Flynn case dismissed … Obama’s Deep State is crumbling … states looking for bailout … the mismanagement of New York, California … poll shows Biden less favorable than Hillary at this point … and Biden’s number two better be ready

These are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

(Courtesy of Epoch Times)

OBAMA’S DEEP STATE house of cards is beginning to fall as many of us have been anticipating for years.

“The United States of America hereby moves to dismiss charges with prejudice the criminal information filed against Michael T. Flynn,” were the key words in a 20-page court filing made Thursday by Timothy Shea, the U. S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.

The case began when disgraced former FBI director James Comey admittedly took advantage of the early hectic days of the Trump administration to set Flynn up during an interview with agents.  Flynn was an Obama administration outcast.

The unbelievably arrogant Comey reacted to the dismissal with a cockiness that has marked his career.  “The DOJ has lost it’s way.  But, career people: please stay because America needs you.  The country is hungry for honest, competent leadership.”

His day of judgement will come, as it will for Rosenstein, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Yates and perhaps others.

STATES HAVE THEIR HANDS OUT, looking for federal help.  No, not to cover debts incurred from the pandemic.  Recently, the president related conversations he has had with all of the governors, individually and during virus task force conference calls, in which he asked if they needed anything. By now, they have been on the receiving end of more ventilators than they need, and masks and testing paraphernalia keep flowing in.

“Their pleas come on the heels of the $2 trillion CARES Act, which included a general $150 billion Covid-19 relief fund, a $30 billion educations costs fund, a $45 billion disaster relief fund and more for state and local governments,” writes Daniel J. Mitchell in Townhall.

They’re taking advantage of the pandemic to seek funds to put their budgets in the black.  They’re looking for bailouts, and as you can imagine, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are looking after these states, typically controlled by Democrats. They see nothing wrong with using federal taxpayer funds to bail out poorly-run states.

Bailouts reward fiscally reckless states at the expense of fiscally responsible ones, and generally serve to incentivize future fiscal irresponsibility.

“We’re not interested in rescuing them from bad decisions they’ve made in the past; we’re not going to let them take advantage of this pandemic to solve a lot of problems that they created themselves with bad decisions in the past,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell recently told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer.

Before I started this blog, I wrote about the subject of the poorly-run states and the major cities controlled by Democrats. Nine out of the ten most fiscally poor states are Democrat controlled.  The top three worst states – Illinois, California, and  Massachusetts – have topped the list for nine years or more.

While the fiscal position of each state speaks for itself, recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal surveys show that 35 percent of Americans believe the GOP is better equipped of the two parties to handle the economy, compared with 28 percent who prefer Democrats.

WHILE ON THE SUBJECT OF THE STATES, you will recall the pandemic concerns of New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and California Gov. Gavin Newsom, both Democrats.   President Trump responded to their pleas for assistance and after a couple of weeks they were openly complimenting the president for his support.

I recently wrote of the overreaction (my opinion) to the need for beds to handle Covid-19 cases.  Field hospitals were built, a convention center repurposed, and the Navy’s hospital ships were sent to Los Angeles and New York City resulting in little occupancy.

I saw a chart of California’s ICU availability during the weeks past.  The state had what was categorized as 7,000 licensed ICUs and 4,000 available ICUs, yet the highest usage as of the end of April – 1,676 – was on April 7, 2020.

ANOTHER POLL, for what it’s worth.  With many of the polls unbelievably showing Joe Biden leading President Trump by four to six points, a new Civiqs/Daily Kos poll just released has revealed Trump leading Biden 43 to 34 percent in the  “favorable” column, according to Stephen Kruiser of PJ Media.  The poll gives Biden a 56 percent “unfavorable” rating to President Trump’s 55 percent.

The poll reveals an interesting side note.  Biden’s 56 percent unfavorable places him in a worse position than Hillary Clinton at this time in 2016, when CNN ranked her with a 49 percent unfavorable.

(Courtesy of David Horsey, Seattle Times)

JOE AND HIS NUMBER TWO, whoever she is, and it will be a woman, because he has promised it would be a woman, was the subject in “Biden’s Running Mate Had Better Be Ready from Day one,” by Jim Geraghty in National Review.  Whatever happened to the “best qualified?”

If I thought Biden had a chance of winning in November, one line in Geraghty’s piece scares the hell out of me: “Biden’s running mate needs to be ready to assume the responsibilities of the presidency at a moment’s notice.”

We hear that every time a nominee prepares to select someone for the number two position, but in 2020, voters have been handed a presumptive nominee who has been unable to credibly present himself as a leader during his campaign. And now, the voters must accept a woman, Biden’s choice, who is presumably ready on day one to be president.  Of the names I have seen in print so far, I don’t see one prepared for that day.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.