The Dems think you’re ignorant … the dysfunctional Dem House … Nancy and ‘the squad’ … Trump was right on Puerto Rico … the words of Omar … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.

ATTENTION VOTERS – The Democrat Party thinks you are ignorant. Seriously.

The Mueller Report was released to the public about two months ago. It was available on-line to those who are computer literate and hard copies were available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Costco and a number of other locations. And for those who cannot read or prefer the audio version, that too was available.

Yet, Speaker Nancy Pelosi authorized the chairmen of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerrold Nadler, and the House Intelligence Committee’s Adam Schiff to subpoena Robert Mueller to appear for questioning on his report.

“I think it’s very important that the American people hear from Mr. Mueller as to what he did find, what the results of that two-year investigation were,” said Nadler.

Never mind that Mueller has publicly stated he wouldn’t stray from the four corners of his report.

Nadler also said the public should “not have to rely on the misinformation spread by the attorney general or on reading the report, which most people haven’t done,” Nadler said.

“Which most people haven’t done.” Shouldn’t that tell Mr. Nadler something?

The Mueller cross-examination is now scheduled to take place on July 24, 2019, and the TV networks are already displaying a Mueller hearing countdown in the corner of the screen.

Don’t be surprised if Nadler and Schiff have someone there to convey the verbal exchanges in sign language.

IN THE DYSFUNCTINAL DEMOCRAT HOUSE, where a handful of radicals now referred to as “the squad” (Representatives Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, Tlaibe and Pressley) are daily challenging Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership, Michael Goodwin writes in The New York Post, “Liberals are eating their friends as well as their enemies.”

Goodwin reminds his readers of a quote by President Lyndon Johnson in 1967 when the Democrat Party was divided over the issue of riots in a number of American cities.

Attacking the left-wing of his own party, Johnson said, “A liberal is intolerant of other views. (Still true today.) He wants to control your thoughts and actions. You know the difference between cannibals and liberals?   Cannibals eat only their enemies.”

Goodwin also recalls the “feud” between Apology Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and the 2016 bad blood between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

BETTER WATCH YOUR BACK NANCY – In April, while speaking before the London School of Economics and Political Science, Speaker Nancy Pelosi jokingly remarked that “a glass of water could win in districts like Ocasio-Cortez’s with a “D” next to its name.

During a 60-Minutes interview, Lesley Stahl commented, “You have these wings – AOC and her group on one side …” “That’s like five people,” Pelosi interrupted, minimalizing their role.

“No, it’s – the progressive group is more than five,” responded Stahl.

“Well, the progressive … I’m a progressive,” Pelosi retorted.

While Pelosi is seemingly playing “the squad” from a firm leadership perch, a recent poll is being circulated privately among Democrats and is scaring the beejeebees out of them, according to Rick Moran at PJ Media.

The poll revealed that 74 percent recognized the name Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and 53 percent recognized the name of Ilhan Omar. One would normally see this as positive, but their favorability percentages were 22 percent and nine percent, respectively. Are voters going to tie their “unfavorability” to the Democrat presidential candidates?

Kramerontheright believes that Pelosi made a huge mistake, allowing “the squad” to stage their foul-mouthed anti-Trump performance from the speaker’s press room Monday.

It will be interesting to see who among the Dem candidates make the mistake of supporting them.

A FLASHBACK ON PATRIOTISM – If you think President Trump is taking patriotism too far, please take a few minutes to listen to President Ronald Reagan on the subject.  CLICK HERE

TRUMP WAS CORRECT in April when he claimed that “corrupt or incompetent” Puerto Rican officials had badly bungled relief efforts following 2017’s Hurricane Maria, according to Becket Adams in The Washington Examiner. Democrats and the media responded with racist comments.

The FBI has arrested two former Puerto Rico officials for funneling disaster aid payments to politically connected contractors.

THE SOPHOMORIC SOMALI SPEAKS: On the belief that “I am anti-American because I criticize the United States … I believe, as an immigrant, I probably love this country more than anyone more than anyone that is naturally born and because I am ashamed of it continuing to live its hypocrisy.” – Rep. Ilhan Omar

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) recently asked the mayor of Caldwell, Idaho to change the street name of Chicken Dinner Road. “Just like dogs, cats, and human beings, chickens feel pain and fear and value their own lives,” wrote Tracy Reiman, executive vice president of PETA.

              May God continue to bless the United States of America.