Democrats remind voters why they elected Donald Trump … the Obama-Biden failure

THANKS TO THE BIDEN-HARRIS CAMPAIGN TEAM, those who watched the DNC convention were reminded why Donald J. Trump was elected president in 2016.

Bringing out the Clinton’s and Obama’s was a mistake.  They spent little time touting their candidate, Joe Biden.  Barack Obama devoted less than three minutes of his 20-minute speech to Biden’s qualifications.  Hillary Clinton managed to give Biden jut 31 seconds of her six and one-half-minute.

Bill Clinton showed how out of touch he is when he said that “(Biden) created a lot of new jobs,” and spoke of Biden’s “smart detailed plans to invest in areas vital to our future: innovative financing for factories … good jobs in green energy.”

 Of course, we know that the Obama-Biden $550 million loan to Solyndra to develop “innovative technologies” was a failure.  And how could Clinton forget that embarrassing moment in October 2010, when Barack Obama admitted, “shovel-ready wasn’t as … uh … shovel ready as we thought.”

Surely, memories of that blue dress surfaced when Bill Clinton said, “at a time like this, the Oval Office should be a command center.”

Hillary spent most of her time attacking President Trump with outrageous remarks like, “I didn’t realize how dangerous he was.”

She mocked his campaign statement, “what have you got to lose,” but she knows that cost her votes in black communities, where they have grown tired of being taken for granted.

Hillary did make one statement that couldn’t be truer – “vote like our lives and livelihoods are on the line, because they are.”  A Biden-Harris victory would be disastrous.

The audacity of Barack Obama came through in his criticism of Trump, accusing him of “not taking the job seriously.” adding that “he’s shown no interest in putting in the work.” 

He may not agree with Trump’s policies, but he must know that Trump has accomplished more in four years than he did in his eight years.

A final insult from Obama. “Donald Trump hasn’t grown into the job because he can’t, and the consequences of that failure are severe,” blaming Trump with the fact that “170,000 Americans are dead.” That from the Chicago community organizer, who claimed there were no scandals during his presidency … a presidency devoid of a legacy of which he could be proud.

THE OBAMA’S HAVE NO SHAME – As if Michelle Obama’s ridiculous remarks about President Trump’s lack of empathy wasn’t shameful enough, Barack Obama accusing the president of having “no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends,” is not only worse, but an outright lie.

Trump’s granting of clemency for Alice Marie Johnson and Crystal Munoz, who spent 21 years and 12 years in prison, respectively, perhaps doesn’t meet the Obama’s requirements. 

Need I remind you that Obama used that awesome power to commute the sentence of the despicable Chelsea Manning just three days before leaving office?  On that day, he also pardoned 64 individuals and commuted the sentences of 209 others.

Naturally, Obama conveniently forgets Trump’s First Step Act, the sweeping prison reform legislation he pushed through Congress; after a failure to do so in eight years of Obama-Biden.

THE OBAMA’S SUPPORT OF BIDEN – We’ve heard how Barack Obama had counselled Joe Biden against running in 2016, when Biden admitted to Politico that his former boss “was not encouraging.”  The New York Times reported that Obama “quietly pressured Biden to sit out the race, thinking Hillary Clinton had a better chance of building on his agenda.”

When Biden sought Obama’s guidance before entering the 2020 race, Obama, it is said, told him, “you don’t have to do this, Joe, you really don’t.”  And Obama reportedly told one of the 2020 candidates that Biden “doesn’t really have it.”

Now we have learned, that the Obama’s haven’t contributed a single dollar to Biden’s campaign, according to Andrew Stiles of the Washington Free Beacon.

With their book advance of $65 million and homes in Martha’s Vineyard ($11 million) and a Washington mansion ($8.1 million), you would think they could each afford the $2,800 to a candidate limit.

Perhaps the “share the wealth” Obama’s figured that their time speaking at the DNC convention was their “in kind” contribution.  After all, they command six-figure speaking fees.

I wonder what was said behind the scenes at Biden-Harris campaign central when they learned that Michelle Obama simply wasn’t able to appear live, or at least delay the taping of her message, so that she could give her thoughts of the momentous occasion of the first woman of color to be nominated for one of the highest public offices.  It will no doubt leak out.

HYPOCRITE HARRIS – Kamala Harris (she’s the first woman of color to be nominated for high office, you know) has, over the past four years, often referred to President Trump in ungracious terms, but her reference to him as “a predator” during her convention speech Wednesday night was over the top, even for her.

Most people, I believe, see a predator as an animal that preys on other weaker animals.  That’s how Harris wants you to view the president.

Earlier in the day, Harris called Trump a “serial predator” in a fundraising e-mail to supporters. “I know predators, and we have one living in the White House.  He doesn’t scare me.  I’ve spent my career putting them away,” she said.

There’s another definition of predator – one who injures or exploits others for personal gain or profit – but that, too, isn’t true.  First of all, President Trump didn’t need the job, and doesn’t even take a pay check.

Of course, she didn’t offer evidence of what Trump has done for personal gain or profit.

Trump put’s America first in his effort to make America great again. The only personal gain one can imagine is the sense of pride he can take in leading the country in that effort.

IN BIDEN’S SPEECH, one filled with nearly 30 minutes of tired political clichés, he made the case for restoring the White House with “dignity and respect,” all while participating in a blatant character assassination of President Trump.

“This speech was the end of Joe Biden’s political career,” wrote Deanna Fisher in the Victory Girls blog. “This was his political eulogy.”

“The speech was boilerplate Joe, rehearsed to death in order to avoid any mistakes.  There was nothing new or dynamic about this speech.  The thing is, Joe Biden only had to show and prove that he still had a heartbeat,” adding a reference into the low bar … “the bar was on the ground, and he walked over it.”

TAKING TRUMP HATRED TOO FAR – In a Tweet from the Susan B. Anthony Museum of Rochester, New York @: “On news of a presidential pardon for Susan B. Anthony on August 18, 2020: Objection! Mr. President, Susan B. Anthony must decline your offer today!”

“Admitting he did something right doesn’t mean you have to stop hating him,” wrote Jim Treacher in PJ. Media. “You don’t have to tie yourselves in knots rationalizing your anger because your team (Democrats) get no credit for this.”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.