A Weekend of Quotable Quotes



I thought it made sense that George W. Bush accepted an invitation to speak at the 9/11 memorial service in Shanksville, Pennsylvania on the occasion of the event’s 20th anniversary.

Since leaving office, “W” has pretty much refrained from making political statements, often referring to the presidents’ “brotherhood.”

After recalling 9/11 in most of his speech, however, he strayed from his comment on those who would “hate us with such zeal” on 9/11, to say, “we have seen a growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders but from violence that gathers within.  They are the children of the same foul spirit.”

Was this intended to be a slap at Trump supporters who protested at the Nation’s Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the Defense Department’s current attempt to weed out extremists from the military?  I think so.

Then, stating that “so much of our politics has become a naked appeal to anger, fear and resentment.” Where was he when Trump was on the receiving end of that from the left?

We don’t need another RINO in our midst.


who plays war games on his Xbox could have given Biden the proper sequencing of a withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Begin by securing our seven air bases, including Bagram, as evacuation control centers.  Then, following the destruction of sensitive documents, begin the orderly evacuation of embassy personnel, other civilian employees and Afghan interpreters.

Load the billions of dollars-worth of weapons, ammunition, vehicles, aircraft and other equipment – including the helmets, night googles and uniforms the Taliban are now wearing – on cargo aircraft for transport to locations where they may be needed. 

Lastly, evacuate the troops. Incidentally, each soldier, Marine or sailor could have been assigned one of the thousands of rifles to carry out.

But our “genius” President Biden, while acknowledging that many Americans didn’t like the way the withdrawal was executed, foolishly said, “How else could you get out?”

If Defense Secretary Austin and Joint Chiefs Chairman General Milley are called before Congress to testify under oath on the advice they provided to Biden, it could be interesting.  

President Trump responded with, “The leader of our country was made to look like a fool, and that can never be allowed to happen.  It was caused by poor planning. Incredible weakness.”


In May, President Biden was riding high in the polls as Americans backed his handling of the pandemic, even though he did nothing that President Trump wasn’t doing and he was still supporting Dr. Fauci.

It was all talk, with statistics that sounded impressive, but surely went over the heads of John Q. Public, but the leftist media was there to make him look good. Forgotten was Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, the decision that produced vaccines in months rather than years.

“President Biden is riding a wave of approval as Americans overwhelmingly back his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.  Americans approve of his handling of the pandemic, with 71 percent giving him high marks,” reported an AP/NORC poll.

By July, that pandemic approval rating dropped to 66 percent, and dropped further to 54 percent in August, as the poll noted “storm clouds gathering over the Biden presidency.”

If the early criticism of his September 9, 2021 six-pronged Path Out of the Pandemic action plan is any indicator, we can expect that approval rating to dip even further.  It’s billed as a “comprehensive national strategy that employs the same science-based approach that was used successfully to combat previous variants of Covid-19 earlier this year,” and calls for mandates and fines for non-compliance.

“To have the president of the United States say that he’s been patient, but his patience is wearing thin, that’s not how the American people expect to be spoken to by our elected leaders. (He should) simply lead by example.” – Mike Pence, former vice president

Meanwhile, according to an NBC News poll, just 25 percent approve of the way he dealt with the crisis he caused in Afghanistan, but generally, voters are more concerned with domestic issues, making his handling of the virus important to him.  Incidentally, the dip in his handling of the economy is also of concern to the administration.

I’m sure Biden is also concerned over the recent CNN poll showing 69 percent of Americans are pessimistic about the current state of the country amid increasing worries over the pandemic, rising crime and the economy. Of note was the figure showing 54 percent of Independents have “soured” on Biden’s job performance.

“Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to “f” things up.  And you know who really doesn’t have it? Joe Biden.” – Politico, attributed to Obama by a Democrat


Opinion pieces on the future of the Republican Party, Trumpism and Trump, the man, have made the news this past week. 

“A hunger for him to serve again as president, even among his fans, is not conspicuous.  Mr. Trump has likely already decided he will be happy with just picking the next president, which explains the troop of hopefuls outside his door in Mar-a-Lago.” – Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. Wall Street Journal

Remember all of the criticism of the chaos in the Trump White House?  Jenkins noted that “American doesn’t feel noticeably less chaotic with him out of the picture.”

“It has become increasingly clear that Trumpism lives on in the GOP, and will for some time to come.

 “Some close to him think another presidential run is a near certainty. Mr. Trump has suggested he will make a decision after next year’s midterm elections.” – Gerald Seib, Wall Street Journal

Sieb notes that much depends on the midterm success of candidates he supports.

While reporting on a CNN/SSRS survey finding that 63 percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning Independents think Trump should be the leader of the GOP in The Hill, Michael Schnell states that “A majority of Republicans believe that former President Trump should be the leader of the GOP, they remain divided on whether or not the ex-president would be a strong candidate if he decides to wage a bid in the 2024 election.”


Here’s more evidence that President Biden will say anything to scare Americans on the threat of climate change.  In my September10, 2021 blog, I quoted him saying that storms were going to get worse and that we have to “listen to scientists,” and other experts, during his visit to flood damaged areas in New York and New Jersey.

However, in Bjorn Lonborg’s op-ed. “The World Is Getting Safer From Floods,” in the Wall Street Journal, he states that “the relative toll that floods take on the U.S. – in property and lives – has decreased over time.

Lomborg noted that the UN’s IPCC report reflected “low confidence in the human influence on the changes in high river flows on the global scale.”  So much for the Biden administration’s insistence that we can individually alter changes in climate.


A door-to-door canvas of voters in Arizona’s Maricopa County by an independent organization found extensive evidence of vote tampering in the count of mail-in ballots.

They found that 96,380 mail-in votes were cast under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the resident of the registration address or who were verified as having moved away prior to October 2020.  In addition, a large percentage of in-person voters also had mail-in ballots counted in the election.

See why the Democrats love mail-in ballots?

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.