The Biden laptop saga … where is it going? … Cindy McCain’s commercial for Biden … NFL announcers for Harris-Biden … and the questionable politics of the Catholics

NEARLY A WEEK AGO, the New York Post, a reputable newspaper, broke a story revealing details they obtained from a laptop supposedly left for repairs caused by water damage.  It bore a sticker from the Beau Biden Foundation.

The Post published the contents of e-mails, including one, dated April 17, 2015, that alleges that Hunter Biden introduced his father, the Democrat candidate for president, to an advisor to the board of Burisma on which Hunter was a member. Another document intimated a payment percentage for the “big guy,” who some assume is the senior Biden.

The paper referred to it as a smoking gun because Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that he never discussed his Ukrainian business with his son.

Except for the New York Times, which has questioned the validity of the e-mails, the other leftist media outlets haven’t given it daylight.  Fox News Channel coverage has carefully followed libel law while informing its viewers of the news as it is breaking.

The Biden campaign, however, has refused to comment, and Joe Biden himself accused a CBS reporter covering his campaign of a “smear” tactic.

“The media will drag Joe Biden across the finish line if it’s the last thing they do,” write Jim Treacher in PJ Media.  “Every four years, I assume our moral, ethical, and intellectual betters in the press have stooped as low they can possibly stoop.”

The FBI has been silent on the laptop, which they have allegedly had in its possession during the period impeachment proceedings against President Trump were taking place.

However, in a statement from John Ratcliffe, director of National Intelligence, the suggestion that the laptop was part of a Russian disinformation campaign is “simply not true.”  It shoots down Rep. Adam Schiff’s claim that it was part of a Russian plan, to which Ratcliffe stated “there is no intelligence … to support Chairman Schiff’s statement that it “comes from the Kremlin.”

So, here’s the way I see it – unless the Post’s “blockbuster news” quickly becomes provable, this isn’t going anywhere before Election Day.  We will have another Clinton e-mail stonewalling that continues today. A number of American voters have already voted for Joe Biden, and more will do so unaware, or caring less, of his involvement in his son’s pay for access activity.

The president’s call for a special counsel to investigate prior to November 3, 2020 isn’t going anywhere.  The president needs to bring it up in Thursday’s debate, but knowing moderator Kristen Welker’s Democrat ties, it will likely turn into interruptions back and forth that could result in the president being muted.  And that could help the president.

SHE’S BAAACK – In my August 23, 2020 blog, I told you about the Arizona Republic’s banner headline over the story of Cindy McCain’s endorsement of Joe Biden, while claiming that she continues to be a Republican.

Now she’s back, featured in a Joe Biden campaign television commercial, obviously hoping to turn Arizona blue next month. 

She speaks glowingly of the friendship between her late husband and Biden; how they disagreed and would fight like hell on the floor, then go to lunch together.

She reminds us how they worked across the aisle, putting friendship and country first.  Is that what was on John McCain’s mind when he made his grand appearance on the Senate floor and made his ceremonious thumbs down to kill the effort to repeal ObamaCare?

“Biden will fight for the American people, just like John did,” she claims.  Really. Do those Americans, with median household incomes, want $6,500 less as estimated by the Congressional Budget Office states in its review of the Biden economic plan?

My money is on President Trump who, by his actions, not words, puts America first and keeps his promises.

I GUESS WE KNOW who NFL sportscasters Troy Aikman and Jack Buck support for president.  After Aikman was critical of the jet fuel used to do the flyover before the Packers-Bucs game, Buck joked about “your hard-earned money and your tax dollars at work.” 

“That stuff ain’t happening with Kamala-Biden ticket (note the order of Kamala-Biden), “I’ll tell you that right now, partner,” said Aikman.

Annoyed after hearing that, commentator Carmine Sabia tweeted to thank them for “showing us the way to a better future.  You know what else is a waste of jet fuel?  Joe Biden flying somewhere to talk to 7 people.”


The NFL has replaced patriotism with a misplaced admiration for the Black Lives Matter movement.

AN “ET TU BRUTE” CUNUNDRUM – On October 23, 2018, I devoted an entire blog to the subject of why the Jewish voter regularly favors the Democrat candidate. Will President Trump’s role in moving the Jewish capital to Jerusalem and his effort to bring about peace between Middle East nations and Israel, where Democrats have failed, make a difference in 2020?  Don’t hold your breath.

Now I learn that the EWTN News/RealClear Opinion Research poll found that 56 percent of Catholics support Joe Biden while 40 percent support Trump in a survey of 1,490 likely Catholic voters.

Try to make sense of this. The polls show that 78 percent are more likely to support the candidate who seeks to protect religious freedom, and are less likely to support the candidate who supports taxpayer-funded abortion (52 percent), and supports abortion at any time during a pregnancy (60 percent).  Yet, Biden’s their man?

And surprisingly, just 46 percent supported the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court, with 28 in opposition and 27 percent who don’t know.  Go figure.

May God continue to bless the United States of America.