Biden Leaves No Doubt … Phoenix Getting Hotter … Supreme Court Addressing Regulators … the USPS Says ‘No’ to Electric Vehicles


PRESIDENT BIDEN HAS LOST IT – During a meeting of his cabinet on Thursday, he announced that he’s sending Vice President Harris to Poland and Romania to show solidarity with Ukraine.

That, after she told reporters at the Munich Security Conference in Germany last month that Europe had enjoyed “peace and security” since the end of World War II, forgetting Soviet Excursions into Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the Cold War, the Balkan civil wars of the 1900s and Russia’s campaigns in Chechnya, Georgia and Ukraine under Putin.

At least, it appears that she knows where Ukraine is after hearing her impersonation of a grade school teacher during an appearance on the syndicated “Morning Hustle” radio program.

While she was asked to “explain the conflict in terms for people who don’t understand what’s going on and how this can affect the people of the United States,” it seems she took him literally.

What followed was a response she might have given to grade school students at Longfellow Elementary School in Scottsbluff, Nebraska (shown above).

Speaking slowly, Harris began with, “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe.  It exists next to another country called Russia,” she continued. “Russia is a bigger country.  Russia is a powerful country.  Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine.  So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything we stand for.”

If only Biden was concerned about the invasion on our southern border as he is of Russia crossing the border of Ukraine.

Don’t be surprised if, while in Poland, Harris asks to see some Polar Bears, and in Romania, a request to visit the Colosseum.

Yes, it Gets Hot in Phoenix, Arizona

I’ve lived in Phoenix and Scottsdale in 40 of the last 53 years of my life.  Yes, it gets hot in the summer. 

In the morning Arizona Republic, Jean Meiners writes about the “increase of carbon dioxide, along with other greenhouse gasses industrialized humans” have emitted into the atmosphere trapping heat.  She doesn’t account for the dust storms that fill the air during the monsoons that occur naturally.

Over the past five decades, she writes, “the average local summer temperature has increased by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit,“ with nine more days per year now when Phoenix logs a temperature over 110 degrees.

Not bad over 50 years.  She fails to mention the miles of heat-seeking concrete and asphalt added to the landscape.

As I wrote on August 3, 2021, in response to letter to the editor, it does get hot, but climate changes are cyclical.  I recall boarding a plane at Sky Harbor Airport on June 26, 1990 when the temperature hit 122 degrees.

I just knew Meiners would get to the latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and there it was in paragraph six. I won’t go into their findings as much of it has already been debunked.

The leftist Arizona Republic insists on spewing climate change scare tactics.  Why was Meiner’s March 2, 2022 piece with a banner headline of it’s own, necessary when it published another banner headline scare urging action on the facing page?

Stopping the Regulators

On a number of occasions, I have called your attention to the way bureaucrats in our various agencies are regulating our lives without the approval of Congress.

It runs through OSHA, CDC and others, but it is in the EPA that we see regulations that seem to hit closer to home to the average American.  Consider its Clean Air Act, and those Café standards that places miles per gallon requirements on our automobile manufacturers.

Agencies even rewrite laws to grant themselves immense powers of vast economic powers not specified by Congress.

This long-time power grab could get slapped down by the Supreme Court, where it is currently being considered. 

Defying the White House and the EPA

The U.S. Postal Service finalized plans to purchase up to 148,000 gasoline-powered mail delivery trucks, defying the Biden Administration’s program to go electric.

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy disregarded requests from the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the EPA to reconsider replacing the delivery fleet with at least 10 percent electric vehicles.

It’s considered a blow to President Biden’s pledge to transition the federal fleet to clean power.  Next to the military, the USPS has more vehicles than any other agency, accounting for nearly a third of federally-owned cars and trucks.

Now, more than ever … may God continue to bless the United States of America.