Voting by mail a Dem wish … Dem voter fraud in Philly … Dems concerned with uptick in economy … suicide increase during isolation … and the remains of the Obama administration

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

VOTING BY MAIL – In recent editions, I have cautioned you about voting by mail.  Democrats are pushing it as a means to ensure people are safe and socially distant during an election.  Leave it to the left to latch onto the virus outbreak to launch its latest effort by introducing a scare tactic about going to the polls. It’s just their latest change-the-rules scheme as they attempt a last gasp attempt to block President Trump’s reelection.

(Courtesy of Bob Gorrell)

Until a friend recently told me that he had voted by mail for years without giving thought to the fraud possibilities, I hadn’t planned to touch on this subject again.

I turned to three articles about voting by mail that I have been saving for future reference in my “stack of stuff.”  “Voting by Mail in 2020 Would Create Chaos to Advantage Democrats,” was the title of a piece by Sarah Lee in The Federalist.  She writes of the money flowing to Democrats to help sell this effort.

She points to the potential fraud in using the U.S. Postal Service to conduct an election, referring to the 2016 election, when “more mail ballots were misdirected and unaccounted for.  Millions of ballots that go missing and are never counted as complete votes under a vote-by-mail system.

“Don’t Buy the Conventional Wisdom on Mail-In Voting,” was the headline on a transcript from Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.  He writes of the fear the left is peddling to people who don’t want to leave the safety of their homes.

The Wall Street Journal editorial board devoted its lead editorial, “A Vote-by-Mail Nightmare,” to its weekend edition. Arguably, it is the best round up on the issue I have seen.

“A massive turnout (for Trump) will thwart every effort to cheat,” says Limbaugh.

“For ballot security and democratic legitimacy, it’s hard to beat going to the polls on Election Day,” says the WSJ board.  I agree.

SPEAKING OF VOTING FRAUD, have you heard that former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia and Democrat official Domenick Demuro pleaded guilty for stuffing ballot boxes in favor of Democrat in return for money and other items.

He has been charged with two counts: for conspiring to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015 and 2016 primary elections, and for a violation of the Travel Act, which forbids the use of any facility in interstate commerce (a cell phone) with the intent to promote certain illegal activity (bribery).  Demuro has pled guilty to both charges.

TOP DEMOCRATS are starting to get concerned with the prospect of a strong economic recovery, according to Andrew Stiles, writing in the Washington Free Beacon.

And Politico reports that Jason Furman, Obama’s former economic advisor, has been terrifying his Democrat colleagues with predictions that the next few months could bring “the best economic data we’ve seen in the history of this country.”

Democrats have been accusing Republican governors, who have been reopening their states, telling them that they will have “blood on their hands” if there’s a second wave of virus outbreaks.  Meanwhile, Democrat governors have been slow walking the reopening by extending isolation periods into June.

They now fear that if millions of Americans rejoin the workforce, President Trump will be able to take credit in the final weeks of this reelection campaign.

SUICIDES WHILE IN ISOLATION – “The numbers are unprecedented,” said Dr. Michael deBoisblanc of the John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, “about the increase of deaths by suicide,” adding that he’s seen a “year’s worth of suicides” in the last four weeks alone.  He believes it’s time to end the stay-at-home order.

In a report from Tennessee, by late March, more people in just one county died of suicide than had died in the entire state from the virus.

The stay-at-home orders were established to ensure that hospitals had the capacity to take care of virus patients, but now, most hospitals have the ability to handle other medical issues.

SHEM HORNE writes @Shem_Infinite: “Don’t forget, the same people attacking President Trump and blaming the 100,000 Coronavirus deaths on him were just two months ago saying there would be 2 million dead by now.  Going by their numbers, they should be praising him for saving 1.9 million lives.”  Don’t hold your breath.

THE REMAINS OF AN ADMINISTRATION, the Obama administration, is appropriately chronicled, though briefly, by Victor Davis Hanson in National Review, at a time when Obama’s policies are in tatters, and the worst scandals of his White House are coming to light.  I thought I would share a few excerpts with you.

(Courtesy of Michael Ramirez)

“The remains of the Obama team (Susan Rice, Ben Rhodes, Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Comey, Samantha Power) are not offering much of a defense of the Obama years – they are too busy scrambling to hide their own legal culpability and exposure,” write Hanson.  “I don’t recall,” and “not to my knowledge,” are now in their vocabulary.

Hanson describes Barack Obama’s recent ventures out as going “through the motions of an enfeebled defense for what is becoming an increasingly discredited administration.  But his heart is not in it.  His mind is elsewhere.”  His heart wasn’t in his late endorsement of Joe Biden.

“Michelle Obama sometimes takes a hiatus from making millions to offer a half-hearted progressive warning about the sudden heartlessness of the country, reminiscent of her transitory 2008 warnings about a downright mean country and one of which she had not been especially proud.

“There is nothing left of the Obama creed of the “most scandal-free” administration in memory,” Hanson recounts with a long list of scandals we have become familiar.

“Slowly, we are learning that the Obama administration – its hatred of Donald Trump, in its paranoia that its precious legacy could in theory end in 2027, and in assurance that Hillary Clinton’s sure victory would cloak its wrongdoing – sought to disrupt a presidential campaign, wreck a presidential transition, and abort a presidency.  What did high Obama officials and leftovers not do to those ends?” he muses.

“The scandal list (and the list of those involved) could be expanded but its present status could be summed up as Obama himself likely knew of these efforts to surveille, disrupt, and ultimately destroy the Trump campaign and transition.” The former president can no longer be assured that his knowledge of what his minions were doing on his behalf would be uncovered.

“We were supposed to see a fundamental transformation of the country,” Hanson recalls, ‘Instead, we witnessed eight years that ended in scandal whose full dimensions of criminality will take years to process.”

I certainly hope it doesn’t take that long.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.