Those People in the News Who Shouldn’t Be There


Topping my current list is New York’s delusional Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo, who said, “Santa’s going to be very good to me.  I can tell.  I worked hard this year.” 

Tell that to the families of those who lost loved ones in New York’s nursing homes, Governor, because you ordered those facilities to take in Covid-19 patients, while you had more than enough facilities – the Javits Center, the Mercy Ship, and the Samaritan’s Purse field hospital in Central Park – you could have used.

You had the gall to write a book about your handling of the pandemic, which was pathetic.  Despite your press conference assaults on President Trump, he expedited medical supplies for New York, providing much-need ventilators that you failed to have ready for such an emergency.  Then, to accept an Emmy for your leadership during the crisis, was unbelievable.

While New York was losing nearly 200 citizens for every 100,000 to Covid deaths, business bankruptcies mushroomed and people were moving out in droves as the state’s unemployment rate hit 8.4 percent, and New York City’s hit 12.1 percent.

But New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio needs to share the blame.

DANA NESSEL (photo Bill Bugliano/Getty)

DANA NESSEL, Michigan’s Democrat attorney general, tweeted that her son had been “devastated” when a store employee wished them a “Merry Christmas.”  Her son asked her if they were the only Americans who didn’t celebrate Christmas.

It suggests that Nessel hasn’t done a proper job of bringing up her son in a world that wishes people of their faith, Happy Hanukkah, without a second thought.

I wonder if Nessel, who once compared President Trump to Hitler, reviewed the holocaust with her “devastated” son.

JOY REID, who has used her anchor position at MSNBC to spout reckless and irresponsible racist comments about President Trump and Republicans in general, will teach a masters journalism class at Howard University as a visiting professor next year.

Ironically, and sadly, it was President Trump who provided funding to historically black colleges and universities at this time last year.

The course will focus in part on “digital information and Black voters and the racial roots of journalistic objectivity vs. fairness.

“It’s never been more important that journalists incorporate a thorough and honest historical context in our coverage,” Reid said.

DOUG EMHOFF, was able to land a job teaching a course on “Entertainment Law Disputes” at Georgetown University Law Center and serve as a Distinguished Fellow of the university’s Institute for Technology Law and Policy, thanks, in part, to his being the husband of Kamala Harris.

JEN O’MALLEY DILLON (photo Andre Chung/Getty)

JEN O’MALLEY DILLON, who has been serving as Joe Biden’s campaign manager, demonstrated just how the new administration would be pressing for unity rather than divisiveness when she told Glamour magazine that Republicans are a “bunch of f++kers.”

JOE BIDEN, too, is having difficulty with this “unity” thing, as he continues to assault President Trump for continuing his effort to determine illegalities in the election process.

“(Biden) attempted to rub salt in the wound, continuing to argue the case after he had already won it,” commented Joel Pollack in  “Biden doesn’t have it in him to unite the nation, nor can he restrain the radicals in his party who want vengeance.”


STEVE SCHMIDT, longtime Republican strategist who ran the late John McCain’s day-to-day operations in his failed 2008 presidential run, has apparently had an epiphany and recognized that he is really a Democrat.

After unsuccessfully trying to land a senior position on Trump’s 2016 campaign, he didn’t hesitate to turn on him.  “(He) failed to get the gig because Trump thought he was a ‘total idiot’,” wrote Stephen Green at PJ Media.

MITT ROMNEY, the Utah Senator who has an “R” behind his name, for RINO, continued to show his disdain for President Trump during an appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, during which he said his party had taken a “different course” from the GOP of old.

Romney spoke of the GOP he once knew as one that placed importance of character of its leaders.  Lamenting that most of his Republican Senators are “trying to become as much like Trump as they can be,” he admitted that he now represents a small slice of the party.


“Yes, Romney, the GOP has strayed from what you once knew,” the blog, Legal Insurrection, noted. “And for good reason.”

The blog reminded its readers of those “good old days” when Romney lost his presidential run to the most beatable incumbent president since Jimmy Carter.

AND FINALLY, PONDER THIS – Writing in Spectator, Charles Lipson, asks, “Who would want to be Joe Biden’s attorney general?”

May God continue to bless the United States of America.