How can anyone take Biden seriously? … Does the name Richman sound familiar? … Democrat Gillibrand’s view of ‘life’ … Fox’s move to the left … and CNN viewership spirals

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

DID YOU HEAR IT? Apology Joe Biden said, “Know what I was most proud of? For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal or lie.”

It couldn’t be further from the truth, and I’m not going to review the long list of scandals and lies, but I do want to give Biden credit for not plagiarizing that statement word for word.

“I’m extremely proud of the fact that over eight years we have had not the kind of scandals that have plagued other administrations.” – President Obama, 11/20/16

As if the “kind of scandals” makes a difference.

If Biden makes it to the general election, he will regret making that ludicrous claim. It will come back to haunt him. Matt Margolis of PJ Media has written a summary of ten Obama-Biden administration scandals, concluding with the spying on the Trump campaign. CLICK HERE to refresh your memory.

THE NAME SOUNDS FAMILIAR – If the name Daniel Richman doesn’t sound familiar to you, his name is surfacing again. Richman is the Columbia Law School professor who leaked information to the press for former disgraced FBI Director James Comey.

The Daily Caller News Foundation and Cause for Action Institute has filed a Freedom of Information Act request for “all records, documents and communications” pertaining to Richman, a special government employee hired by Comey.

U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly rejected the FBI’s motion for a stay on the request on the grounds of the spike in FOIA requests, ordering a production schedule to be set by June 28, 2019, followed by the production of 500 records per month.

GILLIBRAND’S BRAND ON “LIFE” – During an interview with the Des Moines Register, Democrat presidential candidate Kirsten Gillibrand compared pro-life beliefs to racism.

“There’s no moral equivalency when it comes to racism. And I do not think there’s a moral equivalency when it comes to changing laws that deny women reproductive freedom,” she said.

While 71 percent of Americans oppose abortion after a child reaches 20 weeks of gestation, according to the latest Marist poll, Gillibrand wants to make abortion legally available at any and all times during pregnancy, regardless of whether the fetus has a heartbeat or is about to exit the mother’s womb.

“Comparing pro-life views to racist, anti-Semitic, or homophobic views is nuts,” commented Chrissy Clark in The Federalist. “Not that Gillibrand ever had a chance of becoming president, but after this interview her chances are looking even more grim.”

THE VIEW FROM THE LEFT continues to grow on the Fox News Channel. I recently wrote of what I see as the demise of Fox with its hiring of former DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile. She is called upon for her views every day, and was even welcomed to Fox & Friends Wednesday morning to share her favorite Louisiana recipe.

Bill Richardson, former Democrat governor of New Mexico and UN ambassador under Bill Clinton, was the featured guest on Fox’s mid-morning show, Outnumbered, on Wednesday.

THERE’S MORE – On Wednesday, Fox gave long-time left coast Democrat contributor Leslie Marshall space on its digital offering to post an op-ed, “California is right to give illegal immigrants health insurance.”

“It’s humane. And California’s leaders believe that health care is a fundamental right,” she writes. Under the budget agreement, health insurance will be provided to undocumented immigrants who qualify under California’s version of Medicaid, known as Medi-Cal.

The budget agreement calls for taxing people who don’t carry health insurance to cover part of the cost. Sounds a bit like the ObamaCare mandate, the Trump administration recently killed.

“At first glance, the plan looks very expensive,” says Marshall, “It will cost approximately $98 million annually,” explaining that it will only cover those between the ages of 19-25, not the more costly price tag of expanding coverage to the elderly.

IN THE MEANTIME, however, CNN’s ratings have spiraled out of control, losing one-third of its primetime audience, including 55 percent of its viewers 25-54. It also lost 45 percent of those viewers over its total day viewership.

   May God bless the United States of America.