The shame of ‘Morning Joe’ … and our Congress … Taranto nails Brooks … Brennan’s weak response … Hume on the media … no respect for the presidency … and the hubris of Avenatti

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

Cartoon courtesy AFBranco)

THE SHAME OF ‘MORNING JOE’ – For years, the married co-hosts of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, along with regular guests John Brennan, Donny Duetsch and Mike Barnicle, peddled fabricated stories and spouted deceitful comments to believing, unsuspecting Americans every weekday.

Their outright hatred of Donald Trump and determination to help bring down his presidency was a betrayal of their country – treasonous. In December 2017, Brzezinski told viewers that the Trump team might be going to jail “for the rest of their lives,” and people believed them. The co-hosts and their guests shared insulting time on the show, frequently referring to his mental health.

They took joy in repeating similar comments from swamp Democrats. Rep. Adam Schiff said Trump could be the first president “to face the real prospect of jail time.”

Rep. Joaquin Castro said the evidence he had already seen suggested “people will probably go to jail.”

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, campaigning in Iowa, suggested that “By the time we get to 2020, Donald Trump may not even be president, in fact he may not even be a free person.”

JAMES TARANTO, feature writer for The Wall Street Journal, wasn’t going to allow New York Times columnist David Brooks to saddle all of the media for the fake news the Times fabricated against the Trump administration. “What do you mean, ‘we’ve,'” was Taranto’s response to Brooks’ “We’ve All Just Made Fools of Ourselves – again.”

CHIEF PERPETUATOR of the collusion with Russia hoax, former CIA Director John Brennan, who bad-mouthed the president over a two-year period from his perch at MSNBC where he was a contributor, went on the air Monday to explain how he was so wrong. “I got bad information.”

With connections to Obama holdovers in the Deep State, Brennan often tweeted attacks on the president like this one written on June 23, 2018: “your unprincipled and unethical behavior as well as your incompetence are seriously damaging our nation.”

BRIT HUME, one of the few remaining respected Washington journalists, with more than three decades covering Washington as ABC’s chief White House correspondent for 23 years prior to moving to Fox News Channel where he is now the senior political analyst, slammed the mainstream media for perpetrating the “worst journalistic debacle of his lifetime.”

While hoping “there’ll be some serious soul searching” among the media, he noted that Fox’s news competitors ”have moved on, kind of, seamlessly on to speculation about obstruction of justice now, following as they so often do, the Democrat script.”

KRAMERONTHERIGHT believes the media will never apologize for its effort to bring down the Trump presidency. They simply will not admit that they have betrayed the country as well as their profession.

RESPECT FOR THE PRESIDENCY no longer exists among the Democrat Party. Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation, New Jersey Democrat Rep. Hakeem Jeffries said, “The American people deserve to know whether Donald Trump is either A. A legitimate president B. A Russian asset C. The functional equivalent of an organized crime boss, or D. Just a useful idiot who happens to have been victimized by the greatest collection of coincidences in the history of the republic.

Beyond disgraceful.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF DISRESPECT came from another Democrat, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who wants to be your president. “He wants you to believe he is strong. He is not. Our president is a coward. The American people have the right to know whether their president is a crook,” she told supporters on Sunday.

NOTE TO GILLIBRAND: Your hate is showing. President Trump stood strong through accusations and cowardly attacks on his character and his family for more than two years, all while keeping 90 percent of his promises and accomplishing more than any previous president’s initial years.

CHRIS COONS, the Democrat senator from Delaware, was asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer whether he thought the president was facing jail time. “Yes,” he said.

HAVING LOST THE FIGHT over collusion, Democrats have now zeroed in on obstruction, finding it objectionable that Trump appointees Bill Barr and Rod Rosenstein made the decision that there was no case for obstruction. How soon they forget the coziness Barack Obama had with AG’s Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch.

THE HUBRIS OF AVENATTI – Attorney Michael Avenatti was arrested Monday for an array of crimes, including conspiracy to commit extortion, bank fraud and wire fraud.

He is accused of defrauding a bank by submitting false tax returns to obtain three loans totaling $4.1 million for his coffee business in 2014. He claimed he paid $1.6 million in estimated tax payments to the IRS in 2012 and $1.25 million in 2013, but in fact, he never filed returns from 2011 to 2013 according to federal prosecutors. Just the tip of the iceberg.

Now get this … Avenatti said he expected to be “fully exonerated” when all of the facts of the cases emerged.”

        May God bless the United States of America.