Offenders of the Constitution … invoking the emergency … self-appointed parole officer … Biden the embarrassment … and glorious insults of the past

Here are my observations and opinions of my selected news of the day.

DISTINGUISHED ATTORNEYS Allen Dershowitz and Joseph DiGenova have given their opinions on two issues in the news favorable to the Trump administration.

Dershowitz, a Democrat who supported Hillary Clinton, can always be counted on to support the rule of law. Appearing on Fox’s Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss former Deputy Attorney General Andrew McCabe’s tale of meetings held to initiate 25th Amendment action to remove President Trump, Dershowitz called it “clearly an attempted coup d’état.”

He explained that “the 25th Amendment is about (former president) Woodrow Wilson having a stroke. It’s about a president being shot and not being able to perform his office. It’s not about the most fundamental disagreements. It’s not about impeachable offenses.”

“Any Justice Department official who even mentioned the 25th Amendment in the context of President Trump has committed a grievous offense against the Constitution,” Dershowitz said.

REGARDING THE EMERGENCY POWER invoked by the president involving the crisis on the Southern border, well-known attorney DiGenova says, “both the Constitution and the Congress have placed authority to do firmly with the president of the United States.”

In an opinion piece for the New York Daily News, DiGenova cites a number of court challenges that favor Trump dating back to former President Jimmy Carter.

“It would be absurd to argue that this president has authority to declare a national emergency over human rights abuses in Nicaragua, but not in response to the ongoing humanitarian and security crisis of human trafficking, drug importation, and unchecked illegal immigration on our border,” he remarked.

But while this issue goes through the courts, the president is proceeding with repair and construction of barriers along the border.

SELF-APPOINTED PAROLE OFFICER? – The left-leaning Arizona Republic, which has shown a clear hostility towards Sen. Martha McSally, who was appointed to fill the seat of the late John McCain, published a piece, “McSally, Sinema civil but distant,” that smacks of a parole officer’s report in the Sunday edition.

It begins as the paper’s lead story and jumps at length (67 inches of copy total) over three additional pages. Written by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez and Ronald J. Hansen, it paints a picture of Republican McSally and Democrat Krysten Sinema, settling in as Arizona’s two senators after a bitter midterm election; much of it devoted to the body language between the two.

You may recall that just three days ago, the Republic led with a story about Mark Kelly, along with a glowing piece by columnist Laurie Roberts, discussing his candidacy for the seat now held by McSally.

Incidentally, Sinema made time to meet with Kelly.

It’s so obvious that the Republic, which had a love affair with McCain, is not supportive of McSally, and will make it difficult for to defend her seat in 2020.

The story relates how eyes focused on Sinema as she entered a hearing room, checking her phone and whispered to a colleague, all while McSally was questioning a witness.

“The unmistakable body language in the hearing and, separately, in questions about their relationship (McSally and Sinema) last week suggest the raw emotions from that hard-fought campaign still smolder,” the article said.

“If given time for the wounds of the campaign to heal, the two senators may be able to forge a productive relationship,” University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato told the authors, however, they were quick to add to his quote, “but I don’t know if Martha McSally will have time.”

I expect the Republic will continue in its confrontational mode in an attempt to persuade voters that McSally is wrong for Arizona.

BIDEN IS THE EMBARRASSSMENT – Former vice president Joe Biden, like John Kerry and others, ignored the concept of American politics ending at the waters edge, traditionally honored by most officials since 1947, during a speech in Munich Saturday.

He described America as “an embarrassment” and its trade policies “self-defeating,” and went on to say “the American people understand plainly that this makes us an embarrassment. The American people know, overwhelmingly, that it is not right” … followed by the obligatory apology, “that is not who we are.”

“Isn’t it rich?  Joe Biden telling us what the American people believe and want.  It’s ludicrous.”

Without mentioning President Trump’s name – he didn’t have to – he said, “I know we’ve heard a lot today about leadership, but in my experience, leadership only exists if somebody, and others, are with you. Leadership in the absence of people who are with you is not leadership.”

Kramerontheright is tired of the excuses like, “Oh, that’s just ‘old Joe’ talking.” The number of times Biden has been excused for his racist, off color and disrespectful comments over his four decades of “public service” are too many to enumerate and should no longer be tolerated.

A FRIEND’S REMINDER of an era before the English language boiled down to four-letter words, included a number of excellent examples of glorious insults. I will share them with you from time to time as space allows.

“I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening, but I’m afraid this wasn’t it.” – Groucho Marx
