THE BIDEN-HARRIS LIARS – When people make a bold statement, you can take it to the bank, that’s their real position on an issue.
“There is no question, I am in favor of banning fracking,” Kamala Harris declared during a CNN town hall on climate change in September 2019.
“I support a New Green Deal,” she said, endorsing the proposed goal of 100 percent electricity from renewables, as she doubled-down behind Alexandra Ocasio Cortez’s radical plan.
During a July 2019 debate, Biden, responding to a question from CNN’s Dana Bash – “Would there be any place for fossil fuels, including coal and fracking in a Biden administration?” – “No. We would make sure it’s eliminated.”
“I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you. I guarantee you. We’re going to end fossil fuels,” said Joe Biden during a September 2019 campaign stop in New Castle, New Hampshire.
One would have thought a man with 47 years in politics would think twice before making such a statement. Surely, he remembers George H.W. Bush’s mistake of the 1988 Republican Convention … “Read my lips. No new taxes.”
At a February 2020 campaign appearance, Biden said three times that he was going to “get rid of” or “phase-out” fossil fuels
However, during a recent Pittsburgh stop, Biden emphatically stated, “I am not banning fracking,” and even accused President Trump of lying about his position.
Now, Biden and Harris are backtracking. Drafting a new position. Somebody got to them on the thousands of job losses in states they need to win.
“During your primary campaign,” CNN’s Dana Bash reminded Harris, “you said that you support a ban. Are you comfortable with Joe Biden’s position?”

Harris’ response was weak, sounding a lot like Hillary Clinton in 2016 when she threatened the coal miners. “We need to invest and put a significant investment in the good-paying union jobs that we can create around clean energy, around renewable energy.”
The media simply calls it “flip flopping.” It’s what candidates do. However, remember what I wrote above about making a bold statement. It’s what you really believe.
THEN THERE’S CHINA – In an obvious play to China, Biden referred to President Trump’s ban on travel to and from China as, “xenophobic” and “racist.” One month later, on April 3, 2020, he went on record as supporting the travel ban.
On May 1, 2020, during a campaign event in Iowa, Biden dismissed China as a potential threat to the United States. “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” he said in Iowa City, “they’re not competition for us.”
“You know, they’re not bad folks, folks,” he continued, “but guess what, they’re not competition for us.”
Just one month later, on June 11, 2020, Biden said China represented a “serious challenge” and sometimes a “real threat” to the United States. “We are in a competition with China. We need to get tough with China.”

In an effort to save face, Biden is now running campaign commercials touting a tough position on China. It won’t work, Joe. You may be stupid, but most of the voters are not.
While Biden continues to look foolish, President Trump has spent a significant portion of his presidency attempting to negotiate trade deals with China that more greatly benefits U.S. workers, while threatening them with higher tariffs.
In addition, President Trump has accused China of stealing trade secrets and technology, calling for some Chinese representatives to leave the U.S.
THEN THERE’S THEIR STANCE ON A VACCINE – By now, most people know about President Trump’s propensity to cut bureaucratic red tape. In an effort to expedite the development of a vaccine for Covid-19, he initiated Operation Warp Speed, and more than a dozen companies are working on development, with three firms in clinical trials.
Both Biden and Harris are making disparaging remarks about Trump and the vaccine, referencing their distrust of the president. More disinformation to sway the gullible among us? It’s their latest dirty trick. All while accusing Trump of politicizing the vaccine timing.
Officials at the NIH, CDC and the FDA aren’t about to approve a vaccine that hasn’t passed trials, and no firm, like Pfizer, Smith Kline Glaxo and others, would not knowingly put their companies at risk.
All of this should tell you something about these career politicians, Biden and Harris, swamp creatures of “old Washington,” where things have always been done at a snail’s pace.
BIDEN, THE MASKED MAN who thought his silver bullet was going to be a three-month-long nationwide mask mandate that would save 40,000 lives. He indicated that he would use his federal powers to force mask wearing if elected.
Kamala Harris dutifully said the mandate would be one of the administration’s first orders of business. When asked by NBC how that mandate would be enforced, Harris embarrassingly said, “nobody’s going to be punished … as responsible people we just have to do that right now.”
But now Biden has had time to learn that such a move would be unconstitutional. “Here’s the deal,” said Biden, “there’s a constitutional issue whether the federal government could issue such a mandate, so I wouldn’t issue a mandate.”
Instead, he said he would “plead” with people to wear a mask, which is what the president has been doing along with his other recommendations of distancing, hand-washing and sanitizing.
AND FINALLY, there’s the miscalculation of Joe Biden’s Kenosha meeting with Jacob Blake Sr., an anti-Semite follower of Louis Farrakhan, and Kamala Harris’ suggestion on CNN that “charges (against the police in the Blake shooting) should very much be considered … that there should be accountability and consequence,” while admitting she was not “in full possession of the facts of the case.” And she was an attorney general.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.