Here are my observations and opinions from my select news of the day.
ENOUGH ALREADY with the doom and gloom.
I acknowledge that we are in the middle of a pandemic that has people concerned about their livelihoods. And if that isn’t enough, they are falsely being accused of racism, while at the same time they’re faced with the decision whether to reelect our president, but for heaven’s sake, we have been through worse.
Disappointedly, Wall Street Journal columnists are feeding Americans a pessimism that heretofore was part of the CNN, MSNBC agenda. Several days ago, the Journal published an op-ed “Fear and Loathing in Covid America.”
It followed a piece by an American-educated European, who was concerned that “Americans are committing mass character suicide. If the country goes beyond acknowledging that racism and inequality persist and must be fought, and instead convinces itself that it’s inherently and irredeemably racist, it can’t possibly continue to believe that it has any right to lead.” No doubt, the words of a globalist.
In the last two weekend editions of the Journal, the columns by Peggy Noonan have been downers, spewing phrases of “worry” and “anxiety” as she reviews the effect of the virus and protests, quoting her elitist friends – a retired political pro, a university administrator, a lawyer, a writer/consultant, and a nurse.
Suggesting a look toward Washington, Noonan asks, “what makes you feel better, more secure, inspired? What makes you feel safer, as if there’s a way out or a path through? Anything?”
Then, it’s as if she wants you to believe she hasn’t been critical of President Trump in recent columns – she has – and writes, “There’s something I’ve been trying to write for a few weeks but can’t get my hands around – but it’s as if there’s no president, it’s an empty White House, nobody’s really there.”
SHE’S LOST IT – “No president … an empty White House?” President Trump has kept his promises and has accomplished more than any modern-day president. He works long days and is fully engaged as he meets with diverse groups every day, while taking time to meet with the media.
While the “presstitutes” peddle negative coverage on his handling of the pandemic, they fail to report on how he has cut red tape, not only for the acquisition of medical supplies, but streamlining the process for developing a vaccine.
While Democrats are purposely ignoring the rioting and looting in major Democrat cities, referring instead to “peaceful protests” as if we were blind and 24/7 news didn’t exist, the president has offered the assistance of the federal government. In addition, he has been endorsed by major police organizations.
And, this past weekend, while Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer politicized the virus relief effort package by blocking aid to those who need it, the president signed executive orders with his own “political masterstroke,” as Paul Mirengoff of PowerLine noted.
IN A WONDERFUL MOMENT on Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace praised Nancy Pelosi for her reputation of “master negotiator,” but followed with “but didn’t you really mess this one up?” She was not pleased.
TALK ABOUT CRYING WOLF – Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are insisting that funds for the U.S. Postal Service to handle mail-in election ballots be included in the legislation designed to extend unemployment benefits and business assistance related to the virus, but I say they’re crying wolf.
On Friday, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy stated that there is “ample capacity to deliver all election mail securely and on time” for the November presidential contest, when a significant increase in mail-in ballots is expected.
WHERE’S THE PROBLEM? If the Postal Service can handle its busiest season that peaks two weeks before Christmas, when last year it predicted nearly 2.5 billion pieces of first-class mail, including greeting cards, processed and delivered the week of December 16, 2019, why cry wolf over an estimated 129 million mail-in ballots in November, a figure based on the 2016 popular votes?
THE PROBLEM IS IN THE STATES – As the postmaster general pointed out, “We cannot correct the errors of the (county and state) Election Boards if they fail to deploy processes that take our normal processing standards into account.”
With that in mind, stop and think how many states are controlled by Democrats. In Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s New York, where the Board of Election changed the primary date from April 28 to June 23. A surge in mail-in ballots resulted in a seven-week delay in results.
IN THREE BATTLEGROUND STATES – Arizona, Florida and Pennsylvania – election officials didn’t respond to repeated inquiries on when to expect their election results. In Michigan and Wisconsin, where they are taking steps for determining same night results, they aren’t certain.
CAN YOU IMAGINE THE UPROAR when the results of the November 3, 2020 presidential election are not known that night or the next day? Remember the 2000 Bush-Gore election fiasco?
May God continue to bless the United States of America.