The left ‘uses’ McCain again … border deaths lower under Trump … what we learned from House vote on impeachment … the left infiltrates schools … and that CNN focus group with Republican women

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.


LEFTIST LAURIE ROBERTS, columnist with The Arizona Republic, has again come up with an excuse to pay homage to the late John McCain. Below the headline, “Where is McCain when we need him?” she shamelessly “uses” the former senator to conveniently make her a point that President Trump is a “blatant racist.”

Recalling McCain’s final message, Roberts has the audacity to imply that, before he died, it was “almost as if he knew this defining moment would come, when a president of the United States would proclaim that some Americans are less Americans than others,” referring to Trump’s criticism of the Mob Squad.

McCain’s quote, “If only we remember (to) give each other the benefit of the presumption that we all love our country,” was addressed to “325 million opinionated, vociferous individuals.” Not even close to directing it at the president.

Roberts would have you believe that McCain was a man of tolerance, which we know he really wasn’t. I know from personal experience.

When I read the headline on Robert’s column, I was reminded of how McCain deserted his party with his symbolic thumbs down vote on the repeal of ObamaCare.

So, when Roberts says that “he stood tallest as he called upon us to remember who we are,” I remember what he was … a RINO.

TOWNHALL’S ANALOGY of President Trump as Tom Sawyer was an interesting one. I’m sure you recall how Tom got the neighborhood kids to paint the fence. “Donald Trump, by injecting himself into the Democrat’s civil war and compelling the Pelosi establishment to embrace the Squad, may have just pulled off a classic Tom Sawyer move,” remarked Paul Curry in Townhall.

REMEMBER THE OUTCRYS from the Democrat presidential candidates against President Trump after the photo of a migrant father and daughter face down in the water along our Southern Border appeared in the media? Biden, Harris, Booker and O’Rourke leaped at the opportunity to blame Trump.

“But the reality is that deaths at the U.S. – Mexico border decreased after Donald Trump became president,” writes Christopher Tremoglie in National Review, quoting data from the Border Patrol. During 2017 and 2018 fiscal years they averaged 291 per year, down from 3,272 during the Obama-Biden administration and 382 under Bush.

“The demagoguery of left-wing politicians and media pundits created a false narrative that the policies of the Trump administration have resulted in these types of border deaths even though they have existed for nearly two decades,” Tremoglie comments.

“WHAT WE LEARNED from the House Votes on Trump’s Tweets and Impeachment,” was the headline over an interesting piece written by Perry Bacon in FiveThirtyEight, a political blog.

First, nearly all House Republicans are aligning themselves with the president.

Secondly, House Democrats, even in Trump-won districts, are comfortable with casting some of Trump’s behavior as “racist.”

In addition, Democrats are very divided on impeachment. And Trump-district Democrats in particular are wary of pushing towards impeachment.

“Republicans at all levels are increasingly aligned with Trump, and Democrats seem comfortable characterizing some of Trump’s behavior as bad, but very unwilling to try to push him out of office.


THE CRAZINESS CONTINUES – The leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) awarded a grant of $10,000 to the Amherst, Massachusetts school system for sixth-grade activism projects, according to Tyler O’Neil in PJ Media.

In particular, the SPLC reward class projects protesting the state flag for being “violent” to Native Americans, supporting reforestation, and advocating for the Green New Deal.

Three sixth grade students wrote that their class wanted the state to change its flag to a design “that is inclusive of Native Americans and less violent.” It features an arm holding a sword over the head of a Native American. They also asked the Cambridge City Council to remove the state flag from the council chamber.

So, now we see the left promoting activism in elementary classrooms, as we have noted in high schools, colleges and universities for years.

FINALLY, HAVE YOU HEARD about the focus group of Republican women conducted on air by CNN earlier this month? Since I do not watch CNN, I appreciate the fact that RealClear Politics published a transcript and embedded a video of the session online.

I don’t have the space to include the entire transcript, but I want you to know that CNN host Randi Kaye tried multiple times unsuccessfully to get one or more of the women to agree with her that President Trump was a racist. They didn’t bite.   You can see the video of the focus group by CLICKING HERE. Like me, you may wonder how that ever got on the air at the left-leaning CNN.

                   May God continue to bless the United States of America.