Meet insurance expert Kamala Harris … those Democrat freshmen … The Times’ Kristof still peddling Trump hate … the dueling investigations on Kavanaugh … Senate Dems out to torpedo Rao nomination … Gillum to CNN, no experience necessary … and an inside look at Kamala Harris on illegals

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

HEALTH INSURANCE IS SO SIMPLE – “Let’s eliminate all of that,” says Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris, “let’s move on.” Describing the current health insurance system as “inhumane,” she argued for switching over to a single-payer system that would, she believes, reduce the financial and bureaucratic barriers to quality health care.

Dream on, Ms. Harris. At 54 years of age, you know nothing about Medicare, especially that it’s not free.

Further evidence of Harris’ ignorance was revealed when she insisted that placing everyone under Medicare would eliminate the process of getting approvals, going through the paperwork.

“Who of us has not had that situation where you’ve got to wait for approval, and the doctor says, well I don’t know if your insurance company is going to cover this?”   Does she know that in Canada single-payer system an individual must wait six-months for an MRI?

I FEEL SORRY FOR THE FRESHMEN Democrats who were recently elected; all so full of hope that they can make a difference. To find the elusive common ground. Work across the aisle for solutions.

While Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez seems to make the news at every turn, other no-names are scratching for attention; to be heard. One such freshman, Rep. Katie Hill of California has been getting some face-time on television. She won in a Los Angeles district long held by Republicans and says she is “a pragmatic progressive.” She’s optimistic that the two parties can reach a deal on border security.

They don’t want to be known as the silent majority, they want a place at the table. These members are less interested in a 70 percent tax rate or Cortez’s Green New Deal, according to Ella Nilson, writing in Vox. “They want to fix ObamaCare before thinking about Medicare-for-all”

HOW SOON THEY FORGET – When President Trump wasn’t sympathetic when a number of journalists lost their jobs recently, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof tweeted @NickKristof: “I find it ineffably sad that an American president exults when American workers lose their jobs. Rarely has a man in high office been so petty.”

To which Jesse Kelly responded with an infamous quote by Barack Obama @JesseKellyDC: “If someone wants to build a new coal-fired power plant they can, but it will bankrupt them because they will be charged a huge sum for all the greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

Although Hillary Clinton was not president when she said, “We are going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business,” let’s not forget that Kristof was one of her supporters, who on the day before the 2016 presidential election, wrote, “I’m With Her: The Strengths of Hillary Clinton.”

Kristof simply could not pass up an opportunity to attack President Trump.

HAVE AT IT DEMS – While the Democrats, who now control the House Judiciary Committee, contemplate opening an investigation on Judge Kavanaugh for perjury, the Republican-led Senate Judiciary Committee is ready to punch back twice as hard on Kavanaugh’s accusers. Ready, set …. Go.

SPEAKING OF KAVANAUGH – You may not be aware that the Democrats in the Senate have moved on from “Borking” to “Kavanaughing,” and have now targeted Neomi Rao, who has been nominated to fill the seat vacated by Kavanaugh on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Buzz Feed dug up some of her sophomoric writings at age 22 and the Dems claim they disqualify her; she is now 45 and has run the White House office of Information and Regulatory Affairs since 2017. Previously, she clerked for Justice Clarence Thomas and taught at George Mason University’s law school for 10 years.

HAVE YOU HEARD that Andrew Gillum, the Democrat who lost the race for governor of Florida, is the latest loser to join CNN as a political commentator, after just four years as mayor of Tallahassee? He joins John Kasich, Mia Love and Louis Gutierrez.

Jeff “The” Flake has signed on with CBS, Claire McCaskill with NBC/MSNBC and Heidi Heitkamp with CNBC in earlier moves.

I KNOW ENOUGH – I read through Jim Geraghty’s piece, “Twenty Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Kamala Harris,” in National Review checking for things I hadn’t already learned about this arrogant senator.

I already knew about some of her failures as California’s district attorney and her relationship with then speaker of the California Assembly Willie Brown and the two nice-paying gigs she landed via his appointments.

In her recent appearances on the Senate Judiciary Committee we saw her unsuccessfully try to intimidate Judge Kavanaugh and saw her disdain for Catholics surface over a judge nominee’s membership in the Knights of Columbus.

In view of the shutdown over the border issue, I was particularly interested what Geraghty had learned about her views on immigration.

In 2009, Harris was criticized for refusing to seek the death penalty against Edwin Ramos, an illegal immigrant and member of MS-13, who gunned down a father and two sons. Ramos had twice served probation for violent crimes but was not deported. He was later sentenced to 183-years-to-life without parole.

It was about that time that she opposed Arizona’s immigration law, declaring that “we can’t afford to divert scarce local law enforcement resources to enforcing federal immigration laws.

In her first speech on the Senate floor after her 2016 election, Harris declared, “An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.” She later avowed the belief that illegal immigration is a “civil violation, not a crime.”

In October 2017, Harris said that she would rather shut down the government than vote for a spending bill that did not address the DACA program and ensure those covered by the program would not be deported.

Harris ignored the crisis on the border even in 2018 when she urged the Senate Appropriations Committee to “reduce funding for beds in the federal immigration system,” reject calls to hire more Border Patrol personnel, and “reduce funding for the administration’s reckless immigration enforcement operations” under ICE; all of which were in President Trump’s latest proposal to reopen the government.

             May God bless the United States of America