Sinema wrong for Arizona … Social Security benefits to rise … the ‘Chicken Little’ folks are at it again … and Democrat says era of smugness is over

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

SINEMA’S PAST CATCHING UP WITH HER – As each day passes, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is proving to be wrong for Arizona; not the choice thinking Arizonans want to place in the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Jeff “the” Flake.

Martha McSally (

Kramerontheright has endorsed Rep. Martha McSally to be our next senator.

With a load of radical liberal baggage already dogging Sinema’s campaign, we learn in a nationally televised commentary from well-known former prosecutor Andrew McCarthy that Sinema promoted 2003 appearances at Arizona State University by Lynn Stewart the lawyer convicted for aiding Omar Abdel-Rahman, aka the Blind Sheik.

Although Stewart was sentenced to 10 years in prison, she was released on parole after three years because of her diagnosis of breast cancer. Sinema insisted Stewart was not guilty.

THEN THERE’S THIS – In a leaked 2011 speech Sinema gave in Texas, she referred to Arizona Republicans as “crazy,” eliciting laughter and applause from the leftist crowd, according to Guy Benson in Townhall.

Hillary called us “deplorable,” and now we’re “crazy,” too, according to Sinema.

Sinema didn’t stop there. “I want to talk to you about some of the things that I think you can do to stop your state (Texas) from becoming Arizona,” she said.

Arizona voters must simply stop Sinema in her tracks and elevate Martha McSally to the Senate.

RETIRED AMERICANS who collect Social Security can look forward to the biggest increase in benefits in seven years next year, according to Jeffry Bartash at Market Watch.

Retirement benefits are slated to rise 2.8 percent, based on the formula that determines annual cost-of-living adjustments in Social Security. It’s the biggest gain since the 3.6 percent hike in 2012.

Chicken Little (

THE CHICKEN LITTLE CROWD of climate change is at it again. Democrat weather “experts” Senator’s Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bill Nelson (D-FL) are blaming the hurricanes on climate change.

Thank goodness for real science experts.

“Hurricanes are not a result of climate change,” says Ph.D meteorologist Ryan Maue, “(and) if you believe climate change causes hurricanes, then you’re an idiot.”

Even NOAA has concluded that “it is premature to conclude that human activities – particularly greenhouse gas emissions – have already had a detectable impact on Atlantic hurricane or global tropical cyclone activity.”

TRUMP AND THE END OF SMUGNESS is the title of an interesting essay by Devin Stewart published by the blog, War on the Rocks, that I happened on while doing some research on the Internet.

Like most Democrats, Stewart said he reacted to the stunning 2016 election of Donald Trump with “a combination of confusion and dread.” To Stewart, “a Trump victory seemed to portend certain economic disaster, nuclear war, and pretty much the end of America as we knew it.”

But nearly two years into his administration, Stewart writes that “Trump has presided over a ‘winning streak’ that includes a booming economy and stock market, an unemployment level at a nearly 50-year low, two Supreme Court appointments, no new foreign wars or domestic terrorist attacks emanating from abroad, a significant degree of progress on trade relations with Canada and Mexico, a ‘needed reset’ on the China relationship, and the prospect of peace on the Korean Peninsula.”

Much of Stewart’s essay covers Trump’s approach to North Korea, a country Stewart has watched closely for 20 years as an Asia specialist. He writes of laughing nervously with his colleagues about the prospect of nuclear war given Trump’s threats.

While denuclearization in North Korea is still to be attained, Stewart appears to approve of Trump’s approach. He is highly critical of the media that expected the immediate denuclearization. “Much of the mainstream press seems to have adopted a certain smugness in the way they consistently denigrate not just the president’s policies, but also his competence and fitness to be president.”

In conclusion, Stewart believes “Trump’s opponents should stop their condescending attitude. Put up against Trump’s growing string of successes, such as attitude will ring increasingly hollow. For now at least, the era of smugness is over.”
