THE EVIDENCE IS IN – I am confirming that Kamala Harris is certifiably radical. Earlier in the campaign, she said she would disallow the private insurance of 180 million people, while providing health care to illegal aliens, but her latest comment on a Covid-19 vaccine completed her certification.
Appearing on CNN, host Dana Bash posed the question, “Let’s say there’s a vaccine that is approved and even distributed before the election. Would you get it?”
“Well, I think that’s going to be an issue for all of us. I would say that I would not trust Donald Trump and it would have to be a credible source of information that talks about the efficacy and the reliability of whatever he’s talking about. I will not take his word for it.”
I fully understand if someone doesn’t want to get the vaccine. Millions of citizens forego getting the regular flu vaccine each year. But to question a Covid-19 vaccine being available before the election simply because she dislikes the president indicates that she’s certifiably radical.
I wonder, are those who wanted a woman selected to be Joe Biden’s vice president sure she’s the woman they want a breath away from the presidency?
WHILE ON THE SUBJECT OF THE LUNY LEFT – Joining the list of Democrats who insist that President Trump will refuse to leave office if he loses the election, in effect staging coup, is Bernie Sanders in Politico, according to John Hinderaker in PowerLine.
The theory could stem from their unsuccessful near four-year, slow-motion coup attempt, “trying by hook or crook to force our duly-elected president out of office,” Hindkeraker writes.
“We may well endure a post-election Hell of endless ballot judging and counting,” says Hinderaker. “The election is likely to be so beset with fraud, confusion and controversy that if President Trump wins, the Democrats will again allege that his victory was illegitimate and he not a ‘real’ president.”
WHILE THE LEFT SCHEMES, with fake news and dirty tricks, President Trump continues to be presidential, monitoring Covid-19 statistics, improving conditions for the return of the economy pre-pandemic, discussing public safety strategies with law enforcement groups, meeting with world leaders on peace deals (Israel/UAE and Serbia/Kosovo), and other issues, while finding time to make his case for reelection.
YOU’VE HEARD how President Trump persuaded other NATO countries to pay their fair share for defense, how he took us out of the costly Paris Accord, how he put a halt to the way China was taking us to the cleaners in trade deals, and how his trade team replaced NAFTA with the USMCA to improve our trade with Mexico and Canada.
There was a move within those trade negotiations that our business man president took that isn’t widely known. He cut the U.S. Chamber of Commerce out of trade negotiations.
For decades, former administrations allowed the Chamber to write trade agreement language. It would take payments from multinationals and write agreements to benefit them. Politicians were provided campaign donations to support the Chamber, the largest lobby in Washington.
“President Trump knew of the Chamber’s business model, and he never allowed them a seat at the ‘America First’ table,” according to a report in The Last Refuge. It was viewed as a multinational globalist organization structured to support Wall Street and destroy Main Street.
Stop and think about it for a moment. A U.S. entity, the Chamber, could be considered culpable in the losses we suffered in bad trade deals for decades.
As one might expect, the Chamber is fighting back by endorsing nearly two dozen House Democrats for reelection in open revolt, with money for Republican campaigns drying up.
Meanwhile, U.S. companies who have actual connection to a growing U.S. economy can succeed; based on the advantages of the new economic environment and Trump’s Make America Great Again policy, specifically in the areas of manufacturing, trade and the ancillary benefactors, according to The Last Refuge.
AN NFL EXTORTION REPEAT FOR ARIZONA? – I was a resident of Phoenix in 1991 when NFL owners voted to remove the 1993 Super Bowl from Phoenix when Arizona voters failed to make Martin Luther King Jr Day a paid holiday.
At the time, just three percent of the state’s population was black, but most of the players in the NFL were black. “I think it would be an affront to our public and our players if the game was played there,” commented Norman Braman, then owner of the Philadelphia Eagles and chairman of the site selection team.

In 1992, with a 62 percent approval vote, Arizona recognized MLK Day and the NFL paid off by awarding the state with the 1996 Super Bowl.
Now, as the Phoenix city council weighs a decision to allow the words “Black Lives Matter” to be painted on a main thoroughfare that passes a downtown sports venue, are they thinking about the 2023 Super Bowl scheduled for nearby Glendale?
Will the NFL, in bed with the BLM movement, force them to approve the street painting? And what about the NCAA … will they pull the Final Four tournament from Phoenix in 2024 if the BLM request is denied?
Phoenix city regulations currently prohibit such street painting, but a “pilot project” is under consideration.
It’s extortion, clear and simple.
HAVE YOU WONDERED, as I have, about those individuals arrested in Portland and other cities for rioting and looting?
I just learned of one person a 26-year-old man from Kelso, Washington, who was arrested in Portland four times in four weeks. He was arrested on August 5, and released on $5,000 bail, which was paid. He was arrested again on August 8, and released by a judge without bail. He was again bailed out for $5,000 after his arrest on August 23.

On September 2, he was transferred to federal authorities after his fourth arrest on August 30. If convicted in federal court, he could face a maximum of five years in federal prison, according to Andy Ngo and Mia Cathell, writing in The Post Millennial.
Need I remind you that it was leftist Kamala Harris, who Tweeted a plea for donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund to be used to bail out protesters who were arrested?
May God continue to bless the United States of America.