A win for President Trump … Pressley eats her own … Cheney sets the record straight … Warren still an embarrassment … Inslee, too … and the laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

OKAY!, OKAY!, OKAY! – Many of you think the president was wrong to tell the Mob Squad that if they don’t like the United States they should leave. Others agree with what he said, but wish he wouldn’t have said it. So be it.

The result was a win for President Trump, because it brought them before the cameras to show them for who they are as they spewed their own brand of hate for him and America.

“But he (Trump) makes staying (in the White House) more difficult than it has to be. Only days ago, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and her ‘squad,’ the infamous ‘four ladies of the apocalypse,’ were well on their way to destroying the 2020 Democrat campaign to keep the House and regain the White House.” – Wesley Pruden, The Washington Times

The Mob Squad referred to President Trump as “the occupant” of the White House, a “white nationalist,” and someone who is “committing human rights violations,” “making a mockery of the Constitution,” “openly violating” his constitutional oath, and despite the Mueller Report, he “colluded with Russians.” All interspersed with foul language.

President Trump is the man we elected to change Washington, but many of us still haven’t come to terms with his role as a disrupter.

“Mr. Trump’s penchant for personal attacks and undisciplined tweets drives even some of his supporters crazy,” writes Bobby Jindal in his Wall Street Journal op-ed, “They wonder if he is his own worst enemy and hope he doesn’t sabotage his success. Yet many more supporters wanted a disruptive force and view his unorthodox behavior as a positive feature.

“Most Americans aren’t eager to embrace either party’s craziness, but sensible swing voters should prefer the Republican version. The damage being done to the Democrat Party is much more substantial; and will last longer,” reminding readers of Hillary Clinton labeling Trump supporters as ‘deplorables.’”

Among the mixed Congressional response to the Trump-Mob Squad fray, Rep. Charles “Chip” Roy of Texas suggested that if the four women love America, “they damn well should act like it.”

MOB SQUAD MEMBER Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), appearing at the Netroots Nation convention in Philadelphia last week, took a shot at blacks, Muslims and others in her own Congressional Black Caucus. “If you’re not prepared to come to the table and represent that voice, don’t come, because we don’t need any more brown faces that don’t want to be a brown voice. We don’t need black faces that don’t want to be a black voice. We don’t need Muslims that don’t want to be a Muslim voice. We don’t need queers that don’t want to be a queer voice,” Pressley proclaimed.

There is concern among members that Justice Democrats, a political action committee founded by the resident bartender of the House, is seeking to back liberal candidates to run in the primary against Democrat incumbents.

IT’S NOT THEIR COLOR, RACE OR GENDER stated Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) in a concise review Tuesday of how the Democrats are wrong on policies important to the American people. I highly recommend that you take a few minutes to view her remarks by CLICKING HERE.

ON MY FIRST DAY I WILL (kellygannonblogspot.com)

ELIZABETH WARREN, the crotchety schoolmarm, used her appearance at the leftist Netroots Nation convention to unveil another of her “on my first day in office I will” pronouncements. Wait for it.

“On my first day, I will empower a commission in the Department of Justice to investigate crimes committed by the United States against immigrants,” she said.

“To anyone out there who’s working in this system, understand you abuse immigrants, you physically abuse immigrants, you sexually abuse immigrants, you fail to get them medical care that they need, you break the law of the United States of America, and Donald Trump may be willing to look the other way, but President Elizabeth Warren will not,” she added while citing no facts.

She’s an embarrassment to her party and the nation.

Writing in Bizpac Review, Victor Rantala, wrote, “In an outrageous sweeping attack on the good people working border protection missions during the current Democrat-fueled immigration crisis, Warren broad-brushed baseless accusations that are making life for them more dangerous and difficult.”

ANOTHER WANNABE DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT Jay Inslee assured himself that he will not come close to the nomination when he announced that he would name soccer player Megan Rapinoe to be his secretary of state.

Inslee said Rapinoe offers us “more love than hate … what she has said that has inspired us so much is such an antithesis of the president’s foreign policy.”   Really?

WHAT DID I SAY? (gettyimage)

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – Apology Joe Biden, who is struggling with those who think he’s too old, may now have people wondering if he’s suffering from dementia. While revealing his $750 billion ObamaCare redo, he said, “If you like your plan … you can keep it.” Has he forgotten about the failed program he once told President Obama was “a big f**king deal?”

             May God continue to bless the United States of America.