Repercussions for the media? Hardly … bumbling ‘Beto’ says Trump is guilty … observations on the campaign trail … and worth quoting.

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

REPERCUSIONS FOR THE MEDIA, post Mueller Report? – Fuhgeddaboudit. CNN and MSNBC have been paying for their networks’ anti-Trump position as evidenced by their miserable viewership ratings.

(Courtesy ed-driscoll-pjmedia)

Their conspiracy-exhorting talking heads, Democrat guests and retired intelligence contributors, with their cocksure attitudes and words like “treasonous” freely flowing from their tongues, will never apologize. Once a weasel, always a weasel. You know who they are.

The New York Times, Washington Post, the news side of the Wall Street Journal and a host of the nation’s dailies, who take their national news from the likes of the Associated Press, Reuters and USA Today, were all part of the cabal to bring down the Trump presidency.

They included commentary outside of their editorial pages, something rarely seen before. Not to be ignored are their columnists, even those commenting on pop culture, who weighed-in against the president, family and associates; many of them syndicated and published in small dailies and weeklies.

These network big wigs, publishers and individuals, who consider themselves virtuous, elite guardians of what’s right and wrong, have betrayed America, while trying to convince you that the president had done so. Unforgiveable.

They disgraced themselves, ruining the image of the Fourth Estate, by writing and reporting stories based on leaks from unattributed “reliable” sources, and in doing so saddled themselves as fabricators of “fake news.” How embarrassing!

You will recall that the media and their Democrat friends were afraid that President Trump was going to fire Robert Mueller. “Old Washington” echoed with pleas to allow the special counsel to complete his work. The president, on a number of occasions, insisted that wasn’t in the cards despite his disgust with the process, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell refused to allow a “protection of Mueller” vote to come to the floor.

Those supporters of allowing Mueller to finish his work, suddenly changed when word started circulating that his report would not come down on the Trump presidency. The “oh, my God, what if” Democrat House committee chairmen, not about to settle with the Mueller findings, pronounced more hearings … even subpoenaing Mueller himself to testify. I can just imagine Mueller handing Representatives Adam Schiff and Jerrold Nadler their gavels.

Enter Rep. Eric “The Mannequin” Swalwell, who insists that “The American people will see every word, every comma, every period of this report. I don’t think I, and most of my colleagues, will accept a report unless its veracity is testified to by Bob Mueller.” Do you mean his signature on the report will not suffice, Eric?

MUELLER REPORT BE DAMNED, the wacko Democrat presidential candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke told a South Carolina audience Saturday that “You have a president, who, in my opinion, beyond a shadow of a doubt, sought to – however ham-handedly – colluded with the Russian government, a foreign power, to undermine and influence our elections.”

How does he know that? Apparently, George Will told him so.

PERSONALITY POLITICS is the subject of a piece in National Review by Jonah Goldberg that focuses primarily on the cult surrounding Democrat candidate Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, and his resemblance to Robert F. Kennedy.

I’ve begun looking at the candidates who have so far declared, or on the cusp of declaring their candidacy – not so much for their platforms – but for the image they are presenting to the electorate. Observations.

Three candidates have the name recognition needed – Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden and O’Rourke. However, Pete Buttigieg, John Hickenlooper, John Delaney, Julian Castro and Jay Inslee have an uphill climb.

Poor Pete. The media is struggling with the pronunciation of his last name.

Hickenlooper has some name recognition in the Midwest, but there will not be a Hickenlooper elected president of the United States.

Delaney has had a couple appearances on Fox, but he is still an unknown. And with apologies to my bald friends, Delaney is bald and I simply do not believe a bald man, or woman, can be elected president.

Castro was mentioned as possible running mate of Hillary Clinton, but that didn’t go far. He and Inslee have no name recognition.

Of the women who have declared, Elizbeth Warren and Kamala Harris seem to have a leg up (sorry for that) in name recognition. Unfortunately, Warren’s name recognition comes from her claim of Cherokee ancestry and that goofy Instagram (“gotta get me a beer”). Amy Klobuchar, Kirsten Gillibrand and Tulsi Gabbard have a lot of work to do.

Wherever O’Rourke appears, his advance party must assure him of a table he can stand on. Usually dressed in jeans and a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, he bounces around waving his arms as he speaks with a mike in one hand.

I have yet to see a pantsuit ala Hillary on any of the women on the campaign trail. Warren comes close with a flowing, loose-fitting top over a tee and slacks as she bounces on the stage, mike in hand, hugging everyone in sight.

WORTH QUOTING: “The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.” – Thomas Jefferson

                               May God bless the United States of America.