The 2020 election … the stakes couldn’t be higher … it’s September fool’s day … Trump ignores Wisconsin Dems and visits Kenosha … and the NY Times’ hate campaign

YOU’VE HEARD that winning the November 3, 2020 election is arguably the most important modern-day national election we will experience.  I know, you heard that in 2016 when Hillary Clinton was the other choice, but this is different, vastly different.

“Although Americans did not know what kind of president Donald Trump would be,” wrote Michael Anton in his 2016 essay, “The Flight 93 Election,” they should risk all to elect him because they could be very sure that the alternative would be our republic’s death.”

In Anton’s new book, “The Stakes: At the Point of No Return,” he again urges Americans to vote for Trump, according to Angelo M. Cadevilla, who reviewed the book for the Claremont Institute.

“Disappointed though they may be with his performance, because they know even better than before how much this country’s ruling class would use control of the presidency to hurt us in our private and public lives for have dared to reject their (the establishment’s) mastery,” Cadevilla writes.

“Trump, imperfect as he is, is like a finger in the dike that, if removed, would loose a deluge. The unprecedented level of opposition President Trump has faced explains, but does not excuse, some of his shortcomings,” he adds.

“There’s little wrong with President Trump that more Trump couldn’t solve,” wrote Anton, adding that “what’s really radically new about the 2020 election: should the Democrats win, the ruling left – which includes just about everyone who controls government and society’s commanding heights – is ready, willing , and eager to implement plans that would make it virtually impossible for conservatives ever to win national elections again.”

Anton warns of open borders, the importation and counting of non-citizen voters, and elections by mail that would shift power from voters to those who count the votes, like in Venezuela.

IT’S SEPTEMBER FOOL’S DAY, and I just read that Joe Biden thinks that he can tell a non-audience in Pittsburg, “Let me say that again: I am not banning fracking.  No matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me.”

“The problem,” writes Jordan Davidson in The Federalist, “Trump isn’t the one who is lying about Biden’s position on fracking.  Biden has promised to ban fracking multiple times, citing fossil fuels as dangerous for the environment.”

“We’re going to get rid of fossil fuels,” Biden told an audience at a New Hampshire rally.

Kamala Harris, too, is on record opposing fracking. “There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking,” she told a CNN townhall.

In Pennsylvania, a big fracking state, Biden said that there will be “a place for the energy workers right here in western Pennsylvania,” as he touted his clean energy strategy with solar arrays and windmills.  Why would he say that if he wasn’t going to ban fracking? 

It reminded me of Hillary Clinton telling coal miners she would recommend a $30 billion aid package for those who lose their jobs after dropping the bomb, “We’re gonna put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.”

C’mon, Joe.  You may dislike President Trump, but you’ve got to admire how he has created a business atmosphere, devoid of heavy regulations, to make us energy free.  Are you really willing to axe thousands of fossil fuel jobs?

PRESIDENT OF ALL AMERICANS – On the heels of his visit to the areas of Louisiana and Texas where Hurricane Laura did significant damage, President Trump ignored the recommendations of Wisconsin’s Democrat governor and Kenosha’s Democrat mayor that he not visit the city ravaged recently following a police shooting.

Choosing a Democrat talking point, “Now is not the time for divisiveness,” in the governor’s rambling letter to the president, only served to persuade Trump to make the trip.

Obviously, the president saw within the 100,000-population city, people who appreciated his interest in their community, despite Democrat control, and wasn’t to be deterred.

Gov. Tony Evers agreed to the use of National Guard members to calm the situation after Rep. Bryan Steil personally called the president for help. 

The president, accompanied by Attorney General Bill Barr, Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf, and Sen. Ron Johnson held a round table meeting with local officials and representatives of businesses destroyed in rioting.  Earlier, the president viewed some of the damage.

AS IF THE HATE CAMPAIGN against President Trump, conducted over nearly four years, hasn’t been unseemly enough, the New York Times has enabled opinion columnist Gail Collins to conduct her annual “Worst Trump Cabinet Member” competition.

“The readers have spoken!” she writes, (Attorney General William) Barr was the runaway winner of our vote.  He swept the field last fall, too.”

This tells us that he must be doing a good job, too good.  Two other cabinet standout performers, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos came in second, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo came in third.

Here’s how it works. The Times publishes negative stories on cabinet members all year long.  Then, when it’s time to vote, they remind you of all those stories.

As I have reported earlier, a Media Research Center study revealed that 95 percent of the stories about the president have been negative.  Articles by leftist Times reporters contribute to the president’s approval/disapproval ratings.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.