The shallowness of Pelosi … the Deep State at it again … the DOD’s obsession with climate change … Mayor Pete’s proposal … and an abortionist’s ghastly marketing

Here are my observations and opinions on my selected news of the day.

THE SHALLOWNESS OF NANCY PELOSI – Caving to the radicals in her party to proceed with an impeachment investigation, Pelosi has charged President Trump with “betrayal of national security” over his attempt to have the president of the Ukraine look into the corruption surrounding Apology Joe Biden and his son.

As a news wonk, I recall in June of 2017, when she boasted, “I am a strategic, politically astute leader.”

That’s laughable.  If she was, she would realize that by making the charge of harming national security, she was, in fact, doing more harm to our national security by making the charge.

Think about it.  She is casting doubt on the president’s ability to complete agreements among foreign leaders as the USMC trade agreement awaits congressional approval, and trade negotiations resume with China.

In her lack of depth, Pelosi doesn’t seem to understand the effect her charge might have as the president continues to pressure North Korea and Iran to come to the table.

And lastly, her party’s obsession with securing transcripts of his phone conversations with other foreign leaders could weaken the president’s ability to conduct urgent national security business.

THE CHANGE IN POLICY that allowed the whistleblower complaint to be allowed in the Ukraine phone conversation event, caused the president to again cite the dirty tricks of the Swamp, and rightly so.  This happened again within the intelligence community, and as I have reported a number of times, the Deep State exists throughout the government where unelected bureaucrats feel at home.

You will recall that 95 percent of donations from those working in the agencies went to Hillary Clinton in 2016, and as Inez Feltscher Stepman writes in The Federalist, those unelected bureaucrats “feel entitled to circumvent the will of the American people.”

“A web of civil service laws built over the past century effectively inures them to the consequences of defying the elected and appointed officials,” says Feltscher Stepman. “It takes up to two years to fire a federal worker, even those convicted of felonies while on the job.”

FOR SOME TIME NOW, I have been disturbed with the Defense Department’s involvement in the effects of climate change, to the extent of making it a national security issue.  And, even with a long history of scare tactics that proved false, it continues.

I was reminded of DOD’s involvement in a brief piece, “2004,” in the Wall Street Journal’s periodic Notable & Quotable column Friday.  It published an excerpt from a February 21, 2004 article in the London Observer, “Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us.”

Despite George W. Bush’s view of global warming as a hoax, his Pentagon began believing the warnings from the scientific community and were determined to force Bush into accepting “climate change as a real and happening phenomenon,” the article said.

“Climate change over the next 20 years could result in a global catastrophe costing millions of lives in wars and natural disasters,” the Observer reported, having obtained a secret report, suppressed by DOD.

The report predicted that “European cities will be sunk beneath rising seas as Britain is plunged into a ‘Siberian’ climate by 2020.  Nuclear conflict, mega-droughts, famine and widespread rioting will erupt across the world.”

“The findings will prove humiliating to the Bush administration, which has repeatedly denied that climate change even exists,” the article states, noting that it will “make unsettling reading” for the president.

Kramerontheright views Bush having the last laugh.

President Obama’s community organizer experience convinced him that there was no debate on the existence of man-made global warming and ensuing climate change, reported Rowan Scarborough in The Washington Times, when he directed the Pentagon to develop a strategy for the military services.

A new directive theme: The U.S. Armed Forces must show “resilience” and beat back the threat base on “actionable science.”  The establishment of a massive layer of bureaucracy with a wide array of climate change boards, councils and working groups were formed to infuse climate change into programs, plans and policies.

Climate change was integrated into weapons purchases and testing, surveillance and reconnaissance, and defense education and training.

In 2016, the DOD continued to declare climate change as an “urgent and growing threat to our national security” and … get this … they blamed it for “increased natural disasters.”  This, despite the fact that there has been no measurable  trend in annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and floods over the past 100 years.

Even former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis believed in climate change, and was at odds with President Trump over the issue.

Earlier this year, the DOD issued a 22-page report that assessed “significant vulnerabilities” faced by the military from climate-related events, but Trump is not a believer that climate change alone makes our military installations more vulnerable.  When a base is hit by a hurricane or a tornado one cannot automatically attribute it to climate change.

THE SOUTH BEND MAYOR Pete Buttigieg, with the experience similar to that of a community organizer, has proposed the creation of a “senior climate security role” in the Pentagon, who could prepare the U.S. for “climate security risks.” OMG

REMINISCENT of Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s calm discussion of what happens when an aborted baby is born alive, and whether to kill it after consultation with the mother and doctor, the infamous abortionist LeRoy Carhart now invites women to cuddle with their freshly killed babies, and offers them take-home keepsakes.

In a brochure posted on the website of Carhart’s abortion clinics in suburban Maryland and Nebraska, his post-abortion services are outlined, according to Stella Morabito, writing in The Federalist.

Brazenly using the word “baby” instead of fetus, and referring to a “delivery” rather than “abortion,” he offers the ability of the mother to cuddle the baby after delivery, including photographs, in addition to cremation and funeral service … with a pro-abortion clergy, of course.

All very ghastly in my opinion.

                         May God continue to bless the United States of America.