COMMENTARY: Biden Avoids the Media, But He’s Not Exactly Getting a Free Ride

ON THE BORDER – Preparing to board his helicopter, President Biden responded to a single reporter’s question regarding his plans to visit the border to find out what’s going on down there.  “At some time I will, yes,” adding “I know what’s going on in those facilities.”  Well, Mr. President … there’s a crisis down there; don’t you think it would be a good time to go down there?  Have you made time for Susan Rice to brief you on her March 7, 2021 visit to the border?

BIDEN’S APPROVAL RATING DIVES – A Rasmussen Reports survey revealed that Biden’s approval dipped from 52 to 49 percent, believed to be based on his handling of the border crisis.

The survey also revealed that two thirds of voters, 67 per cent, agree that the situation on the border is a crisis, and 53 percent believe Biden caused it with his policies and rhetoric.

Voters agree overwhelmingly, 65 percent, with the statement, “At no time is it right to break the law and come into the United States illegally.”

WITH THE REPORT that the Biden administration will spend $86 million to pay for hotel rooms to house illegals, the media asked the pathetic White House press secretary Jen Psaki why our National Guard soldiers have to sleep on parking garage floors in our nation’s capital.  “The president called the head of the National Guard and offered his assistance,” she responded.

IT’S PRETTY BAD when the White House found it necessary to instruct all federal agencies that there is no Biden administration; it’s the Biden-Harris Administration.

NO SURPRISE – When asked if the president was in touch with former President Obama, Psaki said that the two are in touch regularly, just as we all suspected would happen if Biden was elected, even though Obama didn’t endorse Biden in the primary.  Incidentally, of Biden’s 16 appointees, 12 are veterans of the Obama administration, according to Stacey Lennox of PJ Media.

I’D SAY THAT BIDEN IS BEING HAD – If you believe New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd, Biden admitted that in eight years, he and Jill were never invited to the Obama’s private digs in the White House, according to a review by Toni Williams in Victory Girls.

“The message was unmistakable,” Dowd wrote, “Biden was not part of the Obama entourage.  He was sort of goofball and windbag.  He was a member of the older, outmoded generation.

“The West Wing attitude was that Biden should simply be grateful that the Great Obama had handed him a ticket to ride.  Biden was viewed as a past-his-sell-date pol who needed the president’s guiding hand to keep Uncle Joe from making a fool of himself as vice president,” Dowd continued.

I’d say, Obama failed in that respect, too.

And in other news …

AMID THE REPORTS that America’s children are suffering greatly by the delay in getting them back in school; some say they have been set back two years.  Just what we want to hear when our children’s advancement in education is poor globally.

“We have to believe our children will recover emotionally and educationally,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers union, obviously in denial.  Even after a Biden administration gift of $122 billion from the so-called stimulus relief bill, the teacher’s union – which didn’t miss their payday – continues to hold taxpayers hostage.  Don’t expect Biden to tell Weingarten, ‘enough, get the teachers back to work now.’  The unions are in his pocket.

Teachers in South Dakota, Florida, Georgia and Utah have been working through most of the pandemic, but had their funding cut because of a change in the formula, according to Stacey Lennox of PJ Media.

ON TWO PREVIOUS OCCASIONS I have quoted remarks made by Bob Chanin, the general counsel of the National Education Association (NEA) upon his July 2009 retirement.  These excerpts need to be read again; especially by weak-kneed school board members and superintendents across the nation.

“(The NEA has been such an effective organization) not because of creative ideas … not because of the merit of our position … not because we care about children … and not because we have a vision of a great public school system for every child.

“(The NEA is effective) because we have power and we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year because they believe we are the union that can most effectively represent them; the union hat can protect their rights and advance their interests as education employees.”

CHANCES ARE GOOD that many Americans didn’t hear these stories on CNN and MSNBC.  It was interesting to note that since President Trump left office, CNN has lost about a million viewers a night on average and has suffered a 47 percent decline in the coveted 24-54 age group since November 2020, according to the Daily Mail.

AND FINALLY …  Ole Joe dumped the crisis on the southern border on Vice President Harris to solve.  Way to go, Joe.  You cause the chaos by encouraging illegals to come, and when it becomes a hot potato, you pass it off to Harris to straighten out.  Meanwhile, you have yet to nominate someone to head up the Border Patrol and ICE.

Of course, we know he made that announcement on Wednesday because he knew the crisis would be the first question out of the box in his first press conference on Thursday. 

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.