An opinion editor for a major newspaper trashes Trump supporter neighbors who kindly cleared her driveway of snow. Tom Brady is called a racist because he outplayed Patrick Mahomes during Black History Month. And the Democrats are beginning their show trial impeachment of President Trump.

That’s just a taste of foolishness in the news. I was reminded of an item that appeared in a Villages Republican Club Facebook post sent to me by a friend that brought back a memory of the 1962 Broadway hit, “Stop the World, I Want to Get Off,” starring Anthony Newley. How many of you are beginning to feel that way?
Selected Excerpts from the Villages Post
“You can’t justify this insanity. We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind.
“We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.
“People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.
“People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.
News that Makes Us Feel the Way We Do

President Joe Biden hastily cancels the Keystone XL pipeline and pauses drilling on federal lands, with no consideration of the thousands of jobs lost and the loss of revenue for a number of Western states. He claims there will be replacement jobs in the clean energy; jobs paying half the wages they have been earning.
With Biden’s support in their back pockets, teacher’s unions in a number of major cities are keeping children out of the classrooms where they belong, knowing that he won’t order them to get teachers back to teaching.

Democrat Nancy Pelosi had no misgiving in naming Rep. Eric Swalwell as a House Impeachment Manager after her last decision permitting him to retain his membership on the House Intelligence Committee after being taken in by a Chinese spy.
Hearing the smarmy Rhode Island Democrat David Cicilline say, “there can’t be unity without accountability,” during the morning hearing to determine the constitutionality of the impeachment, sickened me.
I couldn’t help but recall my recent blog about the need for accountability for the actions of the Deep Staters who devoted four years to bring down the Trump presidency. And how FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith escaped prison after doctoring a FISA document that became costly for Carter Page.
Democrats Who Have Threatened Disorder
“I want to tell you, Gorsuch; I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price,” threatened Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer while the Supreme Court was considering an abortion issue.
Democrat Sen. Cory Booker told his audience to go to Capitol Hill and “get up in the faces of some Congress people. That’s my call to order. Please, get up in the face of some Congress people.”
After several Trump staffers were accosted in restaurants, Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters told her followers, “if you see anybody from the Cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd and you push back on them, and tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anyplace.”
If the president’s asking of his supporters to “peacefully and patriotically” march to the Capitol can be determined to be an “insurrection,” you must consider Schumer’s “you will pay the price,” as an order to criminally assault a Supreme Court justice, and Booker’s “get up in the face of Congress people,” an order to assault a Congressman in the Capitol.
Certainly, Water’s “create a crowd,” and “push back” pleas to face identifiable cabinet members in various places of business reflect an order to disrupt.
The View of the Wall Street Journal
“It is doubtful that Mr. Trump’s Jan. 6 remarks would qualify as incitement under the criminal code,” wrote the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal Tuesday. “In their single and sloppy impeachment article, (the House managers) accuse Mr. Trump of “incitement of insurrection. This is a stretch, not the least because Mr. Trump called on marchers to behave ‘peacefully.’”
When you consider why Pelosi didn’t turn over articles of impeachment while Trump was still president, and while there was just one poorly written article, it’s easy to see that the hatred of President Trump continues to be the Democrat’s single-most reason for the trial.
May God continue to bless the United States of America.