Minnesota “not so” nice … more on Schiff … the Gutfeld show … the Dem debates … and laugh-of-the-day

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.


MINNESOTA ‘NOT SO” NICE – The stereotypical behavior of people from Minnesota to be courteous, reserved, and mild-mannered, is popularly known as Minnesota nice.

The cultural characteristics of the state include polite friendliness, an aversion to open confrontation, a tendency toward understatement, a disinclination to make a direct fuss or stand out, apparent emotional restraint, and self-depreciation.

ENOUGH of that chamber of commerce hogwash. Here’s an example of what happened if you didn’t see it.

Thousands of Trump and Trump supporter haters crowded the streets outside the Target Center in Minneapolis during and after the president’s rally there last week.  They harassed supporters and the Twin Cities police, who were doing their best to keep things relatively calm.

DON CARLSON (vicenews)

During the street coverage, a bemused Fox announcer, reporting of the row upon row of police officers protecting citizens from protesters, sadly relating that these “protesters are their neighbors.”  Several thugs were visible taunting the police, getting in their face.

Don Carlson, a gentleman who supports President Trump, was spat upon while being interviewed, shocking the host from Vice News. Carlson showed no anger while wiping his face and continued talking of his support for the president. A man approached to apologize for the incident, but another who came up to apologize, added that his MAGA hat was “disrespectful as f**k.”

A SCHIFF STORY buried in yesterday’s blog – The Ignorance of Schiff – became one of the Wall Street Journal editorial board’s editorials Monday, “Adam Schiff’s Grand Jury.”

The Journal, like Kramerontheright, took note of Schiff’s ridiculous statement that his investigation is analogous to a grand jury proceeding.

“A grand jury? As Mr. Schiff knows, a grand jury is a criminal proceeding.  Impeachment is a political process in which the House defines the meaning of “high crimes and misdemeanors,” the editorial states. “Mr. Schiff wants it both ways.  Run his secret hearings like a criminal grand jury, but then impeach Mr. Trump of political offenses even if the President committed no crime.”

IF YOU’RE NOT WATCHING The Greg Gutfeld Show on Fox News Channel on Saturday evenings, you are missing a night time talk show that conservatives can watch, unlike the offerings on CBS and NBC, where the hosts are biased against President Trump.

Gutfeld, who also contributes his wit on The Five, a Fox afternoon program, can always be counted on to give listeners a laugh.  Gutfeld normally has two invited guests, but his two regulars on his night time show, Kat Timpf and Tyrus, are excellent foils to Gutfeld’s humor.

Timpf, who comes across as a dumb blonde, is anything but.  Educated at the conservative Hillsdale College and a contributor to National Review, Timpf’s humor is fresh.

Tyrus, a former big-time wrestler, surprisingly, mixes serious thought on issues of the day with his own brand of humor.

Last Saturday, a frequent guest, Tom Shillue, did three hilarious segments as Rep. Adam Schiff reading nursery rhymes.  CLICK HERE and scroll down to see all three embedded in this clip from the show.

TRUMP WINS EVERY DEMOCRAT DEBATE writes former Louisiana Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Bobby Jindal in his Wall Street Journal op-ed Monday. “The Republican National Committee should offer to be the official sponsor of a weekly Democrat presidential debate,” he suggests. “There would be no better advertisement for President Trump’s reelection.”

Jindal refers to the Democrat’s “radical ideas that include open borders, confiscating guns, paying reparations for slavery, addition of trillions of dollars in new government spending, taking away employer-based health insurance and restructuring the entire economy through the Green New Deal.”

On the other hand, he writes, “Many voters will be happy to vote for Mr. Trump because they approve of what he’s accomplished – cutting taxes, deregulating the economy, unleashing domestic energy production, investing in the military, appoint conservative justices and supporting Israel.

“There will, however, be voters who are not particularly fond of him but will choose him over the Democrats.  Far better to bear four more years of Mr. Trump’s mercurial temperament, these voters will rightly conclude, than risk it all on the Democrats’ radical and destructive policies.”

SPEAKING OF THE DEBATES – Don’t expect Hunter Biden’s name to come up at Tuesday’s Democrat debate.  If it does, perhaps from someone in the audience, expect boos and hisses.  The left doesn’t want to hear about it.

LAUGH-OF-THE-DAY – Appearing before United Food and Commercial Workers (UCWF) presidential forum in Altoona, Iowa Sunday, Apology Joe Biden told the audience, “If I am elected your president, next president, I’m going to build on the squeaky-clean transparent environment we had in the Obama-Biden White House.

Biden seems to have amnesia when it comes to the Hillary Clinton scandal over Benghazi and the death of four Americans, and her e-mails, Operation Fast and Furious and the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, the IRS targeting of conservative groups, and the coup against President Trump, for starters.

                    May God continue to bless the United States of America.