Behind the military opposition commercial to McSally … Obama, Biden and the Saudis … listen to average Americans on Trump … Diaz’s naivety … more fake news … and what has Warren wrought?

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

Arizona Republican senate candidate Martha McSally. (

PERHAPS YOU THINK IT’S UNUSUAL that retired Navy Rear Admiral Mike Mathis of Tucson appears in a television commercial in opposition to retired Air Force Colonel Martha McSally’s campaign for senate in Arizona. I thought so and did some research.

The commercial shows Mathis posed amongst a wall with medals and service mementos, but in his news release he writes, “I don’t brag about my military service.” Yeah, right.

What you need to know is that Mathis is a member of Sounds innocuous enough, right? Wrong. was formed as a liberal political action committee (PAC) and a 501 (c) (4) nonprofit organization. It reportedly made a $1 million television buy in Arizona in conjunction with Majority Forward, another PAC favoring Democrat candidates.

Although a nonpartisan organization, it has been described as “closely aligned with Congressional Democrats.”

Initially composed of United States Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, the organization views defense policy as an American priority. Again, sounds innocuous enough, right? Wrong again.

HERE’S WHY THEY SUPPORT SINEMA – The stated goal of the PAC is to elect to Congress, Afghanistan or Iraq war veterans who are critical of the execution of the war in Iraq. Sinema is not a veteran, but has been critical of our war effort. Close enough.

Obama bows to Saudis. (

OLE JOE AT IT AGAIN – Former Vice President Joe Biden was highly critical of President Trump’s inclination to wait for a complete investigation of the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi during and interview on CBS This Morning last week.

“I just don’t know why this administration seems to feel the need to coddle autocrats and dictators,” he told Norah O’Donnell. Of course, O’Donnell didn’t remind Biden of Obama’s “sucking up” to the Saudis.

Glenn Greenwood did, however. “Not only did Obama lavish the Saudis with weapons and intel used to destroy Yemen, he cut short his state visit to India, the world’s largest democracy, to fly to Riyadh to pay homage to the Saudi King,” writes Greenwood.

“Sometimes we need to balance our need to speak to them about human rights issues with immediate concerns we have in terms of counter-terrorism or dealing with regional stability,“ Obama told CNN.

“What they’ve made clear again is that they’re going to emphasize continuity in terms of Saudi interests and the Saudi relationship with the United States,” said Obama’s boy wonder national security advisor Ben Rhodes. So we do believe that Saudi policy will remain quite similar to how it’s been under King Abdullah.”

Joe Biden (patricksemansky/ap)

NOTE TO JOE BIDEN from Greenwood: “So please spare everyone the moralizing bulls**t about how Trump has pioneered a new US policy of cozying up to dictators without concerns about their human rights abuses. Washington’s bipartisan foreign policy has been exactly this for decades. Trump is just more blunt about it.”

“I think he (Biden) has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” – Robert Gates, former secretary of defense.

THAT SAME BIDEN is now campaigning for Democrat House and Senate candidates.

LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE who attend a Trump rally. The Daily Signal produced this brief video on the site of a rally. CLICK HERE and you will hear from average Americans, known to Hillary as “the deplorables,” and realize that they are anything but.

DIOPLOMATIC NAIVETY REVEALEDArizona Republic editorial columnist Elvia Diaz is a gift that just keeps giving. It was just a week ago that I noted that she was an embarrassment to the Fourth Estate. On Sunday, she was critical of Republican senate candidate Martha McSally.

McSally attacked her Democrat opposition Kyrsten Sinema for her support of treason, though Sinema claims it was made in an offhand comment during a radio interview 15 years ago.

Showing her political and diplomatic naivety, Diaz draws a ridiculous comparison of McSally’s support of President Trump, “who expresses his ‘love’ to tyrants, sworn enemies of the U.S.   McSally won’t rebuke Trump’s worship of Putin, Kim Jong Un and the Saudi crown prince accused of killing a Washington Post journalist. What does that make McSally?”

That, Ms. Diaz, makes McSally a savvy legislator, who understands the nuance of diplomatic speak. You left out China’s Xi Jinping, another not-so-pure leader Trump has spoken kindly of for political purposes.

The left-leaning Ms. Diaz chooses to ignore the president’s remarkable inroads with these foreign leaders and others. Rather, she seems to drawn to the movie, “Love Story.”

MORE FAKE NEWS from the Washington Post. In an effort to gin-up a story that Georgetown Preparatory School was awash in inquiries about alum Brett Kavanaugh, the Post’s Emily Heil reported that the school was hiring a new employee to deal with the Kavanaugh fallout.

In her eagerness to get the story out, she failed to notice that the school had informed her in its response that the job had been posted in July 2018. She later corrected her story, calling it a “mistake.”

“The Last of the Fauxhicans” (powerline with apologies to James Fenimore Cooper)

WHAT HAS ELIZABETH WARREN WROUGHT? -The pundits tell us that Senator Warren wanted to get the Pocahontas thing behind her so it won’t come up during her predicted run for the presidency in 2020. Good luck with that, Senator.

The Internet and social media have been flooded with the creative works of many poking fun of the senator. I’ll insert them in this blog from time to time.

(Graphic courtesy of