The Fat Lady has sung … no collusion, no obstruction … others offer thoughts on repercussions for the media … Rep. Lewis delusional … AOC owes back taxes … CBO forecasting off … and a noteworthy quote

Here are my observations and opinions of my selected news of the day.

PRESIDENT TRUMP (Courtesy Townhall)

NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION – “Stunning,” was the first word out of the mouth of Dana Perino on Fox following the Sunday reading of the four-page summary of the Mueller report as released by Attorney General William Barr.

Fox’s Bret Baier followed with his comment that it was a great day for President Trump, but more so for America. Indeed, it was.

Even though I believed Special Counsel Robert Mueller would clear the president of any wrongdoing, it was a “stunning” summary.

“The Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.”

How the Congressional committees can continue their investigations as promised now is beyond me. And if the Democrat presidential candidates continue their attacks on Trump collusion and obstruction, voters, I believe, will not look kindly upon them.

REPERCUSSIONS FOR THE MEDIA post Mueller? As I wrote yesterday, not hardly. However, here are some comments from others. The OG Hillbilly, writing @Laural.Monroe33 says: “The Deep State and the media better have criminal and financial repercussions for this insanity. This is a major tipping point in this country.”

Ned Ryun, founder and CEO of American Majority, @nedryun wrote: “Just so we’re clear, I’m not interested in having polite conversations with those who pushed the Russian collusion fairytale. I intend to shame you, call you out, demand consequences and for you to suffer professionally for what you have done to destabilize our nation.”

British journalist Michael Tracey, writing @mtracey said: “I know most of the people who peddled nonstop Trump/Russian hysteria will never really be held accountable. That’s just how it works for debased US elites. Never any consequences for massive failure. But I’m going to try to impose accountability anyway. Every little bit counts.”

Former Hillary Clinton advisor, Mark Penn, said this, writing @Mark_Penn: “Two plus years, thirty million dollars, our fbi and doj compromised, thousands of fake news stories, millions of people all entranced in a false story of Russian collusion based on oppo research that was always unsubstantiated and preposterous.”

RACHEL MADDOW (Screengrab)

“Last night (Friday), MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow appeared on the verge of tears as she reported the Mueller probe was concluding without any new indictments,” wrote Matt Margolis in PJMedia.

“Maddow, like many on the left, wasn’t simply convinced that Russian collusion was real. They wanted it to be true. They wanted the fairly-elected President of the United States to be a compromised Russian puppet. Why would anyone want that? Why would anyone cry at what is clearly good news for the country?

“It’s time for liberals to dry their tears and move on. There wasn’t collusion. They were all played for suckers by a left-wing media desperate to get them to tune in. It was a scam for ratings. And they were all exposed for the fools they are,” Margolis concluded.

Jason Beale (a pseudonym) writing in The Federalist, commented that “Maddow played a principal role in bringing the Russia collusion “slam dunk” into our living rooms and embedding the notion of a treasonous president into the national psyche.”


You may recall that a CNN producer was caught on a 2017 Project Veritas undercover video admitting that the Russian collusion story was “mostly bull**t,” but was good for ratings

Attorney Alan Dershowitz, commenting on the Mueller report, made a special point of being highly critical of CNN, saying they owed viewers an apology, though he didn’t expect that they would.

Kramerontheright question-of-the-day:  Does anyone think we would be where we are today if Jeff Sessions was still our attorney general?

KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, who has struggled to break out of a pack of more than a dozen Democrat candidates, picked a lousy day to announce her presidency, in front of Trump International Hotel in Manhattan, to pick a fight with President Trump on perhaps his best day since November 6, 2016.

By choosing to describe him as the man who sought to put his name on his structures and referring to his greed and vanity, reveals her jealousy in his abilities, pride, and leadership.

“We deserve a president who is brave, a president who inspires us to stand for something greater than ourselves,” was meant to be a “hit” on Trump but missed; as did her insult of calling the president a “coward.”

REP. JOHN LEWIS (Greg Nash photo)

THEN THERE’S THIS from a member of Congress’ Black Caucus, Rep. John Lewis, who told MSNBC’s Joy Reid that he believes Donald Trump is an illegitimate president, regardless of what Robert Mueller’s final report concludes. “I don’t think he’s legitimate. I said it at the end of the election, and I still believe that today.”

When asked if President Trump should be impeached, Lewis said, “that day will come.” Dream on, Congressman.

With echoes of the president’s “what have you got to lose” plea to blacks still in the air, black unemployment at its lowest point in history, and the Prison Reform Bill passing, it seems to me that Lewis’ is out of touch with his constituency?

Lewis has become an icon of civil rights, representing Georgia’s 5th District (Atlanta and surrounds) for 33 years.

(Courtesy TIME)

THE LEFT’S DARLING, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who advocates for taxing the rich, owes $1,877.56 in unpaid corporate back taxes for a failed business venture, according to Beth Raumann at Townhall. Her failed business, Brook Avenue Press, was established to publish books about inner city kids. The Federal Election Commission is also looking into her campaign fund distribution. Hmmmm.

TIME magazine featured the tax-cheat on its cover as a “phenom.” There are very few people who could be considered a phenom … certainly LeBron James is a phenom. So is Venus Williams.

AOC a phenom? Seriously? The dictionary references “an especially remarkable or outstanding person,” “a person or thing of outstanding abilities or qualities,” or “a person of remarkable talent or ability.” Does that describe Ocasio-Cortez?

Could the leftist TIME feature “Beto” as its next phenom? It makes about as much sense.

THE CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE is appropriately the butt of jokes as its assumptions usually prove to be wrong. In 2010, the “nonpartisan” CBO assured centrist Democrats that ObamaCare would cut the deficit and bring 24 million people into the new health insurance exchanges. Subsidy costs would be modest. And the number of uninsured would fall by more than half.

As expected, those forecasts were way off, reports the Investor’s Business Daily. “ObamaCare boosted the deficit in it first 10 years. Only eight million, not 24 million people, enrolled in the exchanges. The average cost of ObamaCare subsidies was 11 percent higher, and the number of uninsured 36 percent higher than the CBO projected.”

The CBO’s projection that seven million people would drop out of the individual insurance market with the Republican repeal of the mandate, but just 1.5 million people did so. The CBO estimate that four million would drop out of Medicaid, but the CMS says Medicaid enrollment will be unaffected.

“These forecasting errors don’t even rise to the ‘good enough for government work’ level,” comments IBD.

ANOTHER NOTEWORTHY QUOTE:My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. – Thomas Jefferson

                              May God bless the United States of America.