The Trump haters … led by Pelosi … the daily briefings … Miami Herald columnist hopes Trump supporters die … Arizona’s leftist newspapers … and the fantasy of a Biden win in November

These are my observations and opinions from select news of the day.

THE TRUMP HATERS, having failed to bring President Trump down with the investigation of Russian collusion, the coup from within, the impeachment trial, and all of the other partisan attacks during the past three and a half years, now see his handling of the virus outbreak as their last hope.

While the president has not left the White House, and has been meeting daily with his virus task force, and in frequent contact with the nation’s governors and private sector representatives, with the health and safety of Americans his top priority, Democrat Nancy Pelosi continues to be a partisan embarrassment.

While she would have people believe she puts the welfare of American workers and families first, she continues to delay action on additional funds that would go to those in need, while making appearances on late-night comedy shows that reveal how out of touch she really is with average Americans.

THOSE DAILY BRIEFINGS – If you’ve been watching the president’s daily virus task force briefings, a herculean attempt to provide transparency so that Americans can be informed with what’s being done across the nation, you’ve seen how some members of the press can’t resist to form “gotcha” questions to provoke the president.

FABIOLA SANTIAGO (miamiherald)

ATTACKING TRUMP SUPPORTERS continues, too.  Perhaps you heard about the disgraceful tweet by Miami Herald columnist Fabiola Santiago who was critical of the opening of Florida beaches.  Writing @fabiolasantiago: “Packed beaches should work nicely to thin the ranks of Trump/DeSantis/Gimenez supporters in Florida who value money over health.”

 Donald Trump Jr. didn’t hesitate to come down on Santiago for “flagrant bias.” Referring to her tweet, he said it “tells you all you need to know about her, and based on the (newspaper’s) hiring choices, likely everything you need to know about the Miami Herald as well.”

Ms. Santiago apologized, but as I have previously remarked, apologies ring hollow, because you initially wrote what you wrote, or said what you said, since it’s how you think.

DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER (willdickey/flatimesunion/ap)

“I deleted the tweet commenting on people at the beach because it didn’t accurately convey my sentiment and I want to apologize for the phrase I used that offended many people,” she wrote.  “Regardless of political differences, I would never wish any harm on anyone.”

See what I mean?

Miami Herald publisher and executive editor Mindy Marques issued an apology noting, “While columnists, unlike reporters, have broad latitude to express their opinions, the comment by Fabiola Santiago earlier today crossed the line of acceptable commentary and does not reflect the views of the Miami Herald.”

I urge my Florida readers to politely express your displeasure with Ms. Santiago @fabiolasantiago and the Herald @MiamiHerald.

ONE OF MY FRIENDS e-mailed me in disgust after reading the opinion pages of the Arizona Republic, complaining that Republicans seemingly cannot do anything right.  The Republic is but one in a string of big city dailies across the country carrying water for the leftist Democrat Party.  I am subscriber only because I need to know what they are saying.  I make an effort to try to keep them honest. Unfortunately, Tucson, the other major Arizona city, also suffers … with the Arizona Daily Star.

CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? – There are still those who believe the polls showing Apology Joe Biden leading President Trump.   Rasmussen’s latest poll, conducted between April 16-18, 2020, revealed 49 percent choosing Biden over 40 percent for Trump.  Most of you remember the polling in 2016 that had Hillary Clinton beating Donald Trump, and understand that Trump supporters are wary of revealing their opinion.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.