COMMENTARY: Fauci Calls Trump’s Help ‘A Game Changer’… Naivete of Republic’s Latina Columnist Surfaces Again

TRUMP URGES SUPPORTERS – During a prime-time Tuesday telephone interview on Fox News Channel with Maria Bartiromo, former President Trump urged Americans to get vaccinated to help fight the Covid pandemic. “I would recommend it,” especially urging those “who don’t want to get it … a lot of those people voted for me.”

While honoring the freedoms and personal decisions his supporters live by, the former president stressed that the vaccines are safe.

CONCERN OVER SKEPTICS – The White House learned that an NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist poll revealed that 30 percent of Americans revealed that they would not get a vaccine if it became available to them.  However, ABC News reported that President Biden and Dr. Antony Fauci appeared to be at odds whether former president Trump should be asked to urge his supporters to get vaccinated.

While Biden indicated that his team preferred to encourage Trump supporters through approaches to local doctors, ministers and priests, Fauci said he wished Trump would personally use his influence over supporters to encourage them to get the vaccine, suggesting, “it would really be a game changer if he did.”

How could Biden refute the recommendation of Dr. Fauci, who he recently called “one of the most distinguished and trusted scientists in the world today?”

Speaking of an Ad Council commercial featuring vaccination appeals by past presidents, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, “If former President Trump woke up tomorrow and wanted to be more vocal about the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, certainly we’d support that.”

Messages by other past presidents were taped at the inauguration, not attended by Trump, and reportedly he was not asked to participate in the production.

FLASHBACK – During a September 5, 2020 appearance on CNN, then candidate Kamala Harris was asked about taking a vaccine if it were approved. “I would not trust Donald Trump … I will not take his word for it.” Now they want his support.

CNN anchor Dana Bash asked Harris if she thought public health experts and scientists would get the last word on the efficacy of a vaccine, Harris responded, “they will not.  If past is prologue, they will not, they’ll be muzzled, they’ll be suppressed, they will be sidelined.”

However, Moncef Slaoui, the chief advisor on Operation Warp Speed and Dr. Antony Fauci, denied any pressure from the White House.

TALK ABOUT DISTRACTING AMERICANS – Elvia Diaz, the lightweight Latina editorial columnist and, incredibly, a member of the editorial board, of the left-leaning Arizona Republic, again proves just how out of touch she is when it comes to immigration.

Claiming that “(Minority Leader Rep. Kevin) McCarthy and his fellow Republicans have zeroed (in) on immigration as the next best thing to keep their base distracted,” after “going berserk” blaming the cancel culture for the attack on Dr. Seuss books, is ludicrous.

Unlike the liberal/progressive/socialist media that is silent on the crisis on the border, McCarthy and his fellow Republicans want it known what is happening down there on Biden’s watch.  The Biden administration has issued orders to Border Patrol members not to speak with the media, and the media has been prevented from seeing the interior of the detention centers. So much for the transparency and truth promised by Biden.

“No doubt, Biden has a real problem with the sheer numbers of unaccompanied minors,” Diaz writes as she mentions that “the White House mobilized the Federal Emergency Management Agency to help process the increasing numbers of minors arriving at the border.” With that, she still asks, “Is it a crisis yet?”

She was critical of the Republicans visiting the border, not to help Biden but for a “photo op to ramp up the ‘open borders’ drumbeat.” Of course, there was no mention of McCarthy’s earlier unanswered request of President Biden to meet on border issues.

Diaz could learn something by reading Jason L. Riley’s Wall Street Journal editorial column, “Biden Risks Losing Hispanics by Shifting Left on Immigration.”

Citing George Soros’ Center for American Progress, which stated that the party’s focus on progressive priorities costs Democrats support … especially Hispanics, Riley noted the decline in Biden support at the ballot box.

Asking voters whether they lean toward Biden or Trump, and then emphasizing the Democrat position on immigration has caused Biden’s share of support among Latino respondents to decline, according to Riley.

“Democrats who assume that decriminalizing illegal border crossings appeals to most Hispanics, and Republicans who assume that Hispanic immigrants are natural Democrats, are both wrong,” wrote Riley.

Now more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America