Special Report: It’s Time for Deep State Accountability

For two years, I have observed the goings-on in the various investigations attempting to bring down the Trump presidency. I briefly summarize that effort, but cite the need to bring it to a close and demand accountability.

Yesterday, under the heading, “If You Doubted the Deep State’s Existence,” I wrote of the disgraced former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s discussion of what we must consider a coup against President Trump with CBS’s Scott Pelley.

You will recall how we were told that the president’s campaign team, and even the president himself, may have colluded with Russia in an effort to influence the 2016 election, setting forth a series of investigations, including the appointment of a special counsel.

We soon learned of the effort to do in the campaign of Donald Trump in favor of Hillary Clinton began during the 2016 presidential campaign. You will recall the bias texts sent between agents of the FBI. What unfolded after his election was perhaps the greatest scandal in American electoral history, involving not only the FBI, but the CIA, DOJ, NSC and the Department of State.

Most of us don’t trust the Russians, and China as a matter of fact, to stay out of our elections, but who ever thought we needed to fear those among us in what we view as our trusted institutions?

Where’s the humor? (Courtesy American Greatness)

A Deep State of holdover rogue employees of the Obama administration worked to undermine the Trump presidency. Congressional oversight committees were stonewalled when they attempted to secure documents from these agencies, and on the occasion that they would turn over material, it was so heavily redacted it was produced nothing.

McCabe has again surfaced the story that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and other gathered to discuss having the president removed by using the 25th Amendment, and that Rosenstein talked about wearing a wire, an assertion he has denied.

It sounds like a coup attempt to me. He obviously hopes it will help book sales. But who can believe McCabe?

So where do we go from here? What’s next? The Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed, after a two-year investigation, that there was no evidence of collusion.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who now heads the House Intelligence Committee, is still holding out as he continues to weigh circumstantial evidence.

We are told that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation is winding down, but there’s talk that he may not release anything on the Russia implication, and that has caused a stir.

Deep Staters Comey, Brennan and Clapper (Scoopness.com)

Meanwhile, the cast of shady scandal characters – Comey, Brennan and Clapper – all with ties to CNN and MSNBC, continue their attacks on the president’s every decision. Never mind that they have lied, even under oath to Congress. How is that different than lying to the FBI?

As I have noted earlier, I have faith in the effort of newly confirmed Attorney General William Barr to give us transparency on those guilty of unethical and illegal behavior. Unless there is some accountability, we Americans won’t believe that our top law enforcement agencies are clean.

During his confirmation testimony, Barr said that he was “shocked” when he saw the evidence of bias against Trump, and promised to investigate the investigators.

The new AG (Barr) must rip off the shroud of secrecy hiding a dark episode in American history,” opined Michael Goodwin of the New York Post.

BUT ACCOUNTABILITY needs to be assigned outside of those government agencies, too, writes Julie Kelly in American Greatness.

She writes of the media that has been “dedicated to a fabricated conspiracy, maliciously trying to convince the public of a lie in a vain attempt to satiate their own appetite for political revenge against Donald Trump.

“Who will pay the price for unleashing this (two-year) ordeal on the American public? What lawmaker will be rebuked or censured for pretending to have evidence of malfeasance that never happened?

“What journalist will be fired and permanently jettisoned from the industry for intentionally misleading readers and viewers.?

“What editor or media owner will be held accountable for publishing illegally leaked information that exacted harm on innocent people?

“How will people harassed by the media and investigators restore their professional standing, squandered savings and mental wellbeing?”

We need answers and accountability. Without it, trust in our law enforcement agencies will never be possible.

            May God bless the United States of America.