cozy relationship with Russia, but on Friday Obama had no problem accusing Trump of “cozying up to Russia … they’re (the Trump administration) cozying up to the former head of the KGB.”

THERE WAS A LITTLE HUMOR in his speech when he said the “Democrat party has always made the biggest difference in the lives of American people, when we led with conviction and principle …. and are you ready for this? … bold new ideas.”

Would that be like the impeachment of the president, the repeal of the tax cut, free college tuition and increasing the minimum wage?

AND HYPROCRISY – He singled out the Koch Brothers as a threat to our democracy without a mention of Dem funders Tom Steyer or George Soros.

Note: “They’ll never know, Eric.” – My caption.   Photo by Yuri Gripas/AFP/Getty Images


                     May God bless the United States of America.