House Jews give AOC a pass … too early to fret over 2020 … the Dem “big ideas’ … groups working to reelect Trump … Trump campaign raises big bucks … Blacks, Hispanics and Trump … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.


WHERE ARE YOU, ELIOT? Wouldn’t you think that Democrat Rep. Eliot Engel, the Jewish chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, would be outraged by the remark made by fellow New Yorker Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez that the U.S. government is running concentration camps on our southern border?

“It’s a total disregard to the facts, in particular about the Holocaust, but also you see the extent to which her colleagues and the people who are supposed to be leading the Democrats in the House,” commented Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY).

Incidentally, there are more than a dozen Democrat Jewish representatives in the House. Representative Engel or one of the others should show her what concentration camps really look like and invite her to tour the United States Holocaust Museum, a short walk from the Capitol Building.

IT’S JUST TOO EARLY to get excited about prospects for the 2020 general election for president; who’s in and who’s not. You can ignore those polls showing Apology Joe Biden with a two-digit lead over the president, and those that show Sanders and Warren defeating the president.

HERE ARE A COUPLE REASONS – Successful Trump trade deals – China, and the new pact with Canada and Mexico – would provide a positive impact on his campaign.

And If, as expected, DOJ IG Michael Horowitz’s investigation reveals a partisan effort on the part of Obama Deep State bad actors to sink the Trump presidency before and after the election, Trump will use this to paint Democrats as scandal-ridden. In addition, U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation will surely yield additional fodder for the Trump campaign.

However, there are negative impacts lurking that could affect the president’s reelection, too. North Korea and Iran.

And, too, Biden and company could stumble along the way.

It’s early.

HERE ARE A FEW TIDBITS of interest. Steven Hayward, writing in the Power Line blog, suggests that NBC News seems to be secretly in the employ of the Trump campaign. The network has been doing a series in which they’re asking Democrat presidential candidates to name their “one big idea” for America that will cause a groundswell and propel them into the White House.

Kamala Harris: Raises for teachers, Julian Castro: Universal Pre-K, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paid family leave, Pete Buttigieg: Abolish the electoral college, Jay Inslee, Tackle climate change, Cory Booker wants to give each newborn a $1,000 savings account, and Bernie Sanders: Medicare-for-all. Those are “big” ideas?

DEMOCRAT ERIC SWALWELL, who actually thinks he’s presidential material, declared in a New York Times interview that he would fire President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner on the first day of his presidency.

As if Kushner, who is a senior advisor tasked with developing a peace plan between Israel and the Palestinians, would be around to be fired.

In case you missed it, Swalwell managed to gather just 18 supporters outside NRA headquarters recently to outline his gun control proposal. Probably all members of his campaign team.

TRUMP 2020 KICKOFF rally was in Orlando.

AMERICA FIRST POLICIES, a pro-Trump group is kicking off a $20 million bid to register voters in Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia. It began at Trump’s reelection rally last night. The group has estimated that there are some nine million unregistered voters in Florida alone.

MEANWHILE, a similar group in Texas – Engage Texas – is preparing to launch a multi-million-dollar effort to register more than a one million new GOP voters to keep the Lone Star State red.

 EVANGELICALS, TOO, led by Ralph Reed, founder of the Faith & Freedom Coalition, have set a goal of registering one million voters among evangelicals, saying, “It’s going to be the most ambitious and far-reaching voter mobilization effort in the history of the conservative faith community … roughly three times the level we did in 2016.”

THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN raised $24.8 million in a 24-hour period, according to a Wednesday announcement.

A RASMUSSEN POLL released on Monday reveals that 55 percent of those responding to a telephone survey believe that “life for young black Americans has gotten better since Trump’s election. However, despite the obvious progress Trump helped deliver – record low unemployment – Democrats are not willing to give Trump credit, according to Matt Margolis, writing in PJ Media.

FLORIDA HISPANIC SUPPORT that helped Republicans keep the governorship in conservative hands and turn over a Democrat senate seat to Republicans in 2018, will not be taken for granted by the Trump campaign. The president’s campaign manager told the Miami Herald that he planned to launch a national Hispanic effort in Florida, where there are some 2.2 million Hispanic voters.

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – “Democrat presidential 2020 hopefuls are the goofiest collection of mediocrities ever assembled,” was the headline over a piece written by R. Emmet Tyrrell Jr. in The Washington Times. Tyrell is the founder and editor in chief of The American Spectator.

   May God bless the United States of America.