HOW MUCH MORE do you need to hear from the Biden administration to get you up off the couch and interested in doing something about it? We conservatives have been too passive for too long.
Hosting Fox’s Primetime News on Friday, Tammy Bruce devoted a significant amount of time to the need to fight back against the left’s quest for power, urging viewers to get involved.
I’m concerned that too many Americans see Biden’s proposed $4 trillion spending not affecting them. They hear about the wealthy picking up the tab for “American Families.” That Biden’s wish list will be funded by hikes in corporate tax rate, capital gains and dividend levies.
How many Americans understand Kimberly A. Strassel’s remark that all of this is “a dagger pointed at the heart of free enterprise.” Or Francis Menton’s reference to “A Human Wrecking Ball in the White House,” Biden’s unleashing of the federal government to solve all of our problems and bring about fairness and equity.
WHAT WE ARE UP AGAINST – Democrats are in control in Washington, and in addition to a gushing media, they have columnists like Peggy Noonan, who wrote of Biden’s state of the union address as that of a “well-meaning and peaceable man with a heart for the poor and a natural identification with working men and women.”
“In mostly plain words,” Noonan noted, “he painted historically high spending and taxing as a simple and legitimate attempt, one withing the boundaries of American political tradition, to increase the nation’s quotient of happiness.”

If you think Americans don’t believe that pap, here are the words of one, Peter Kienast in his letter to the editor of the Arizona Republic:
“Finally, a president who speaks and acts like a president! If President Biden can get enough Republican support to do half of what he outlined, he will have done 100 times more for the country than his predecessor.”
THANKS TO TUCKER CARLSON’S thorough dismantling of pollster Frank Luntz, perhaps he has awakened Republicans to Luntz’s covert attempts to soften their message. Long considered a Republican pollster, Carlson revealed Luntz’s ties to the left.
Luntz is known for conjuring his views of American opinion through focus groups he insists are made up of both Democrat and Republicans.
Coincident with my earlier reference to the passive nature of conservatives, Carlson noted, “for quite some time now we’ve wondered what was going on with congressional Republicans. There are a lot of nice people in the Republican Party, but the point of a political party is not to be nice. It is to represent the interests of its voters. That’s the only reason political parties exist. There is no other reason to have them except to represent their voters.
“Year after year, on issue after issue, the leadership of the Republican Party fail to do that. We know what Republican voters care about. Since they kept getting ignored, in 2016 they elected Donald Trump, just to make it incredibly clear what they cared about. If that wasn’t a wake-up call, nothing would be.
A lot of Republicans listen to Luntz. He was recently invited to the National Republican Congressional Committee policy summit in Florida, where he was asked to weigh in on hot topics. “And you wonder why you no longer recognize the party that you vote for,” commented Carlson.
If House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is a friend of Luntz, as Carlson remarked, I hope he will listen to Carlson’s advice. That goes for Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, too.
“Luntz manages to make pronouncements about the country and how the Republican Party should respond to it,” said Carlson, noting his close relationship with the left, including Joe Biden.
While Luntz is telling Republicans they need to be warm, kind and empathetic, Democrat leadership continues to rule the roost.
Our elected representatives and senators would be better off if they listened to their constituents, rather than Luntz’s focus group views, developed from his carefully crafted questions of them.
And, finally …

JOHN KERRY is my May Fool’s Day pick for “Fool of the Day.” Regular readers will recall that my wife and I celebrate the first day of each month, not just April 1, to recognize someone who has gone above and beyond to gain that recognition.
In addition to leaking sensitive information to Iran’s foreign minister, Kerry revealed his disingenuousness on climate change by holding millions of dollars in shares of oil and gas corporations while spewing the danger of fossil fuel emissions, not only to Americans, but members of the Paris Accord.
Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.