Trump Responds to McConnell’s Anti-Trump Remarks


AS I SAT DOWN TO WRITE, I decided to share with you the thoughts of Commentator Conrad Black, who predicts that “Trump will gain steadily in the polls coming up to the midterms next year,” suggesting that he will be quieter and more focused.

THEN CAME THE NEWSBREAK: “Trump lashes out at McConnell after post-impeachment comments.” The focus was there, on McConnell, but so much for “quieter.”

“The Republican Party can never again be respected or strong with political ‘leaders’ like Sen. Mitch McConnell at its helm, Trump opened.

“McConnell’s dedication to business as usual, status quo policies, together with his lack of political insight, wisdom, skill, and personality, has driven him from majority leader to minority leader, and it will only get worse.

“We know our America First agenda is a winner, not McConnell’s Beltway First agenda, or Biden’s America Last.”


CONRAD BLACK’S VIEW – “The principal reason that Trump lost the popular vote,” Black believes, “the electorate was exhausted of him.  He exuded a public personality that he thought was necessary to keep his followers behind him, but that offended the narrow majority of Americans who sought more dignity from their president.”

“A quieter, wiser, and more focused Donald Trump, Black believes, is infinitely stronger than his Republican opponents who spent the last four years either in hiding and scheming, or in tedious public agonies like Senator Sasse, about why they are still in the Republican Party,” commented Black.

Black took an appropriate slap at Sen. Mitch McConnell, prior to that of Trump:

“McConnell has come out of the closet: he regards Trump as a dreadful aberration and now the voters have apparently defeated him, the Republican’s should go back to the comfortable Tweedledum to the Democrat Tweedledee in which McConnell and his cronies wallowed comfortably throughout the post-Reagan, McRomBush years. – Conrad Black

I agree with the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal that “Mr. McConnell has spent the years since 2016 navigating the respect he owes the voters who elected Mr. Trump and the president’s profound character flaws,” but he was not loyal.

After declaring he would vote to acquit before the trial concluded, McConnell clearly went too far in his post-trial floor speech in which he stated that Trump bears the moral responsibility for the breach of the Capitol, and in doing so, he “established his credentials as a never Trumper by the obiter dicta in his remarks,” said Black.

As if that wasn’t enough, McConnell felt the need to repeat the charge in a Journal op-ed on Tuesday, still hoping to bury Trump’s political future and salvage his establishment party’s brand.

“(McConnell’s) floor speech was no quick tantrum: It was the last stupid moments of the minority leader’s plan to purge the GOP of Donald Trump,” opined Christopher Bedford, senior editor of The Federalist.

“Since Trump has by far the greatest following of anyone in American politics today and is in robust health, the serene predictions of his evaporation should not receive much credence,” Black concludes.

SOMETHING TO PONDER – An “insurrection” – unlike a riot, is an organized action for the express purpose to overthrow and take possession of a government’s powers.  Despite the deaths, injuries and damage done, does anyone really believe that the handful of thugs, who infiltrated an overzealous group of patriots, was capable of an “insurrection?”

In Other News

GOOD NEWS FROM WEST VIRGINIA – There are now about 448,900 registered Republicans, or 36.8 percent of all registered voters in West Virginia, according to figures released by the secretary of state’s office. 

That compares to about 444,600 registered Democrats, or 36.5 percent.  There are an additional 275,000 registered voters with no party affiliation.

Eleven counties switched from Democrat to Republican pluralities in 2020, giving Republicans 24 of the 55 counties.

Donald Trump won 68 percent of the state in 2016, and 69 percent in 2020.

While the state is served well by Republican Governor Jim Justice, Attorney General Patrick Morrisey and Sen. Shelly Moore Capito, the state’s senior senator is Democrat Joe Manchin, a smooth-talker, who toys with the GOP on some votes. Prior to the last impeachment trial, Manchin led us to believe he was looking at it with an open mind, but voted to convict as expected in the end.

TRUMP SUPPORTER Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana agrees with what I have been saying here. The left’s feeble impeachment trial, complete with Hollywood-style video’s, was designed to turn his 75 million faithful against Trump.

While the House managers tried to convince you that the trial was not about President Trump, and that it was about the integrity of the Constitution and the Senate, when it was his supporters they wanted to sour on Trump.

They wanted to associate the 75 million Americans who voted for him with those individuals who on January 6, 2021 broke the law, Johnson told Breitbart.  “They wanted to equate all of those people with the couple hundred criminals who came in and ransacked the Capitol,” Johnson said.

Hillary Clinton referred to you as “deplorable.” Now Pelosi, Schumer and company consider you a “criminal.” And our minority leader has now officially turned on those of us who see Trump as the leader of the party.

JUST FIVE SEATS AWAY from holding a majority in the House of Representatives, Republicans have released a plan to retake the House majority in 2022 by targeting 47 districts with vulnerable Democrats, including 29 that either didn’t support Joe Biden or supported a House incumbent by five points or less.

Democrats lost 11 seats in 2020, while the Republican picked up three open GOP seats while recording no incumbent losses.

May God continue to bless the United States of America