Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.
WHAT ELSE IS NEW? – Democrat Chuck Schumer and his gang of media misinformation peddlers, attempting to make President Trump look bad with the election just months away, have falsely accused him of mishandling the effort to stem the virus outbreak.
In mid-January, while Democrat lawmakers and an enthusiastic media had their heads in the clouds hoping to nail President Trump in the Senate impeachment trial, health officials were taking notice of the spread of the Coronavirus in China.
On January 31, while the Senate was still arguing over the need to interview John Bolton and others and their need to see documents being withheld by the White House, President Trump ordered a travel ban with China. He was called a racist.
At the same time, he formed a task force of the country’s leading health experts, who have met daily with transparent Q&A sessions for the media to hopefully avoid fake news. He has also met with pharmaceutical manufacturers and health insurance carriers. During a Wednesday meeting with banking executives on Wednesday, they assured the president that the economy was strong and we are not in a financial crisis despite the erratic movements of the stock market. The task force meetings and press conferences continue daily, but some members of the press continue to push the growing public concern with a blame Trump theme.
PRESIDENT TRUMP calmly addressed the nation from the Oval Office Wednesday evening to update citizens on what his administration is doing to control the further spread of the virus in the United States and to calm the concerns of Americans. The highlight of his address was his decision to place a 30-day moratorium on travel from Europe, excluding Great Britain.
He outlined actions he is taking to ease those small businesses affected by the disruption, and has asked Congress to consider other financial assistance to Americans who must stay out of the workplace for fear of infecting others.
BEHIND BIDEN’S TUESDAY WINS – Yes, he racked up more wins, including the key state of Michigan, and the left-leaning Detroit News touted the strong voter turnout.
Several paragraphs down in it’s article, the paper revealed, however, that 1.2 million Democrat ballots were cast out of the 7.7 million registered voters, and “fell short of the 35 percent turnout in 2016,” while pridefully reporting that the turnout “easily topped turnout for any presidential primary in Michigan since 1976.” That’s 1976, folks.
Incidentally, in an impressive show of support for the president, 660,000 Republican ballots were cast for President Trump, though uncontested.
MEANWHILE, socialist Bernie Sanders announced Wednesday that he was not prepared to concede, and boldly challenged “my friend” Joe Biden to come to the March 15, 2020 one-on-one debate prepared to explain how he was going to address the concerns of Sanders’young supporters.
It appears to Kramerontheright that it is Sanders’ last gasp to gain support for his agenda of “free stuff” that he has been promising his young “heads full of mush” voters, who, incidentally, turned out to be “non-voters” on Tuesday.
The talking heads of CNN and MSNBC see the debate as an “out” for Sanders with his young followers. Personally, I believe Sanders is counting on Biden stumbling and bumbling in the debate. Why do you suppose Rep. James Clyburn and Dem strategist James Carville are calling for the plug to be pulled on the remaining debate and primaries?

Kamala Harris, who attacked Biden for school bussing when she was a little girl, has now jumped on the Biden “No Malarkey” bus, no doubt looking to a potential future appointment. (Casino)
BIDEN THE GAFFE MACHINE – There’s no need to remind you of Apology Joe’s gaffes. They are too many, and I simply do not have the space to list them, but they keep coming.
You will recall that he recently told supporters that he was running for the U.S. Senate. Well, while giving a Mini-Tuesday victory speech in Philadelphia, he appeared to again forget what office he was running for, noted Matt Margolis in PJ Media.
Facing an audience of his campaign supporters, Biden said, “These are all people (who have) been working like the devil to try to get us elected as the … uh … so I want to thank you.”
I hope his supporters knew he wanted to be elected as president.
THE DRIVE-BY MEDIA, formerly known as the mainstream media, further tarnished its credibility on Tuesday evening when they edited out Apology Joe’s confrontation with an automobile worker over gun control while campaigning in Michigan, according to the Media Research Center’s Brandon Morse in Newsbusters.
Viewing the video on Fox News Channel, however, one can hear Biden’s threat – “Don’t tell me that, pal, or I’m going to go out and slap you in the face.” In its coverage, Biden was caught lying about his position on taking away guns.
Of course, they didn’t report (even with a bleep) that he told one person he was “full of sh*t,” and another a “horse’s ass.”
NOT TO BEAT A DEAD HORSE, but Stu Cvrk in his PJ Media piece, “Joe Biden Is Not Qualified to be President, and the Democrat’s Know It,” provides his readers with his shortlist of characteristics we expect in a president:
“A complex problem-solver, a good communicator, a good negotiator and deal-maker, someone who easily connects with people, consistency, in control, confident leadership, visionary, etc.”
“What seasoned politician confronts and insults voters directly?,” Cvrk asks. “He’s literally losing it on the campaign trail,” adding that the Democrat establishment and his family are allowing him to embarrass himself, and noting that they are forcing him to give very short (seven-minute) speeches with the hope that it will limit his stumbles and bouts of confusion.
“(Biden) is losing his memory and is getting senile.” – Brit Hume, Fox News Channel
“Joe Biden is disqualifying himself from the presidency with each successive public appearance, and the Democrat-media complex cannot hide that as the campaign progresses,” writes Cvrk. “And the Democrat establishment knows it, so what their political ploy?”
TURNING TEXAS BLUE? NEVER – Texas Democrats say they have identified nearly 2.6 million people who would vote Democrat if they were registered. With the DNC adding Texas to its list of battleground states it’s targeting in 2020, it is funneling money to launch an organizing team focused on registering minorities in rural and suburban areas, groups that have often been underrepresented in Texas’ electorate, according to Lauren Egan of NBC.
Democrat policies be damned. Their primary goal is to defeat the president, party spokesman Abbi Rahman is telling supporters “If you win Texas, Donald Trump can’t win the election.”
The nonpartisan Cook Political Report rates Texas as “likely Republican” in the 2020 general election.
REMEMBER ‘THE WALL?’ – The wall on our Southern Border? The one the president wanted to stop the flow of illegal immigrant and drug traffic. It’s under construction and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency has revealed that parts of the new “wall system” are 90 percent effective, up 10 percent before it was built, replacing a ragtag of broken fencing.
The 135 miles of new wall, roadways, and high-tech spyware has changed everything, according to Chief Rodney Scott, reporting that 208 additional miles are under construction and 414 miles are in a pre-construction stage.
GERMANY, one of the countries reneging on their emission goals under the Paris Accord, had set some of the most ambitious goals of any nation for shifting from fossil fuels to greener energy.
“Now, the centerpiece of that push – onshore wind power – is slumping, prompting the loss of tens of thousands of jobs – some 40,000 in the past three years – and the bankruptcies of wind-power developers and turbine manufacturers.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.