Much of America conned by media and Dems … a journalism disgrace … how does CNN recover? … McSally quote recognized … Trump is in Maxine’s head … Beto no RFK … the ever-flippant Harris … more comments on media … Graham to look into Obama DOJ … and another noteworthy quote

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

“AMERICA CONNED AGAIN,” was the opening line of an opinion piece by Charles Hurt in The Washington Times in which he wrote of the “so called reporters” and the “dishonest political eunuchs” who led some Americans down their path toward undermining the Trump presidency.

Notice I said “some” Americans, because not all Americans watch CNN, MSNBC and NPR, or read The New York Times or the Washington Post and the other leftist publications.

Viewers of the much-maligned Fox News Channel and its sister unit, Fox Business Network, and readers of this blog, of course, believed the truth would one day be told and never bought into the hoax. The majority of Americans were not conned.

A JOURNALISM DISGRACE – Were you aware that The New York Times and The Washington Post jointly received a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for their “deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration.”  The Pulitzer committee should demand its return, along with the $15,000 prize money.

BRENT BOZELL, President of the Media Research Center, appearing on FBN’s Varney and Company Monday, remarked, “I don’t know how CNN ever recovers. I don’t know how CNN undoes the damage, because they’re not going to stop. They’re going to continue this. Are they going to say, ‘Oops for two years we were wrong in our slandering of the president? They’re never going to do it.”

Bozell also quipped, “I don’t know how Jim Acosta can ever be seen on television without people laughing at him.”

HERE’S AN ASIDE – While CNN and MSNBC ‘s lack of journalistic ethics has come to light with their hyper-negative coverage of President Trump, how do they respond now to the arrest of attorney Michael Avenatti, who suckered them in for more than 100 appearances on their networks?

SEN. LINDSAY GRAHAM at a Monday press conference, alluded to up-coming hearings of his Senate Judiciary Committee investigating the investigators, vowing to look into abuses by FBI and DOJ officials of the Obama era.

I MUST TIP MY HAT to the leftist Arizona Republic for its coverage Monday of the Mueller Report release that dominated the front page. Under the main all-caps headline, “MUELLER FINDS NO CONSPIRACY,” they acknowledged a response by Sen. Martha McSally in a subhead, while noting that the state’s Democrats didn’t comment – “McSally urges nation to move forward as Arizona Democrats remain silent,” reads the subhead.

“I am glad to see Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation reach its long overdue conclusion that has wasted time and energy on issue that have made our country more divisive. Now that we close this chapter, I hope that we can focus on issues that move us forward like: affordable health care, good-paying jobs, and quality education,” McSally wrote.

Former Sen. Jeff “The” Flake, not a fan of the president, told the Republic, “I’ve said all along I wouldn’t have been surprised if that campaign – the Trump campaign – would have been organized enough to collude.” What? Say, again.

I will be curious to see if the Republic continues its badgering of Senator McSally over her support of the president, who heads her party.

GIVE IT UP, MAXINE – The Mueller Report is meaningless to Rep. Maxine Waters. She now believes that President Trump has special brainwashing skills. “This president,“ Waters said, “has a way of trying to get into people’s heads and indoctrinate them,” she told Joy Reid on MSNBC on Sunday. “He’s been saying ‘no collusion,’ ‘no collusion,’ ‘no collusion’ over and over again for a long time now, and he’s going to try to conclude that this report is proof that there is no collusion.”

Well, it seems to me that President Trump has successfully gotten into her head.

LEAVE IT TO THE LIBERAL DEMOCRATS – They were all for a Special Counsel investigation of the Trump campaign, most likely because they were convinced the president was guilty. However, now that he has completed his investigation, they’re not satisfied; they want to know how he arrived at his findings.

THE CLAIM THAT BETO O’ROURKE reminds some of Bobby Kennedy jogged the mind of a friend who recalls the 1988 vice presidential debate when Sen. Lloyd Bentson’s put down of Sen. Dan Quayle made the news – “Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy.”

You can almost see it coming in the 2020 campaign: “Bobby Kennedy was a friend of mine. Beto you’re no Bobby Kennedy.”

THE EVER-FLIPPANT Kamala Harris was at it again. While campaigning in Atlanta at a church service dedicated to youth, Harris took the opportunity to patronize the youths while dissing elder Democrats.

“Each generation must ask themselves what do we do during that period of time when we carry the baton,” she said before adding “for the older leaders, it also becomes a question of let’s also know when to pass the baton.”

Most likely her remark was aimed at her opponents Joe Biden, 76, and Bernie Sanders, 77, both who have run for president before and fallen short, but unconsciously, wasn’t she hinting to her Judiciary Committee colleagues Dianne Feinstein, 78, and Pat Leahy, 76, that it was time for them to “pass the baton?” And how about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 76? Oops!

THERE WERE MORE COMMENTS directed at the “off-mainstream” media following the Mueller Report results that found no collusion of the Trump campaign with Russia.

Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist wrote @seanmdav: “Hands up, don’t shoot. Trump’s a Russian spy. Kavanaugh ran a secret gang rape cartel. Covington kids assaulted a vet.

Never forget that these lies … and yes, they were outright lies … were deliberately peddled by all the same people for all the same reasons.”

Greg Gutfeld, co-host of Fox’s “The Five,” wrote @greggutfeld: “So, the Steele dossier was fake, the FISA system was abused, fake leaks came from high ranking officials, and the media dragged our country thru this bulls**t. It’s not Trump that Putin snagged; it’s the media, a bunch of useful idiots.”

 AND LOOKING AHEAD was former White House press spokesman Ari Fleischer @AriFleischer: “Now that Mueller says there was no collusion, it is time to scrutinize the Obama administration. They spied on a US campaign, wiretapped Americans, bit on the dossier and unmasked Flynn. What did Barack Obama know and what and when did he authorize it?”

ANOTHER NOTEWORTHY QUOTE:To compel a man (woman) to subsidize with his (her) taxes, the propagation of ideas which he (she) disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical.” – Thomas Jefferson

                               May God bless the United States of America.