Lisa Page’s testimony nails DOJ on Hillary decision … Biden the ‘fresh look’ for the Dems … U. of Wyoming admin stands ground … Poor Ben Rhodes … the uninformed youth … colleges breed intolerance … and blue-collar jobs rise, wages, too

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

IF YOU BELIEVE LISA PAGE, the former FBI lawyer, stated under oath that the decision not to charge Hillary Clinton, was made by DOJ, specifically former attorney general Loretta Lynch.

Newly released transcripts from Page’s private testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee in July 1018 shed new light on the internal discussion about the investigation into Clinton’s e-mails, according to Jerry Dunleavy, in the Washington Examiner.

Whether to charge “gross negligence” was discussed back and forth between the FBI and DOJ, but it was the DOJ that consistently pushed back on it.

“When you say advice you got from the Department (DOJ),” Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) queried Page, “you’re making it sound like it was the Department that told you: ‘You’re not going to charge gross negligence because we’re the prosecutors and we’re telling you we’re not going to.’” Page responded: “That’s correct.”

WILL HE OR WON’T HE jump into the Democrat race for the presidency in 2020. I’m referring to Joe Biden, the aging white guy who has been in public office since the mid-1970s. Hardly the “fresh face” 73 per cent of Democrat voters were looking for when polled by Rasmussen polls last July.

Adding to that humor, the latest Monmouth poll has him at 28 per cent support, followed closely at 25 percent, another “fresh face,” Bernie Sanders.

If the dozens of dropped hints count, including his reported “I’m giving it a shot,” comment in a phone conversation with Democrat lawmakers, and word that he has the approval of his family mean something, he’s in. But he still hasn’t made the final decision.

I hope Biden does run. His folksy charm will only go so far. Recently, the courageous Biden caved to party LGBTQ criticism over his remark that Vice President Pence was “a decent guy.”

Prone to make gaffes, I have previously stated, Kramerontheright will not allow future Biden gaffes to be sloughed off as “Oh, that’s just an Ole Joeism.”

EVERYONE’S A CRITIC on our nation’s campuses, no matter what the topic. One of the latest comes from the University of Wyoming, and it’s not, for a change, about free speech.

This feigned outrage is over the university’s new slogan unveiled last July – “The World Needs More Cowboys,” according to Jon Street, of Campus Reform.

“I am not the only person for whom the word ‘cowboy’ invokes a white, macho, male able-bodied, heterosexual, U.S.-born person,” said Christine Porter, associate professor of kinesiology and health.

Hats off to the powers that be at the university for standing their ground and for continuing its marketing campaign with the slogan.

POOR BEN RHODES – No longer relevant and itching to get his name back in the news, does so with a dumb statement on climate change.

Rhodes, as you may recall, is the college creative writing major who, as President Obama’s national security advisor, arrogantly boasted about “using” the media, “(who) literally know nothing,” while selling the Iran nuclear deal.

His latest gaffe was revealed in his Tweet @brhodes: “How on earth will we explain to our grandchildren that an entire political party denied the existence of something that is irreversibly changing our planet.

That lit up the world of Twitterers. He obviously didn’t think this through.

NorseThunder, writing @Odinsonsmjolnir: “Ben Rhodes, definitely not a smart person, just undercut the entire rationale for the Green New Deal. If the changes are irreversible, why completely destroy the US economy over it?

“Hey Ben, what does irreversible mean on your planet? If it is irreversible as you claim, then government can’t stop it no matter how many laws are passed or treaties are signed.”

A FOLLOW-UP ON THE YOUTH STRIKE I recently wrote about scheduled for March 15, 2019, designed to bring attention to climate change.

“Perhaps children and young Americans are more likely to buy into the extreme environmentalist doomsdaying due to the fact that they weren’t around for the laughable wrong predictions of the past that never came true,” says Jarrett Stepman writing in CNS News, Media Research Center.

He recalls the population bomb that was going to cause global famine by 2000; the Earth Day 1970 prediction that air pollution will be so bad that city dwellers will have to wear gas masks; if the global warming trend is not reversed by 2000, entire nations could be wiped off the face of the earth; while Arctic ice has increased, pictures of ice melts and polar bears floating on tiny icebergs continue to this day threatening that ice caps will melt away; in 1958, Betty Friedan, a radical feminist turned climate “expert,” predicted the “coming ice age.”

THEN THERE’S THISRachel Kaufman, writing in “Even if we somehow stopped emitting carbon dioxide completely tomorrow, many scientists say it wouldn’t be enough.”

INTOLERANT WHITE LIBERALS – I have devoted space here in criticism of the liberal education today’s youth are receiving in our colleges and universities. The liberal professors are teaching them what to think rather than how to think.

Typical of today’s college protestor. (Courtesy College Fix)

A story, “Universities have created a generation of intolerant white liberals,” by Christian Schneider in College Fix, caught my eye. In his piece, he references an article from The Atlantic, which measured the level of political prejudice in America,

“College campuses around America are monolithically liberal and notoriously intolerant of conservatism,” the article states. “The intolerance manifests itself both among students, who view conservative ideas as a sort of ‘violence’ from which they need ‘safety,’ and administrators, who often give in to such nonsense.”

The University of Texas-Austin, UC-Berkeley, University of Colorado-Boulder, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison are the hotbeds of progressive left. No surprise that they are rank in the top one percent of politically prejudiced locations.

The article cited three examples of progressivism gone wild, both from Portland, Oregon. Again, no surprise.

At Reed College, a MAGA cap is deemed to be a white supremacist slogan.

A professor at the University of Oregon was reported to the administration under the schools Bias Reporting Systems for defending the appointment of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

At Portland State University, a woman of color attempting to defend the policy of allowing armed police officers on campus was shouted down by a mob of anti-police protestors.

BLUE COLLAR BOOM – Blue-collar jobs grew at their fastest pace since 1984, according to Kevin Hassett, Chairman of Economic Advisors. He also reported that hourly earnings rose by 1.9 per cent in the past 12 months, far exceeding last year’s pace.

              May God bless the United States of America.