Chris Wallace on the left … importance of presidential election … Muslims and BLM endorse Biden … Biden lead in Michigan disputed by Dem … Simon sez Trump has already won … Fattah out early … Malkin attacked at Denver pro-law enforcement gathering … and the disgraceful Rep. Pressley

Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.

THE WALLACE INTERVIEW WITH TRUMP – Chris Wallace’s interview with President Trump on Fox News Sunday was quite revealing to me on several points.

Regular readers know that I have previously stated my belief that Wallace leans left, and is in fact, a Democrat.  President Trump made it known that he clearly believes that too.  Wallace attempted to deny that, showing a clip of his “tough” interview with former FBI Director James Comey, but it proved nothing.

In a gotcha attempt, Wallace would have viewers believe that he caught Trump in a lie over his statement that Joe Biden supports defunding the police, but the former vice president responded with a “Yes, absolutely!” to a recent interview question, “Do we agree that we can redirect some of the funding (to police departments?)”

The left-leaning Associated Press said it was false to say Biden favored defunding the police, because he “supports redirecting some police funding to address mental health or to change the prison system.”

That’s today’s journalism, folks.

Finally, as I watched and listened, I couldn’t help but think that Biden would be unable to participate in such a free-wheeling, no subject barred, interview.

YOU’VE HEARD THIS BEFORE – The 2020 election is the most important in the history of the United States … the most important election of our lifetimes. We heard that because we simply could not allow Hillary Clinton to win.  Not because she was a woman.  Because she was a woman with baggage, ill-suited for the presidency.

This November isn’t about Joe Biden.  He’s merely a placeholder.  It’s all about who’s behind him.  Joe’s a loyal Democrat that has agreed to a partnership with socialist Bernie Sanders, allowing Sanders supporters, like AOC, to join his six policy groups.  Marxists have moved his campaign radically left.

Just last week, in the first of Biden administration papers, he reveals his support for halting climate change, “The Biden Plan for a Clean Energy Revolution and Environmental Justice,” no doubt the result of AOC’s Green New Deal.

Though Biden declared that “Science tells us we have nine years before the damage is irreversible,” his plan for net-zero emissions goal is 2050.

And have you heard that a number of prominent Muslim American elected officials endorsed Joe Biden for president in a letter organized by Engage Action, including Minnesota Rep. Ilihan Omar, Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, Indian Rep. Andre Carson, all Democrats?

Omar, who served as a high-profile surrogate for Sanders, will seek to mobilize Muslim voters for Biden.

“We anticipate that a Biden administration would provide Muslim American communities platforms to speak issues affecting us, represent us with the administration and in policy-making discourses,” said Wa’el Alzayhat, CEO of Engage Action.

Does that sound familiar?  Last week I told you of Marxist and former Black Panther Angela Davis’ saying, “(The campaign) will be about choosing a candidate who can mot be effectively pressured into allowing more space for the evolving anti-racist movement.

“Biden is far more likely to take mass demands (from BLM?) seriously. We have to campaign and vote for Biden.

DON’T GET EXCITED, but Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin, of Michigan’s 8th Congressional District, which includes the east part of Lansing, Saginaw and Bay City over a three-county area, says polls showing Joe Biden outperforming President Trump in Michigan and other swing states are “inaccurate.”

“I don’t for one minute think this race is safe in anyone’s column,“ Slotkin said. “They are a snapshot in time, and if 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we have no idea what’ coming next.”

THEN THERE’S THIS – “Trump Has Already Won the 2020 Election,” wrote Roger L. Simon in The Epoch Times, while admitting that “Given the polls, you would think anyone posting Donald Trump has already won … was some kind of blithering idiot … and maybe I am (I’ve been called worse.)”

(Courtesy of

“The polls are not only not worth the paper they’re printed on, digital or otherwise, no one sensible is talking about their political allegiance these days in public,” he says, “especially to an anonymous pollster.”

“(We’re) in the midst of a national meltdown with the banana-brained neo-Marxists of Black Lives Matter and Antifa,” and “buying guns in record numbers. Who wouldn’t … calling 911 has become about as usual as calling for tech support?”

“And we’re supposed to be honest with pollsters … or even answer their calls?” he writes.  “Which brings me to why I believe Trump has probably already won the election,” writes Simon, admitting the use of the weasel word “probably.”

“It should be obvious.  Too many Americans … white, brown, black, yellow and everything in between – some of them are friends and relatives and co-workers who aren’t saying a word about anything, who rarely ever do, but they’re there.

“These people, when they walk into the voting booth, are not going to be worrying about whether Christopher Columbus was he or was he not a racist, or whether someone waved a Confederate flag at a NASCAR race.

“They are going to worry about whether they can walk their dog at night without fear of being shot.  Then there’s China.  And then there’s Durham,” he concludes.

AS A NEWS WONK, I am quite familiar with the name Chaka Fattah, the former Pennsylvania Democrat Congressman.  He was a favorite “go to liberal” for Fox Business anchor Neil Cavuto.  In his frequent appearances, he was always ready with the Democrat talking points.  I recall hitting the mute button on my TV remote.

In 2016, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for stealing millions of dollars in both taxpayer money and funds designated for charitable causes.

Last Thursday, Fattah was released by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons, with five years remaining on his sentence, presumably because of the spread of the virus in the prison.

“Fattah who will go down in history as one of the most corrupt, self-serving people to every hold office,” writes Jazz Shaw in  He avoided becoming the sixth member of Congress to be forcibly ejected from the House by resigning from office.

HAVE YOU HEARD that conservative author and activist Michelle Malkin was attacked by thugs wearing Black Lives Matter T-shirts while speaking at a July 19, 2020 downtown Denver patriotic event, the Sixth Annual Law Enforcement Appreciation Day?

The expression of free speech continues to be openly threatened.  This has to stop.

HOW DISGRACEFUL – With the goading of CNN‘s Jake Tapper, Massachusetts Rep. Ayanna Pressley couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attack President Trump.

Even though the president tweeted: “Saddened to hear the news of civil rights hero John Lewis’ passing.  Melania and I send our prayers to he and his family,” Pressley said, “I was hoping the president would not even tweet yesterday about John Lewis, noting that “Lewis said Donald Trump is racist.”

Pressley is a pathetic example of a Congresswoman … or a human being for that matter.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.