Former “W” DOJ Attorney Critical of Attack on the Right


THE LIST OF “W” CRITICS has increased to include J. Christian Adams, who worked in the Department of Justice under the George W. Bush administration.


In his PJ Media column, “President George W. Bush Blew It in Shanksville,” Adams mocked Bush’s comparison of 9/11 and January 6, 2021, noting that the terrorists were guilty of mass murder, while the January 6, rioters were charged with “parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.”

Agreeing with columnist Byron York’s reference to Bush’s remarks as “jaw dropping,” Adams said, “Why is it that whenever President Bush spends his vast goodwill to engage the modern debate, he trains his fire at the right?  You would think he would remember what the institutional left did to him,” and how they are spending million of dollars to degrade the political discourse.

Adams recalls that “W” refused to fight back when they attacked him as president, believing that if you fight back, you legitimize the attack. “We have learned that isn’t true.”

Why do we hear Bush attack ‘nativists’ who want to enforce immigration laws more than the budding totalitarian culture, where we see those “foul spirits” now being nurtured in curriculums of our colleges and universities, including our military academies? Adams wonders.

Bush’s speech, now five days old, is still in the news, and the left is eating it up because it was aimed at Trump and his supporters. 

I think a lot of people are going to be talking about that for days to come.” – Paula Reid, CNN

Democrats are students of “Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals.”  They see Bush’s remarks against his own party are made for continued milking: Rule #8 – Keep the pressure on.  Never let up. Rule #10 – If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive. And the rule they use most often, Rule #12 – Pick the target (Trump and his supporters), freeze it, personalize it.  Go after people and not institutions, people hurt faster than institutions. Alinsky notes that this is cruel, but very effective.  Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.

Think it doesn’t work? A recent Rasmussen survey revealed that 57 percent of Democrat voters viewed Trump supporters as the most serious threat in the nation. 

I mentioned in a recent post that I would attempt to keep you abreast of what’s happening on the Trump front.  This is the first of those reports.


Regular readers may recall that from time to time I quote from the reporting of Salena Zito, an impressive grassroots journalist who writes for the New York Post and the Washington Examiner magazine.

In her recent Post piece, “Why Trump signs are mushrooming across the US a year after 2020 election,” she wrote of her travels in flyover country, recalling her interview with a Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania couple – Drew and Marlene Proctor – whom she met up in Keystone, South Dakota.  They had just logged more than 5,000 miles while traveling through 12 states on their honeymoon journey.

The couple recalled the Trump signs they saw everywhere. “And I mean everywhere, Drew said.  “They were in wealthy suburban neighborhoods, blue-collar middle-class towns.  You would see them in farm fields and painted on the sides of business.”

“Putting those signs up was their way of saying this is their new resistance,” said Paul Sracic, a Youngstown State University political science professor, who told of seeing signs in traditional Ohio Democrat counties, including Trumbull and Mahoning, two of the bluest.  He also saw them in blue counties of Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.  They are more dominant than in 2016.

“A Trump sign symbolizes a rejection of the status quo,” said Drew Proctor.

“The Proctors’ observations mirror my own,” wrote Zito. “After traveling thousands of miles from my home in Western Pennsylvania to Montana, and all parts between this summer, I saw Trump signs everywhere.  They declare they aren’t going anywhere and their passion remains intense.”

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.