Hispanics high on Trump, GOP … Brennan to ‘hall of shame’ … Schiff asked to step down … but Pelosi is proud of him … and ‘The Flake’ wants a Dem to win in 2020

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

HISPANIC VOTERS APPROVE OF TRUMP’S JOB by 50 percent in a McLaughlin & Associates poll released on Saturday, according to Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner. Forty-seven percent have a “favorable” opinion of him.

The Republican Party regained its edge over Democrats in the generic congressional ballot, 47 to 43 percent.

JOHN BRENNAN, the former disgraced CIA Director under President Obama is very much in the news lately with one news clip after another reminding us of his slanderous public comments about President Trump.

JOHN BRENNAN (foxnews.com)

Mark Thiessen, a former speech-writer for President George W. Bush and a contributor the Fox News Channel, presented his view of Brennan in his recent Washington Post column: “The Trump-Russian collusion hall of shame.”

“Put aside the rogues’ gallery of reporters and pundits who assured us that Donald Trump had conspired with Vladimir Putin to steal the presidency. What is most insidious are those who did have access to classified intelligence and led Americans to believe that they had seen what we could not: actual evidence of Trump-Russia collusion … the most sinister of all is John Brennan, who used his authority as former CIA director to suggest that Trump was a traitor and a compromised Russian asset.

“After Trump’s Helsinki summit, Brennan declared ‘he is wholly in the pocket of Putin.’ When challenged by Chuck Todd on Meet the Press, Brennan stood by his assessment. ‘I called (Trump’s) behavior treasonous, which is to betray one’s trust and aid and abet the enemy, and I stand very much by that claim.’

“He (Brennan) is the worst of the worst, the Trump-Russia collusion hall of shame.”

It has been customary to allow former senior officials to keep their clearances so current officials can consult with them. Since President Trump didn’t want any of his administration consulting with someone as partisan as Brennan, on August 15, 2018, the president revoked Brennan’s security clearance.

“I can’t talk about the classified information that informs my judgement, but trust me, Trump’s a compromised Russian stooge,” –John Brennan

WHEN MICHAEL HOROWITZ’ DOJ IG report is released in the weeks ahead, I believe Brennan’s Deep State activities will be well documented and the action taken by the president will not only be proven justified, but long overdue.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY of The Federalist tweeted @MZHemingway: “This man’s role in spreading dangerous conspiracy theory while inside government needs to be fully examined. He needs to be held accountable for the significant damage he did to the country.”

ADAM SCHIFF’S RANT against the Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee, who asked for him to step down as chairman, was obviously expected. Prefacing one ridiculous charge after another against the president, members of his family and transition team with “you may think it’s okay, I don’t.”

Schiff cited meetings with Russians attended by Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Donald Trump Jr. – all of whom Special Counsel Robert Mueller determined not to be colluding – saying “you may say that all okay … I think it’s corrupt and evidence of collusion.”

It’s unfortunate that Schiff didn’t take on with the same fervor the matter of Hillary Clinton and the DNC colluding to produce the phony Russian dossier, that was illegally used to support warrants from the FISA court.

BIRDS OF A FEATHER – From the house of Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib comes Speaker Nancy Pelosi to inform us that “Adam Schiff’s calm, professional leadership is something we can all be proud of. His time has chairman of the House Intelligence Committee has been a shining example of how to responsibly carry out the committee’s mission.”

“THE FLAKE” DEBATES, STILL INCOHERENT – Here’s an oxymoron for you to consider. Former Arizona RINO Sen. Jeff “The” Flake was invited to participate in an Intelligence Squared debate – “The Republican Party Should Not Renominate Trump.”

The periodic debates are said to be bi-partisan, designed to present forums to promote intellectual viewpoints of thought leaders, with a mission to restore cultural thinking, facts, reason and civility to American policy discussions. With that, one has to wonder how they selected Flake.

Flake’s debate partner was fellow anti-Trumper Bret Stephens of the New York Times. Debating in opposition (for the renomination) were Kris Kobach, former Kansas secretary of state, and Liz Peek, a writer and commentator.

Arguing that the Republican Party should not support Trump in 2020, Flake said it would be better for a Democrat to win the election if Trump is the Republican nominee. Claiming to be a conservative, Flake said he favors Joe Biden as the candidate. OMG.

Flake stated that “it will be difficult enough to unravel some of the damage that has been done internationally to our role, to our leadership position, we cannot, should not, go another four years.”

He was critical of the president’s policies on immigration and free trade, and disapproved of his treatment of the media.

“One message of hope,” said Flake, if he wins again, we have limited the president’s terms to two,” was one his more brilliant remarks.

The Flake-Stephens team debating with the position that the Republican Party should not renominate Trump, won handily as one would expect with a New York voting audience.

                           May God bless the United States of America.