Pelosi the petty speaker … those Kentucky boys and the media … the elites and climate change … Pelosi’s 2015 flight to Italy and Ukraine … women turn on themselves … Senator Graham holding Obama, Hillary probes over Dems’ heads … and Byron York on impeachment

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

HOW PROUD Nancy Pelosi must feel as she became the first speaker of the House in the history of America to prevent a president from giving his State of the Union Address. She controls the House, but it’s OUR House.

Not only has she has allowed her outward hated of President Trump to keep him from giving his address, she alone is keeping the government workers from returning to work because of her disdain for him.

REGARDING THOSE COVINGTON KIDS – Without reviewing all that transpired at the Lincoln Memorial on January 20, 2019, when the teenagers from Covington, Kentucky found themselves at the center of attention, thanks to a rush to judgement by the social media, here are my thoughts.

Again, as we have seen before, the lazy media didn’t hesitate to go with a story that fit so well with the left’s view of “white privilege,” religious freedom and of course another attack on President Trump. Simply, they saw this as another opportunity to attack what they see wrong about America.

With Nick Sandmann at the center of the coverage, they labelled the kids as “white-privileged,” a topic that’s become a hot topic, along with talk of “tribalism,” to which the Democrat party and their complicit media introduced “identity politics,” all fabricated to distract and stir unrest among the electorate.

CNN’s Don Lemon recently morphed white privilege into white supremacy and even said, “the biggest terror threat in this country is white men.”?

“What do you see in the snapshot of Sandmann?” asked columnist Kathleen Parker, “The face of white supremacy, as was quickly alleged on social media? Or the nervous smile of a kid who isn’t sure what to do after a fellow gets in this face, seemingly intent on a staring contest?”

“Sorry boys,” wrote Parker, “you are a victim of terrible timing, by birth and by history. You don’t stand a chance. Shame on us for being duped yet again.”

The fact that the boys were Catholic and in Washington to participate in the “Right to Life” gathering gave the media another opportunity to denigrate Christianity and to further attack religious freedoms. Senators Feinstein, Harris and Horino were probably overjoyed with that coverage.

The fact that the boys came from middle America – flyover country – which is always ridiculed by the media, gave the media another angle they couldn’t resist.

Some in the media see this cap as racist, comparing it to a KKK hood. (Screengrab)

Finally, their piece de resistance. Sandmann and a number of the boys were wearing Make America Great Again (MAGA) caps, giving the media another means to attack President Trump as the instigator of the incident.

Unbelievably, Angela Rye, appearing on CNN said the MAGA cap represented “hatred,” and compared it with a Ku Klux Klan hood. A symbol of racism.

Although the MAGA cap is protected by the First Amendment, as were “I Feel the Bern,” and “I’m With Hillary” shirts, several members of the media talked about banning it.

Then there was the appalling Today Show interview of Sandmann by Savannah Guthrie, who, after seeing all of the video footage of the event, brazenly asked him if he felt that he should apologize.

Giving no apology, Sandmann was mature beyond his age for not responding the way I would have.

She went on to describe Sandmann and his fellow students standing there as an act of aggression.

WHILE AN ESTIMATED 1,500 BUSINESS JETS are descending on Davos, Switzerland, where the political and financial elite are gathering to discuss climate change, few are thinking about the carbon footprint this represents.

“Right now, we are facing a man-made disaster of global scale,” said broadcaster and naturalist David Attenborough, “Our greatest threat in thousands of years. Climate Change.”

While a carbon tax has been shot down in France and closer to home, Washington State, because the middle class is hurt the hardest with its implementation, I predict it will be high on their list of solutions.

THANKS TO JUDICIAL WATCH, we have learned that Nancy Pelosi used Air Force aircraft for a July 30-August 6, 2015 trip to Italy and Ukraine. She was joined by Representatives Anna Eshoo of California and Marcia Fudge of Ohio, and four members of her family, including her husband.

The cost? $184,587.81

This is the same Pelosi who is so worried about the government employees who have missed a pay check and is standing in the way of their getting back on the payroll.

WITH ALL OF THE TALK about the need for more women in positions of authority, like corporate board positions, Paul L. Caron, Dean, Pepperdine University School of Law reports of an interesting effort in France that didn’t turn out as expected.

“The introduction of quotas to get more women onto university recruitment committees in France has backfired and has actually led to far fewer female academics being hired,” he wrote.

With the requirement that women constitute 40 percent of faculty search committees, the result was a 38 percent reduction in female hires.

THANKS TO SEN. LINDSAY GRAHAM for keeping an investigation of Obama and Hillary on the front burner. “I’m sure Graham is legitimately miffed that Obama and Hillary have managed to avoid accountability for their illegal actions, so there are really only two possible motives here,” writes Matt Margolis in PJMedia.

“First, he really wants to see Obama and Hillary get what they deserve. The second possible motive is that Graham wants to hold these investigations over Democrats’ heads as a bargaining chip and keep them from abusing their investigative powers as a means to tie Trump’s hands for the next 2-8 years and make it impossible for him to govern.

COLUMNIST BYRON YORK poses an interesting question in the Washington Examiner regarding the desire on the part of some Democrats to impeach President Trump. “What if (Robert) Mueller does not accuse the president of wrongdoing, or at least impeachable wrongdoing?” he asks. “Would Democrats say, ‘never mind,’ put away thoughts of impeachment and move on?”

York sees that as unlikely.

After Mueller recently poured cold water on the BuzzFeed report claiming that Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress, Rep. Adam “Where’s the Microphone” Schiff was asked if he was still going to investigate those claims, he said, “absolutely, absolutely.”

           May God bless the United States of America.