“IT’S THE ECONOMY STUPID” seems to havebeen replaced by “It’s the Suburbs Stupid” by the Democrats as the campaign for the presidency closes in on November 3, 2020.
The focus group-oriented Democrats have seemingly conceded that President Trump leads polls on the performance of the economy, but would have you believe the president is in trouble with suburban wives.
So, it was no surprise to hear Joe Biden say, “If we have four more years of Trump’s climate denial, how many suburbs will be burned from wildfires? How many suburban neighborhoods will have been flooded out? How many suburbs will have been blown away in superstorms?”

However, in doing so he’s actually insulting the intelligence of those suburban wives, the same wives who know the importance of a viable economy.
In effect, with Biden’s remarks, he promises fewer and less devastating fires, and promises to cut down on the floods and hurricanes, which he falsely attributes to climate change.
He speaks as if floods had never happened in the Midwest and hurricanes had never hit the East Coast before humans started burning fossil fuels,” writes Tyler O’Neil in PJ Media.
I was reminded of the words of Barack Obama, who claimed that with his 2008 nomination, it “was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal.” But by the time he left office in 2017, the rise of the oceans, though meager, did not slow and he was still forecasting the demise of earth.
MY PATHETIC LOCAL NEWSPAPER – Hardly a day goes by that I haven’t threatened to stop my subscription to the left-leaning Arizona Republic, but as I turn the pages, I see the wealth of material it provides me to enlighten you on the left’s lies and motives.
CLEAR EVIDENCE that the Arizona Republic has caved to the Black Lives Matter movement, sports columnist Greg Moore was given page one space to opine of his disappointment with the Miami Dolphins’ reference to their decision not to participate in “empty gestures” initiated by the NFL on behalf of Black Lives Matter.
I can understand how Moore, a black, would buy into the movement, but for the paper’s editorial board to put the Republic’s reputation on the line for this anti-police Marxist organization is mind-boggling.

If kneeling during the anthem is an empty gesture, that gesture “is changing the face of our nation,” writes Moore. He’s not only proud of the playing of the Black national anthem played before NFL games and those “end racism” end-zone graphics, but off the field, the taking down of historical monuments and statues all over the nation. Really something to be proud of?
He notes how corporate donations and pledges pour in to support initiatives and programs aligned with the Black Lives Matter social justice movement.
It’s pure extortion, the likes we haven’t seen since Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow/Push and the Rainbow Push Coalition of the nineties, followed by Al Sharpton’s National Action Network.

“How could the nation have moved so quickly toward tangible improvement without involvement from visible members of our society?” Moore writes.
Simple. Without extortion.
UNIVERSITIES ARE COMPLICIT by accepting Black Lives Matter’s insistence that systemic racism exists in our nation.
Sprited Sparrow in her tweet @RachelBock9 pulled back the curtain on the faculty at Arizona State University when she wrote: “My niece sent me this assignment that she is required to do at ASU. She must explain how she is doing “anti-racist” work because it’s presumed she’s racist. How is this allowed in a communications class? This has gone too far. This isn’t teaching. It’s political propaganda.”
Included was a copy of a lesson plan in which the student was to commit to a practice or idea around the inner work of anti-racism.
ON THE OPINION PAGE, the Republic’s lightweight editorial columnist, Elvia Diaz, shamed her own people, saying “it’s incomprehensible to see immigrants and leaders, like the head of a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, serving as Trump’s campaign prop to try to fool Arizona’s Latinos into voting for him.”
She went on to call them out by name, insulting their intelligence.
Shame on Diaz for not allowing them to think for themselves. They’re tired of the Democrat party’s assumption that their vote is only valid when they vote Democrat.
Meanwhile, Diaz chooses to ignore the failure of the Obama-Biden administration in 2008, and again in 2012, to pass a comprehensive immigration plan as was promised.
Instead, she continues to disparage President Trump’s effort to unite Latinos in his Make America Great Again campaign, falsely repeating the “children in cages” lie. By now, everyone has seen pictures of those “cages” built during the Obama-Biden administration. To again clarify, the “cages” were actually “room dividers” constructed of chain-link fencing, which allowed individuals, especially children, to be watched. Diaz knows that’s true, but “children in cages” sells for the leftists.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.