News from Barr … the MAGA slogan … another religious freedom challenge … liberalism in the classroom … poor Nancy … leftist media on Biden … an unusual golf story … and the Deep State in depth

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

WHAT NOW DEMOCRATS? On Sunday, you were critical of the coziness of President Trump with his appointed AG. However, now Attorney General Bill Barr, in a letter to the House and Senate judiciary committee chairmen, said “Although the president would have the right to assert privilege over certain part of the report, he has stated publicly that he intends to defer to me and, accordingly, there are no plans to submit the report to the White House for a privilege review.” He intends to release the report with appropriate redactions by mid-April.

BUT OF COURSE, the huff and puff chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), still insists that he wants to see the entire report by April 2, 2019. Nice try, Jerrold. My money is on Barr.

‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN,’ the slogan the Trump campaign has effectively used to press forward on the president’s agenda, has been a bone of contention among liberals, most recently with racism references to his immigration desire to make the nation “all-white” again. How ridiculous.

Kramerontheright has always viewed the slogan as making America great again after eight miserable years of Obama leadership that saw the demise of our foreign relations along with serious reductions in our military capacity, the signing of a bad nuclear deal with Iran, the costly tinkering with climate change schemes, the ill-conceived ObamaCare program, and over-regulated policies that killed jobs and prevented the recovery of the economy.

We need to modify the slogan to Keep America Great as we look to the 2020 reelection of President Trump.

ANOTHER RELIGIOUS FREEDOM CHALLENGE – The San Antonio, Texas city council voted 6 to 4 to prevent Chick-fil-A, a franchise known for opposing same-sex marriage, from opening a location in the city’s airport.

Never mind that Chick-fil-A has locations in San Antonio and other Texas cities.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is investigating and has asked Department of Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao to open an investigation as it pertains to federal grant money that normally flows to airports.

(Courtesy Briscoe Cain/facebook)

FROM TIME TO TIME I make you aware of liberal efforts in the classrooms of our public schools, colleges and universities to attack conservative views. In Houston, Texas, a seventh-grade teacher had his students read 10 student-written essays to determine what information could be inferred from them.

One essay, titled “Trump Against American Values,” contained a number of sentences slanted against the president, followed by a list of multiple-choice responses. The third choice (C.) read, “Donald Trump should not be president.”

“This individual (an unnamed teacher) has violated the sacred trust that every parent has with the State of Texas when they send their child into a public school,” said State Rep. Briscoe Cain, a Republican. “This type of non-factual rhetoric has no place in our schools regardless of who the president is,” added Chris Felder a parent.

NANCY, NANCY, NANCY … you reveal in a press conference that your Democrat leadership meeting was “focused on meeting the needs of the American people in their lives.”

A Republican member, noting that the former disgraced CIA Director John Brennan attended that meeting, said, “if that was the (focus) then they wouldn’t have been caught scheming with one of the architects of the false collusion narrative, to discuss “the news of the day.”

THE FLIP SIDE blog published some interesting comments from the left about Joe Biden. Molly Roberts of the Washington Post: “Biden has baggage and cartloads of it. Nia-Malika Henderson of CNN: “Leave it to Joe Biden to trip – and then trip again – as he tries to navigate what might be called the woke era of the Democrat Party.” Jason Sattler of USA Today: “Biden has a nearly unparalleled collection of Achilles heels.” Chris Smith of Vanity Fair: “The longer he avoids joining the fray, the less confident Uncle Joe looks about his chances of winning.”

AN UNUSUAL GOLF STORY – On Wednesday, before heading off to play golf, I saw the radical Democrat Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez in a heated exchange with Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) over reducing emissions. “You want to tell people that their concern and their desire for clean air and clean water is elitist?” she shouted, before adding, “Tell the kids in the South Bronx (with the) highest rates of childhood asthma in the country.”

I ignored the Democrat talking point that Republicans are not interested in clean air and water, but as a kid who suffered from asthma, I was curious about those kids in the Bronx, and the relationship of clean air and water.

Coincidentally, while driving to the golf course, I listened as Fox Business Network anchor Charles Payne ripped into Ocasio-Cortez for blaming the South Bronx asthma epidemic on emission pollution. As someone who grew up in Harlem, he spoke of studies that have been done in the South Bronx, and mentioned that heavy smoking rates, and apartments loaded with dust and molds, as well high rates of cockroach and mouse allergens. Payne said the asthma epidemic has “zero to do with carbon dioxide emissions or the climate change debate.”

I intended to look into that study after golfing. Before I got to it, I received a note from a member of my foursome with a copy of a 2009 study that indicated “Bronx children have higher asthma prevalence and asthma morbidity than other US children.”

The study revealed that Bronx children were significantly more likely to be sensitized to reported aeroallergens in their homes – a presence of household cockroaches, mice and rats, using a gas stove to heat the home, and visible mold. Interestingly, the report indicated that Bronx parents (63 percent) were pessimistic about controlling asthma.

Note to Ocasio-Cortez: Exposure to excess carbon dioxide played no part in high asthma prevalence among the children of the South Bronx. And … you chose the wrong member to argue children’s health issues; Sean and Rachel Duffy have eight children.

WANT MORE INSIDE INFO on the Deep State effort to bring down the Trump presidency? Are you aware that 22 FBI and DOJ individuals have resigned, been fired, or demoted since President Trump took office?   I suggest you read Jeff Carlson’s detailed investigative journalism report in The Epoch Times. Simply CLICK HERE.

      May God bless the United States of America.