Leave it to Beto … he’s no Texan … neither is Castro … and Biden is wrong, again … Victor Davis Hanson on Trump … and what will happen in 2020

Here are my observations and opinions from my selected news of the day.

LEAVE IT TO BETO O’Rouke, the failed Democrat presidential candidate, to come out for gun control after the shooting in a church near Fort Worth, Texas Sunday.

“Clearly,” he said, “what we’re doing in Texas, what we are doing in this country, when it comes to guns is not working,” failing to mention, or thank the congregant who used his weapon to stop the assailant with a single shot to the head.

Texas did something that is working.  On September 1, 2019, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a law allowing lawful gun owners to carry guns into places of worship, and it paid off.

INCIDENTALLY, after the signing, Apology Joe Biden slammed Abbott and the law, saying, “It’s just absolutely irrational.  It’s totally irrational,” reports Matt Margolis of PJ Media.

At the time of the signing, Texas Democrat Julian Castro said the thought that “a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun … it just doesn’t happen that way.”

Biden continues to be my candidate of choice to oppose Trump.


WORDS OF WISDOM – Victor Davis Hanson never fails to put things into perspective.  Tucked deep in a piece he wrote in American Greatness, “Trump’s ‘Failures,’” in which he put down those on the left who are quick to point out what the president didn’t accomplish, like building the wall with Mexico picking up the tab, I found this nugget:

“Impeachment was never about Trump’s failures, but about fears of his perceived successes.

“The Left, far better than the Never Trump Right, grasped that Trump is succeeding, and that it has little traction in demanding economic, energy, trade, and regulatory alternatives.  Its lunatic multi-trillion-dollar proposals ensure that it cannot attack Trump on the deficit where he is weakest.

“As a result, the Left right concluded that its only hope to save the progressive agenda is to destroy Trump before the people can vote on his agenda, which they rightly fear is succeeding.

Hanson insightfully states, “that Trump has ‘failed,’ when the economy is booming, the United States is energy independent, the border is becoming a border again, China is on notice that the past 30 years of appeasement are over, the military is far stronger, and U.S. foreign policy is being radically recalibrated, is absolutely absurd.”

(Courtesy SadPoetryClub.com)

ON THIS NEWS YEAR’S EVE DAY, just for laughs, I thought I would share with you 10 predictions from Kurt Schlicter’s Townhall column, “Here’s What Is Going To Happen In 2020.”

“If you thought you can’t top the stupidity we experienced in 2019, brace yourself for 2020,” Schlicter begins, “It won’t be all amusing antics – the left hates us and its ugly mask is coming off.

Trump will be impeached … Yawn. “Trump will triumph and yet again humiliate his opponents.”

The economy will stay strong. “The Trump economy has finally brought some prosperity back to the workin’ man.

Virginia will declare war on its citizens. “The liberals recently elected as moderates will reveal their true colors as they attempt to crush dissent wherever voters were stupid enough to elect them.  Look for it to get ugly … (and) energize conservatives across the country.

Replacing Justice Ginsburg. “It is not to wish ill upon her to say that time is not on her side; in 2020, it is very, very likely Donald Trump will be replacing her. The Democrats will go even nuttier than usual, but too bad.

Trans Fascism backlash. “Normal people are getting tired of being told they have to lie and say there are 631 sexes, militant jerks wanting boys hanging out in girls’ locker rooms, and boys winning girls’ sports championships.

Pardon this. “We will see the President pardon the victims of Deep State vendettas designed to overturn the election of 2016.”

Durham’s indictments. “The investigation into the soft coup is going to turn up wrongdoing that the entrenched leftist bureaucracy can’t shove under the rug anymore.”

Foreign policy success. “America will continue to rebuild its strength, wind down open-ended military commitments, force allies to do their part, and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Democrats will lose the House. “They took the House back promising to be pragmatic do-gooders who would work across party lines to do the people’s business blah blah blah blah. It was all garbage.”

Trump will be reelected. “There are a number of reasons, recited above.  But the most important is that God looks out for the United States.  In the end, Trump will improve on his 2016 Electoral College numbers and win the popular vote, too.”

                     May God continue to bless the United States of America.