CNBC poll reveals optimism for economy … the Ohrs … poor Juan and Alexandria … two headlines … the Mueller report … the leftward Dem party … retaining the House … the Times reveals concern … and vote Republican

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

FAILING TO MOUNT A SUSTAINED HYSTERIA over President Trump’s policies and the Kavanaugh confirmation, Democrats turned their attention to Republican midterm candidates with mob intimidation that has led to threats and violence.

While the polls are not clear, a CNBC poll on the generic ballot shows Republicans within six points of Democrats. The Democrat effort to make Trump the issue isn’t working.

“Indeed, the poll found that 48 percent of the public is optimistic about the current economy and optimistic that it will get better, the highest level in the poll’s 11-year history and more than double the 20 percent registered in the December 2016 survey,” wrote Rick Moran in PJMedia.

Incredibly, just 22 percent of Democrats were optimistic and 40 percent of Independent voters.

HOW CONVENIENTNellie Ohr, a former contractor for Fusion GPS, invoked marital privilege on Friday to avoid testifying about her husband, Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official.

JUAN WILLIAMS, one of Fox News Channel’s left-leaning contributors who enables the network to say its coverage is “fair and balanced,” again proved that he just doesn’t get it.

During a segment on “The Five,” on which the panel was having fun joking about Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s attempt to prove that she had Native American blood, Williams said he just couldn’t get over “the obsession Republicans have with Warren; she must be a threat.”

She’s no threat, Juan, she’s a gift from the left that just keeps on giving. Kinda like Hillary.

ANOTHER DEM WHO KEEPS ON GIVING – New York socialist Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez continues to sound foolish. “The last time we really had a major existential threat to this country was around World War II,” she said, “And so we’ve been here before and we have a blueprint of doing this before.”

What is she talking about? Stopping global warming.

“What we did was that we chose to mobilize our entire economy and industrialized our economy and we put hundreds of thousands if not millions to work in defending our shores and defending this country,” she states. “We have to do the same thing to get us to 100 percent renewable energy, and that’s just the truth of it.”

What a wacko!

Phil, writing @BuckeyePhil17 sarcastically says, “So a massive amphibious landing of infantry and armor on the Normandy coast will stop global warming?! Weird.”

Terry Moore, writing @terrymoorecnc wrote: “She couldn’t read a friggin blueprint much less draw one up if her life depended on it. Keep it up honey. You’re the blueprint for the Red Wave.”

TWO HEADLINES – “Former Trump Campaign Manager to Face Sentencing in February,” and “Manafort Faces February Sentencing for Fraud.” Guess which headline appeared in a left-leaning newspaper. As I believe you know, Paul Manafort was found guilty on eight charges of tax and bank fraud not related to his 43 days as candidate Donald Trump’s campaign manager.

THE MUELLER INVESTIGATION – “Prepare for a disappointment, and be forewarned that the special counsel’s findings may never be made public,” writes Darren Samuelsohn in far-ranging piece for Politico.

“The public,” he reports, “shouldn’t expect a comprehensive and presidency-wrecking account of Kremlin meddling and alleged obstruction of justice by Trump – not to mention an explanation of the myriad subplots that have bedeviled lawmakers, journalists and amateur Mueller sleuths.

“Perhaps most unsatisfying: Mueller’s findings may never see the light of day,” he adds.

THE NO HOLDS BARRED editorial comment in this leftist Arizona Republic cartoon by Steve Benson depicts Democrat senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema shooting down GOP senate candidate Martha McSally’s plane, titled Reason Not Treason.

NOT MY FATHER’S DEMOCRAT PARTY – I mentioned this earlier this month, and today I came across a piece by Steven Hayward on Power Line that follows that thought, in “The Democrats’ Leftward March.”

Hayward writes about the Democrat Party’s fruitless position on abortion seeing that there are so few votes on abortion-related issues in Congress in recent years.

He also points to “the marked shift in Democrat Party fondness for single-payer health care (insurance), since it is obvious that Obamacare fixed very little.”

While Republicans were winning elections, says Hayward, Democrats cannot seem to understand what this says about the American people … (and) the preference of voters. All we hear is “deplorables.”

“One of the dangers for the Democratic Party – and the left-leaning parts of the establishment more broadly – is that they confound their actual audience with a small but highly visible group of activists.” – Yascha Mounk, Harvard University

CAN THE GOP RETAIN CONTROL OF THE HOUSE? Ed Morrissey, suggests, “Say, Republicans Might Hold Onto the House After All,” in Politico. “Could Republicans do the unthinkable on November 6th and keep a majority in the House? Politico’s Rachel Bade calls it “unlikely,” he says but not impossible.

Bade reports hearing from Republicans and “even a few Democrats” that the political winds have shifted enough this month that it might result in a slight GOP majority once all the votes have been counted.

MAINTAINING CONTROL in Washington undoubtedly concerns the leftist New York Times, where lefty David Leonhardt wrote “What if the Republicans Win Everything Again? – Total victory for the G.O.P. would mean Trump unleashed.”

Leonhardt is clearly a man suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, who views a total Republican win to be “a political shock.” “It would be a validation for Trump, who could then brag that he had defied the experts once again. It would embolden Trump to push even harder toward the America he wants.

“I obviously find this prospect alarming,” writes Leonhardt in a wild speculation of what a Republican victory would mean.

AGAIN, I ENCOURAGE ALL REPUBLICANS and clear-thinking Democrats and Independents, to vote … and vote for the Republican candidates in your district to keep us on the track of making American great again.

We are so close to losing everything we have accomplished in the past two years.  Now is not the time for complacency. 


(Graphic courtesy of