President’s approval rating up … NBC/WSJ poll results … don’t get cocky … Warren again in the news … media fawning … the military vote … another tax cut? … and the importance of the election

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

HERE’S GOOD NEWS WITH A CAUTION – A poll bearing good news for Republicans in the midterm election surfaced over the weekend, but I must caution you not to get too excited. Election Day is still two weeks away.

THE PRESIDENT’S APPROVAL RATING has jumped to a higher level than former President Obama’s ahead of the 2010 midterms, according to a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll.

President Trump attained a 47 percent approval rating compared to Obama’s 45 percent around the same time prior to the midterm. Note than many people see the midterm as a referendum on the current president.

On the negative side of the poll, 72 percent of Democrats are telling pollsters they are very interested in the election, while 68 percent of Republicans said the same.

“The poll results include signs that the widely predicted ‘blue wave’ of Democrat gains in the House in 2018 is running into a ‘riptide of uncertainty’ (that) has been created with a surge of Republican intensity.” – Fred Yang, Democrat pollster.

The poll revealed that voters continue to favor Republicans on the economy and trade issues, while giving Democrats the edge on health care insurance.

LOOKING AT GROUPS – The poll showed that the share of Latinos showing high interest in the election jumped from 47 to 71 percent.

Latinos not-so-politely let Nancy Pelosi and the Castro-loving Rep. Barbara Lee know their vote cannot be take for granted during a campaign event for Donna Shalala in Miami’s Little Havana.

One-third of Independent voters are undecided, Republican or Democrat, and their 46 percent interest at a high level reflects that they are less engaged than partisans.

The poll reveals to me that the women polled have either been taken in by the radical leftist resistance movement, or they haven’t been listening to Nancy Pelosi, who vows to take away the tax cut and return the country to the doom and gloom of the Obama era.

Think about it. Under Trump our economy is vastly improved in all segments, including a tax cut, the lowest female unemployment percentage in 65 years, consumer confidence is up and improved opportunities for women in small business. Yet women favor a Democrat Congress 57 to 32 percent, while men prefer a Republican Congress 52 to 38 percent.

Have women been influenced by the “Believe All Women” group fostered by the less-than-candid Dr. Ford and the rantings of radicals Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour? That’s hard to imagine outside of the college scene.

Meanwhile, men surveyed in the poll favor a Republican Congress 52 to 38 percent.

REGARDING MY ABOVE CAUTION – Earick Ward wrote an interesting piece, “Don’t Get Cocky: Republican Election Hurdles for November,” in American Thinker.

“If fundamentals were a modest indicator, we could feel confident that we would hold both houses. The economy is humming, unemployment is a record low levels, consumer and corporate confidence are at all-time highs, domestic safety (from terrorism) is much improved from a couple years ago, and foreign affairs have taken a tack that portends to bode well for America generally and Americans specifically. By almost all accounts, Americans are better off than they were two years ago,” wrote Ward.

Ward outlines five socio-political macro-hurdles that are working against our success in November, into 2020 and beyond in his article which you can read on line.

“The advantage for the left is, as a collective, once their elites determine the path forward and marching orders disseminated to the mass of social justice warriors, media sycophants, tenured professors, unthinking drones and election committees, they all work together to pull in the exact same direction.

“There is nothing the left won’t do to reclaim seats of power. If we think leftists are insufferable now, wait until they reclaim said seats of power,” Ward cautions

(Courtesy powerline)

JUST WHEN YOU THINK you’ve heard the last of Democrat Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s story on her DNA test, she now says she changed her mind about proving her heritage because “Americans’ trust in government is at an all-time low, and she wants to rebuild it by being transparent.”

And she believes she’s presidential material.

MEDIA FAWNING – During an appearance on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos, reporter Paula Faris was seen gushing over Texas Democrat candidate for senate Beto O’Rourke as she said, “You’re a rock star.” And when he demurred, she insisted, “No, you really are.”

How’s that for journalistic form?

HERE’S A FOLOW-UP to my October 22, 2018 report uncovering the retired rear admiral featured in the liberal PAC’s anti-Martha McSally TV commercial.

President Trump signed a $716 billion defense authorization bill that gives our military warriors a $2.6 percent pay hike, the largest in the past nine years. In addition, the bill will give them the tools taken away from them by former President Obama, who decimated our arsenal. The troops seem to favor Trump’s policies with respect to the military, with more than 60 percent saying the military is better off now than it was during the Obama era.

Does anyone in their right minds believe that our men and women in uniform will support the leftist Democrat candidate Kyrsten Sinema? President Trump has whole-heartedly endorsed McSally.

ANOTHER TAX CUT ON THE HORIZON? While campaigning for Republican candidates in Nevada, President Trump told reporters that he planned to propose a major tax cut for middle-income Americans before the end of the month.

This isn’t just a ploy to turn out Republican voters for the midterms, as Rick Moran of PJ Media suggests. Several months ago, the president called out Rep. Kevin Brady during a rally and asked how the tax cut proposal was coming.

Of course, another tax wouldn’t be possible if the Democrats retake the House.

THE MOST IMPORTANT ELECTION in modern day history is upon us with early and absentee voting already taking place and Election Day just two weeks away. I cannot stress enough the importance of your vote and the votes of your friends, presuming they too are Republicans.

          May God bless the United States of America.