Is a Remake of ‘Swamp Thing’ in the Works?


In my last blog post I cautioned you not to get excited over John Durham’s indictment of Michael Sussman, the lawyer who fed anti-Trump dirt to the FBI while hiding his connection to Hillary Clinton’s 2020 campaign.


From the slimy Washington swamp of political incest comes this slime from Just the News. No, it’s not a remake of “Swamp Thing,” not without Adrienne Barbeau.  It’s merely business as usual in Washington DC.

It appears that Judge Christopher Cooper, who will oversee the case of Sussman, not only has ties to leading Democrats, but his wife, Amy Jeffress, represents disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who oversaw the FBI’s Trump probe.

It was Page, and her lover, Peter Strzok, who worked to keep Trump from becoming president.

You may recall that the Sussman indictment came from his September 2016 meeting with FBI General Counsel James Baker, who was Page’s boss at the time.

Those Democrat ties

Both Cooper and Jeffress worked in the DOJ during the Obama administration.  He was a member of the 2008 presidential transition team.  Jeffress was former attorney general Eric Holder’s national security counselor.

Adding to the trail out of the swamp, Just the News reports that Attorney General Merrick Garland officiated at the Cooper-Jeffress wedding in 1999.  Oh, my.

That connection is important to note, as Garland was less than candid when he was pressed by Sen. Chuck Grassley in February on whether he would commit to allowing Durham to continue his probe.  “I understand that he has been permitted to remain in this position and sitting here today, I have no reason to think that was not the correct decision,” Garland said.  Hardly a full-throated, ‘yes, he should be permitted to present his indictments.’  Stay tuned.

There’s More.

Coincidentally, Matthew Continetti, in his recent piece, “Joe Biden’s Swamp,” in The Spectator, reports that “The world is a mess but the Swamp is as fetid as ever.  In Biden’s Washington, well-connected liberal Democrats in the influence industry have no problem enriching themselves.”

I have previously written about the Obama and Clinton retreads hired by Biden, but those are the most visible.  The Washington Post recently reported that at least five children of senior officials have been appointed to government jobs.

And, of course, we know how the Biden family has benefitted from Joe Biden’s positions.  A new book, “The Bidens: Inside the first family’s rise to power,” by Ben Schreckinger, chronicles their fortune-amassing in the Swamp.

Worth noting

“Seven out of 10 Americans feel shameful over President Biden’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan,” writes Paul Bedard in Washington Examiner, reporting on Rasmussen Report‘s latest survey, revealing that 70 percent agreed that the withdrawal was a “national humiliation.”  It included the fact that 56 percent of Democrats agreed.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.